Top Items:

Reid: Roberts 'didn't tell us the truth' — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Friday that John Roberts misled the Senate during his confirmation hearings by pretending to be a moderate - and that the United States is now “stuck” with him as chief justice.
Power Line, Weekly Standard, The Sundries Shack, Fox News, Sweetness & Light and The Corner

Reid to liberals: Back off
Whiskey Fire, Salon, Washington Monthly, Taylor Marsh, The Note, Think Progress and Pennsylvania Ave.

Senators Get Nasty: “You're Good” ... “Your Wife Said The Same Thing” (VIDEO) — Marking up budget legislation can be a brutal affair, often beginning early and lasting long into the night. — But buried within the hours of debate in the Senate on Thursday is an exchange you'd be more likely …

Grassley: ‘Your Wife Said the Same Thing’ — Priceless. Chuck Grassley gets Kent Conrad good at Thursday's Senate Budget Committee markup. … Courtesy of the C-SPAN Video Library.

Conrad-Grassley Budget Sex Talk? Not. — Context, anybody? — We've been waiting for a media watchdog to weigh in, with one of its tsk-tsk emails about how big media organizations and others are misleading the public on a rather light exchange between Senators Kent Conrad and Chuck Grassley …

Touting Her Currency Conspiracy, Bachmann Insists: ‘This Is Not Michele Bachmann Being A Kook’ — Earlier this week, right-wing fanatic Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) started peddling false conspiracy theories that the world was moving toward a unified global currency — and that the U.S. might join …

Bachmann and Beck Double-Down on Currency Conspiracy Theory
Alas, a blog

Holbrooke Calls for “Complete Rethink” of Drugs in Afghanistan — This morning, after President Barack Obama unveiled his new Afghanistan policy, three senior administration officials held an on-the-record (but no cameras) briefing for White House reporters.

What Obama Couldn't Say About Af-Pak
Alex Conant, The Politico, Matthew Yglesias,, The Daily Dish and Political Punch

ShamWow Guy In Slap, Chop Bust — TV pitchman battered hooker in South Beach hotel room brawl — Meet Vince Shlomi. He's probably better known to you as the ShamWow Guy, the ubiquitous television pitchman who has been phenomenally successful peddling absorbent towels and food choppers.
The Huffington Post, The Other McCain, WalletPop Blog, Gawker,, Gateway Pundit and Pat Dollard

BREAKING: UPS Announces It Will Stop Advertising On Bill O'Reilly's Show — In response to our Stop Supporting The O'Reilly Harassment Machine campaign, UPS told us yesterday that it was investigating whether to continue supporting O'Reilly's show. “We are sensitive to the type …

Kansas doctor acquitted in late-term abortion case — Dr. George Tiller was charged with violating a Kansas law that requires an independent second opinion on late-term abortions. A six-person jury found Tiller not guilty on all 19 counts. — Reporting from Wichita …

Jury Finds Kan. Doctor Not Guilty in Abortion Case — WICHITA, Kan. (AP) — One of the nation's few late-term abortion providers was acquitted Friday of misdemeanor charges stemming from procedures he performed, but moments after the verdict was announced the state's medical board announced …

Transcript of Interview With White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs — Welcome to Voices Of Power, we are here at the White House with Press Secretary Robert Gibbs. Thank you for joining us Robert. — MR. GIBBS: How are you? — MS. ROMANO: I'm good. And we are delighted that you can join our series Voice of Power.
PoliBlog, Sister Toldjah, The Swamp, Washington Monthly, Balloon Juice, Alex Conant, BeltwayBlips and

‘FAST’ FLARE-UP RATTLES CNBC — THERE was high drama at CNBC yesterday as “Fast Money” anchor Dylan Ratigan quit — sources say today will be his last day on-air — and an insider is blaming his battles with network big Susan Krakower. — Krakower — the VP for strategic programming …

God Bless Bill Maher — And now, the award for best critical thinking by a television news commentator. The nominees are (Drumroll): Bill Maher . . . and that's the only nominee. He wins. — I watched Mr. Maher this weekend (March 20) on HBO's “Real Time with Bill Maher.”

Obama on Afghanistan: Disappointing — 27 March 2009 — President Obama has just spoken on AfPak. I closed my eyes and listened closely to his words, coming via the BBC from the other side of the world. — The President's words were disappointing. He talked about our goal to reach …

Conservatives embrace the Snuggie — “Never let it be said that conservatives and libertarians have no sense of humor,” says Americans for Tax Reform's Derek Hunter, who's been doing his best to photograph fellow conservatives sporting the trend of the moment: the Snuggie.

Sundwall endorses Murphy — Libertarian congressional candidate Eric Sundwall has endorsed Democrat Scott Murphy. — In a letter to supporters posted on his campaign website, Sundwall writes, in part: — Faced with the prospect of spending much of the rest of campaign on the witness stand …

The ‘Freedom Tower’ Name Roars Back — For more than a year, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey had been quietly backing away from the name “Freedom Tower” for 1 World Trade Center, not so much eliminating the coinage (by Gov. George E. Pataki) as lowering its profile.
Gothamist, Riehl World View, Runnin' Scared, NY Daily News, protein wisdom, The Mahablog and JammieWearingFool

“How do you spell hypocrisy? S.E.I.U.” — “How do you spell hypocrisy? SEIU!” — That was the chant today in front of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). The SEIU “broke their union contract,” and laid off 75 unionized staff members. Those workers picketed the union today …

Missouri Highway Patrol retracts controversial report on militia activity — The Missouri Highway Patrol this week retracted a controversial report on militia activity and will change how such reports are reviewed before being distributed to law enforcement agencies.

On Spending and the Deficit, McCain Was Right — Barack Obama used to get very upset about federal budget deficits. Denouncing an “orgy of spending and enormous deficits,” he turned to John McCain during their presidential debates last fall and said, “We have had, over the last eight years …
Rasmussen Reports, Power Line,, New York Post, Reason and AmSpecBlog

THE RNC POLLS ITS SUPPORTERS.... The Republican National Committee emailed a survey to its supporters this morning. The questions are broken up into two categories: “Domestic and Social Issues” and “Homeland Security and Defense Issues.” — Of course, the wording a survey uses can have some influence on the results.

Obama on Pot: Har Har Har, The Joke's On You! — At yesterday's super-excellent online intertubes Town Hall meeting, admitted pot user President Barack Obama drew his biggest laugh with his comments about legalizing marijuana: … Ha ha ha. Very funny. Not. Especially given two recent developments.
The Other McCain

Why Not Arbitrary Limits on Executive Pay? — Josh Marshall, in the course of making rather a different point, says: … Some people, as I understand it, just don't think inequality is a problem. But for the egalitarians among us, I've never really understood the view that obscene executive compensation …

Brazilian President Says Credit Crisis Caused by ‘White People With Blue Eyes’ — Brazil's President, while meeting with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown Thursday, said the global financial crisis was caused by “white people with blue eyes.” — Luiz Inacio Lula da Silvamade made the comments …