Top Items:
The media's giftgate — I know, my head hurts, too, reading the ‘coverage.’ (I'm waiting for some reporter to combine the gift ‘story’ with a detailed description of what Michelle Obama was wearing when she gave the Queen of England the gift.) — Aside from the fact that key facts …
The Queen and Mrs. Obama: Did the First Lady Break Protocol? — Michelle Obama with Queen Elizabeth II during an audience at Buckingham Palace — The rules are set in stone and so the eagerly watching British media sputtered when the First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama …
Protocol is abandoned as Michelle Obama cosies up to Queen — Protocol seems to be dispensed with when the Obamas come to town. — When the President and his wife, Michelle, attended a reception at Buckingham Palace, the First Lady and the Queen slipped their arms around each other towards the end of the evening.
The Swamp, Associated Press, On Deadline, Power Line, Washington Post, Fox News, Jules Crittenden and Gateway Pundit
Michelle Obama's Favorable Rating Eclipses Her Husband's — Both president and first lady are quite popular — USA - Favorability - Government and Politics - Presidential Ratings - The Presidency - Americas - Northern America — PRINCETON, NJ — Americans have very positive impressions …
Comments from Left Field, Washington Wire, Althouse, The Swamp and The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Michelle's recovery — The newest Gallup numbers show Michelle Obama …
Obama bows down to Saudi King (updated) — I am quite certain that this is not the protocol, and is most unbecoming a President of the United States. — Update: See Miss Manners on the protocol. Americans do not bow to foreign monarchs because that act signified the monarch's power over his subjects.
Fausta's Blog, Flopping Aces, Jihad Watch, Moonbattery, PoliGazette, Commentary and Babalú Blog
The President Is ‘Keeping Score’ — Chicago politics has moved into the White House. — “Don't think we're not keeping score, brother.” That's what President Barack Obama said to Rep. Peter DeFazio in a closed-door meeting of the House Democratic Caucus last week, according to the Associated Press.
Gingrich warns of third party in 2012 — (CNN) — Former House speaker Newt Gingrich is warning of a third party mutiny in 2012 if Republicans don't figure out a way to shape up. — “If the Republicans can't break out of being the right wing party of big government, then I think you would …
Dodd Falls Way Behind As Approval Drops To Lowest Ever, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; Voters Are Angry At AIG Bonuses And Blame Dodd — Connecticut Sen. Christopher Dodd trails former U.S. Rep. Rob Simmons, a possible Republican challenger, 50 - 34 percent in the 2010 Senate race …
CBS News, The Fix, FiveThirtyEight, Scorecard's Blog, The Atlantic Politics Channel, Clusterstock, The Politico, MyDD, Swing State Project, AmSpecBlog, Hot Air, Washington Wire, TPMDC, Poll Tracker, Hotline On Call, The Washington Independent, Taegan Goddard's …, The Strata-Sphere, Don Surber and Wake up America
Sources: Blagojevich indictment today — The U.S. attorney's office in Chicago says that later today it is announcing developments in a “significant criminal matter.” Sources familiar with the situation said the announcement is expected to be the indictment of former Gov. Rod Blagojevich and others on corruption charges.
Judge: Bagram prisoners can challenge detention — Featured Topics: - Barack Obama - Presidential Transition — WASHINGTON - A federal judge ruled Thursday that some prisoners in the war on terror can use U.S. civilian courts to challenge their detention at a military air base in Afghanistan …
Glenn Beck: I was wrong. We're not marching to socialism, we're marching toward fascism. — For almost a year, Glenn Beck has been warning with increasing panic that America is headed toward socialism. Tonight, he issued a correction: “They” are not marching the United States toward socialism, Beck explained, but actually fascism:
The Huffington Post, PoliBlog,, Matthew Yglesias, AMERICAblog News and MoJo Blog Posts
Cantor: Feds ‘overreacting’ to crisis [UPDATED] — GOP Whip Eric Cantor thinks his party can retake the House in next year's midterm elections — and accused Democrats like Rahm Emanuel of “overreacting” to the economic crisis by embarking on a federal spending spree.
Washington Monthly, The Plum Line, Matthew Yglesias, Firedoglake, AMERICAblog News, TPMDC, Oliver Willis and Blog
The Myth of 90 Percent: Only a Small Fraction of Guns in Mexico Come From U.S. — While 90 percent of the guns traced to the U.S. actually originated in the United States, the percent traced to the U.S. is only about 17 percent of the total number of guns reaching Mexico. —
Department of awful statistics — Every time you find yourself saying that there must be some causal relationship between two strongly correlated variables, you should go back and look at this graph: — As Atlantic Business contributor Derek Lowe, from whom I stole that graph, notes,
Matthew Yglesias
With charges dropped against Stevens, Alaska GOP now calling on Begich to resign. — Yesterday, Attorney General Eric Holder said that he was asking a judge to drop all charges against former Alaska senator Ted Stevens because of prosecutorial misconduct by Justice Department lawyers.
Public Knows Basic Facts About Financial Crisis — More Know Unemployment Rate than Dow Average — The latest Pew Research Center News IQ survey finds the American public reasonably well-informed about a number of basic facts pertaining to the current economic situation.
The Naive Opposition — Ezra Klein, on Paul Ryan's alternative budget: … I understand what he's getting at, but this phrasing makes it sound like the House Republicans' budget is an exercise in cynicism and partisan political calculation - which is exactly the wrong way to look at what's going on with the House GOP.
Robert Groves Nominated to Head Census — In the survey world, this is very big news (from AP via The Page): … It is something of an understatement to describe Robert Groves as “an expert in survey methodology.” He is one of our nations' most respected survey methodologists and arguably …
White House Corrects Conference Call Number After Directing Reporters to Sex Line — In a press release, the White House accidentally listed a phone sex number for journalists seeking an “on-the-record briefing call with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and National Security Advisor Jim Jones to discuss the NATO summit.”
Bricka Bracka Firecracker, Sis Boom Bah! — The century-old Russell Senate Office Building, a palace of marble and granite where lawmakers have examined everything from the Titanic to Watergate, is not ordinarily a spot for political rallies. But these are not ordinary times.
New Accounting Rules for Mortgage-Backed Securities — WASHINGTON (AP) — The board that sets United States accounting standards is giving companies more leeway when valuing assets, a potential lift to battered banks' balance sheets. — The independent Financial Accounting Standards Board voted …
Felix Salmon
Police were attacked as they helped dying man at G20 protests in City — Police officers came under attack while they tried to help a dying man at the G20 protests in the City last night. — The victim was found by a member of the public unconscious in the street near the Bank of England just before 7.30pm yesterday.
Former AIG chief says bailout ‘failed’ — Former AIG CEO Maurice “Hank” Greenberg says the bailout has “failed” and he's proposing a 10-point alternative focused on saving, not breaking apart, the mega-insurer. — Greenberg will reveal his plan during a hearing before the House Oversight …
Bozo the VP strikes again — Obama/Biden administration rule of thumb: Every last bit of the current economic disaster is Bush's fault. Any sign of recovery as a result of government action is thanks to Obama/Biden — even if it was Bush who authorized the program. — Bozo the VP shows you how it's done:
Romney breaks with GOP on the issue of deregulation — Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) said Wednesday that his party needs to take a fresh approach to government regulations in the wake of the economic crisis that has rattled the U.S. and world economies.