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GOP Know-Nothings Fought Pandemic Preparedness — When House Appropriations Committee chairman David Obey, the Wisconsin Democrat who has long championed investment in pandemic preparation, included roughly $900 million for that purpose in this year's emergency stimulus bill …

Swine Flu: Is Matt Drudge a National Hero? — Over the weekend, you probably read something about Swine Flu, the new deadly porcine super-epidemic that's going to kill us all. But, depending on where you get your news, you saw very different types of coverage.

Obama: Swine flu no ‘cause for alarm’ — In the midst of a government-declared public health emergency involving “emerging cases” of swine flu, President Barack Obama said today that he is closely monitoring a situation that poses no cause for alarm. — At the same time …
The Politico

Cantor, Obama let sparks fly — House Republican Whip Eric Cantor returned from spring break determined to shed the “Dr. No” tag Democrats have hung around his neck — only to find himself in a face-to-face argument with the president over who started this year's rift with the House GOP.

Summers Says U.S. Economy to Decline ‘For Some Time’

Pelosi playing defense on torture — Nancy Pelosi didn't cry foul when the Bush administration briefed her on “enhanced interrogation” of terror suspects in 2002, but her team was locked and loaded to counter hypocrisy charges when the “torture” memos were released last week.

CIA “Whistleblower” Told Hastert About Suppression of Harman Wiretap

Money for Nothing — On July 15, 2007, The New York Times published an article with the headline “The Richest of the Rich, Proud of a New Gilded Age.” The most prominently featured of the “new titans” was Sanford Weill, the former chairman of Citigroup, who insisted that he and his peers …

Geithner, as Member and Overseer, Forged Ties to Finance Club — Last June, with a financial hurricane gathering force, Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr. convened the nation's economic stewards for a brainstorming session. What emergency powers might the government want at its disposal to confront the crisis? he asked.
The Big Picture, naked capitalism, The Baseline Scenario, Clusterstock, AMERICAblog News, Paul Kedrosky's …, Economix and Eschaton

Thain Fires Back at Bank of America — John Thain figured seven months ago that he was just one rung down the corporate ladder from becoming chief executive of the largest consumer bank in the U.S. Now, he is trying to climb back from the professional disaster that followed.

Busting Bank of America — A case study in how to spread systemic financial risk. — The cavalier use of brute government force has become routine, but the emerging story of how Hank Paulson and Ben Bernanke forced CEO Ken Lewis to blow up Bank of America is still shocking.

New FAS-FAX Shows (More) Steep Circulation Losses — NEW YORK The Audit Bureau of Circulations released this morning the spring figures for the six months ending March 31, 2009, showing that country's largest metros continue to shed daily and Sunday circulation, now at a record rate.

Obama team reverses union transparency — Finance reporting rules deemed too onerous for labor leaders — The Obama administration, which has boasted about its efforts to make government more transparent, is rolling back rules requiring labor unions and their leaders to report information about their finances and compensation.

More Atheists Shout It From the Rooftops — CHARLESTON, S.C. — Two months after the local atheist organization here put up a billboard saying “Don't Believe in God? You Are Not Alone,” the group's 13 board members met in Laura and Alex Kasman's living room to grapple with the fallout.

Say Yes. What Are You Waiting For? — Spring is here, that glorious season when young men's fancies lightly turn to thoughts of love, as the poet Tennyson once suggested. “Lightly” is right. — The average age of American men marrying for the first time is now 28.

Shortage of Doctors Proves Obstacle to Obama Goals — WASHINGTON — Obama administration officials, alarmed at doctor shortages, are looking for ways to increase the supply of physicians to meet the needs of an aging population and millions of uninsured people who would gain coverage under legislation championed by the president.

Conservatives warn of ‘government control’ — The latest from Conservatives for Patients Rights — which says it's putting $1 million behind the spot — warns that “government control” of patients choices is buried in the stimulus. — The ad is an attempt to hit changes …
The Note