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Jack Kemp, football star and politician, dies — WASHINGTON - Jack Kemp, the former pro quarterback who turned fame on the gridiron into a career in national politics and a crusade for lower taxes, has died of cancer at age 73. — Family spokeswoman Marci Robinson said Kemp died shortly …
The Foundry, Israel Matzav, Commentary, The Next Right, Outside The Beltway, TigerHawk, No Sheeples Here! and American Power

Jack Kemp, all-star quarterback, politician, father, dead of cancer, 73 — Jack Kemp, the all-star college and pro quarterback who went on to serve nine House terms, as secretary of Housing and Urban Development and as Robert Dole's VP running mate on the 1996 Republican presidential ticket, died this evening.
The Volokh Conspiracy

Ex-Official Championed Housing, Tax Reforms — Jack Kemp, 73, a star quarterback with the Buffalo Bills who became a spokesman for supply-side economics, a secretary of Housing and Urban Development and a candidate for high national office, died yesterday at his home in Bethesda.

Condi Rice sticks it to the Stanford bleeding hearts — Condoleezza Rice, Guantanamo Bay, torture, — If ever you needed further proof of the “person of color” America really needs in charge right now, I urge you to watch this fabulous YouTube footage of the magnificent Condoleezza Rice …

As Leftists Mock and Belittle Carrie PrejeanShe Becomes More Popular Than They Can Possibly Imagine — Welcome Instapundit Readers!! — To see just how far discourse on controversial social issues has declined in our culture, all you need do is watch a few liberals take on Carrie Prejean …

David Shuster destroys NOM's Brian S. Brown over their misleading ad against gay marriage — You can view this video right here by getting the latest version of Flash Player! — David Shuster exposed the distortions being used by NOM's Brian S. Brown over the issue of gay marriage.
Politics Daily

U.S. Workers' Wages Stagnate As Firms Rush to Slash Costs — In December, Timothy Owner, a trombone player with the Virginia Symphony Orchestra, called his landlord to tell her he might have trouble paying rent around May. He and the orchestra's 53 other full-time members …

Depression Scares Are Hardly New — WHAT is the chance that the current downturn will morph into another Great Depression? That question has been preoccupying people for months. — The popular mood has a huge impact on the economy, so it's worth noting what many people seem to forget: Depression scares come and go.
Calculated Risk

Bob Barr: GOP in ‘very deep trouble’ — (CNN) — Former Georgia Rep. Bob Barr said Saturday it's hard to “overestimate the damage” that's been inflicted on the Republican Party — not only with this week's defection of Sen. Arlen Specter, but also the “lack of any coherent philosophy, vision or leadership.”

Profiles in Courage — I continue to feel that the House GOP's impressive level of partisan unity hasn't been explored to the extent that it should. You often hear it explained with reference to the fact that most members have uncompetitive, very conservative districts. Which is true enough.

Va. Candidate McAuliffe Has History of Mixing Business, Politics — Terry McAuliffe has a simple message for Virginia: Elect him governor this year and he will bring jobs, because he has more business experience than anyone else in the race. — Yet McAuliffe's business pedigree is not so simple.

President Obama, Speaker Pelosi, and Others Owe 1.2 Million Tea Party Patriots Apology — The following statement was issued this afternoon by Jenny Beth Martin and theTea Party Patriots, a national organizing effort created following the April 15 Tea Party protests:

Ben Nelson bows to the insurance industry — Ben Nelson came out today against a public health insurance option: (via CQ, no link) … The company Nelson finds himself in is laid out clearly: business, the insurance industry, and Republicans. Of course, this isn't surprising, considering his campaign donation history.