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Biden says avoid planes, subways; puts out clarifying statement — Vice President Joe Biden said Thursday that he would not recommend taking any commercial flight or riding in a subway car “at this point” because swine flu virus can spread “in confined places.”
The Swamp, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Sundries Shack, Glenn Thrush's Blog, The Huffington Post, Radio Iowa,, Hot Air, protein wisdom, The Other McCain, Pajamas Media, Right Wing News, Indecision Forever, Time, Guardian, Washington Monthly, Pundit & Pundette, JustOneMinute, Ben Smith's Blog and Michelle Malkin

W.H. issues advisory after Mexico trip — The White House is issuing a health advisory outlining “protective measures” to anyone who traveled on President Barack Obama's trip to Mexico, after a member of the U.S. delegation is suspected of contracting the swine flu strain on the trip.
Hot Air

Condi Rice Pulls A Nixon: When the President Does It, That Means It is Not Illegal — Condoleezza Rice was recently speaking at Stanford when students asked her an excellent question on waterboarding and torture. They have her answer on tape and it isn't pretty. Condi Rice absolutely pulls a Nixon.
Washington Monthly, Think Progress, Library Grape, At-Largely, JONATHAN TURLEY, The Daily Dish and Emptywheel

Donors demand refund from Specter — Political switch gets expensive as lawmaker's support shrinks — Sen. Arlen Specter's switch to the Democratic Party is prompting his campaign donors large and small to demand their money back, including several Republican senators whose political …
Politics Daily, Top of the Ticket, RedState, No Sheeples Here! and No More Mister Nice Blog

Grassley eyes top Republican post on Judiciary Committee
Washington Wire

Chrysler to file for bankruptcy — Some lenders refuse offer to reduce debt, leading to likely bankruptcy filing. But Chrysler expected to remain in business and complete deal with Fiat. — NEW YORK ( — Chrysler LLC is going to file for bankruptcy, an administration official confirmed to CNN Thursday.

Chrysler Bankruptcy Plan Is Announced — DETROIT — Chrysler, the third-largest American auto company, will seek bankruptcy protection and enter an alliance with the Italian automaker Fiat, the White House announced Thursday. — The bankruptcy case, which officials envisioned as a swift …
Matthew Yglesias, Undiplomatic, Room for Debate, James Fallows, DealBook, The Page and MoJo Blog Posts

Palin and the bear — Coming soon to a cable TV station near you: TLC just released a YouTube video of a recent interview with Sarah Palin that has an unfortunate image of the Governor relaxing on a bear rug in her office. Seriously: — I've defended Sarah Palin after recent media criticism.

Sarah Palin to Appear on American Chopper
Z on TV,, The Mudflats, Moe Lane, Don Surber, KIKO'S HOUSE, and Michelle Malkin

Obama and Churchill — Obama followed Bush last night in using Winston Churchill as his example of a war president: — “I was struck by an article that I was reading the other day talking about the fact that the British during World War II, when London was being bombed to smithereens …

Win By Losing? — Via Ed Kilgore, Ed Rogers from the Reagan and H.W. Bush administrations makes the point that it's basically never good to lose a Senator: … I do think it's always worth considering an alternative. I think it's very possible that Democrats could “gain so much power” …
Liberal Values

Scientists see this flu strain as relatively mild — Genetic data indicate this outbreak won't be as deadly as that of 1918, or even the average winter. — As the World Health Organization raised its infectious disease alert level Wednesday and health officials confirmed the first death linked …

Changing Views on Gay Marriage, Gun Control, Immigration and Legalizing Marijuana — ABC News-Washington Post Poll: 49 Percent Support Gay Marriage, New High — Support for gay marriage, legalizing illegal immigrants and decriminalizing marijuana all are at new highs.

Elizabeth Edwards write about husband's affair in book … Campaign cad John Edwards' cheating ways made his wife, Elizabeth, sick to her stomach - literally. — After the former presidential hopeful confessed his betrayal, Elizabeth Edwards writes in her new book, “I cried and screamed, I went to the bathroom and threw up.”
Fox News, The Note, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, CBS News, Politics Daily, Democracy in America, The Swamp, Perez Hilton and Raw Story

No Racial Gap Seen in '08 Vote Turnout — The long-standing gap between blacks and whites in voter participation evaporated in the presidential election last year, according to an analysis released Thursday. Black, Hispanic and Asian voters made up nearly a quarter of the electorate, setting a record.
Ta-Nehisi Coates

The Threat Of Christianism — “There is no position on which people are so immovable as their religious beliefs. There is no more powerful ally one can claim in a debate than Jesus Christ, or God, or Allah, or whatever one calls this supreme being. But like any powerful weapon …

Gates Hints That Detainees May Be Held on U.S. Soil — WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates suggested on Thursday that as many as 100 detainees at the prison at Guantánamo Bay in Cuba would end up housed on American soil. — At a hearing of the Senate Appropriations Committee …

“Lie to Me” Tops Obama News Conference — Just In: FOX, the only one of the Big Four networks that did not carry Pres. Obama's news conference last night, finished first in the 8pmET hour with a new episode of “Lie to Me.” The drama averaged 7.9 million Total Viewers, according to Nielsen overnights.

Calling Spades — Let me precede what I am about to say by noting that I've written some of what follows before. But I think it bears repeating, and so with that in mind, I offer this: — Yesterday somebody asked if I'd comment on the following passage from Byron York: