Top Items:

Hatch: W.H. may reveal name this week — After talking to President Barack Obama on the phone today, Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch says he believes the White House will move swiftly on its Supreme Court nominee, perhaps making an announcement by the end of this week.

Sessions to take over top GOP slot on Judiciary — Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) will take over the ranking member position on the Senate Judiciary Committee after striking a deal with his more senior colleagues over the weekend, sources confirm to The Hill. — Sessions and Sen. Chuck Grassley …

Q & A: ‘Joe the Plumber’ — Samuel Wurzelbacher was launched into the public arena after Senator John McCain used him as an example of an average American during a presidential debate last fall. “Joe the Plumber” quickly became a celebrity because he questioned then-candidate Barack Obama …

Joe the Plumber: I would never let gay people ‘anywhere near my children.’ — In an interview with Christianity Today, Joe “the Plumber” Wurzelbacher said that calling gay people “queer” “is not like a slur” because homosexuality is “strange and unusual.” He also declared that he would never …

Criminal charges filed against ACORN, two employees — Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto and Secretary of State Ross Miller announced Monday that voter registration fraud charges have been filed against an organization that works with low-income people and two of its employees in its Las Vegas office.

ACORN charged with registration fraud for ‘blackjack’ payments

Obama official Kareem Dale confirms White House's love for MSNBC — For some inexplicable reason having to do with who knows what, a widespread impression has grown among many politics fans that MSNBC and its crowd of talkers — including Chris “Thrill Up My Leg” Matthews, Norah …

Ridge Trails Pennsylvania's Specter By 3 Points, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; New Democratic Senator Tops Toomey By 20 Points — Newly-minted Democratic Sen. Arlen Specter would whip old Republican rival Pat Toomey 53 - 33 percent if the 2010 Pennsylvania U.S. Senate race were held today …

US Soldiers in Afghanistan Told to “Hunt People for Jesus... So We Get Them into the Kingdom” (Video) — Military officials at Bagram are caught on tape urging US soldiers to evangelize in the Muslim country. — New video evidence has surfaced showing that US military forces in Afghanistan …

U.S. denies letting troops convert Afghans
The Huffington Post, No More Mister Nice Blog, Fox News, The Huffington Post and

Obama criticism shuts down conversation — Parties were more fun when George W. Bush was president. You could debate, argue even, praise and condemn, throw darts and laurels and solve the world's problems over a bottle of wine. — No more. At least not in my circles.

When Reporters Rise For The President — Some people noticed that many reporters rose from their seats last Friday when President Obama unexpectedly entered the White House briefing room, but the same courtesy was not always extended in the past when President Bush would make an appearance.
Don Surber

More Americans Losing Health Insurance Every Day — Analysis of Health Coverage Losses During the Recession — Workers at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Iowa report a sharp rise in the number of women who need help paying for care in recent months. — Interactive Map: Working Adults Are Losing Their Health Insurance

A VERY WEIRD FORM OF CONSISTENCY. — Not to fill the blog with Arlen Specter related content this morning, but this bit from Meet the Press deserves to be quoted. … The thing about the Wyden-Bennett plan — the aspect that actually makes it different from virtually every other plan on offer …
Matthew Yglesias

Sonia Sotomayor's IQ — Sonia Sotomayor seems in many ways like exactly the sort of person Barack Obama would appoint to the Supreme Court. She was born to a working class Puerto Rican family in the South Bronx, and went from Cardinal Spelling High School to Princeton and Yale Law.
Concurring Opinions

The Case Against Sotomayor — Indictments of Obama's front-runner to replace Souter.
Liberty Street, D-Day, Wonkette, Law Blog, Politics Daily, Balkinization, The Plank and Grasping Reality …

Amazon Plans Kindle for Textbooks — Amazon.comInc. on Wednesday plans to unveil a new version of its Kindle e-book reader with a larger screen and other features designed to appeal to periodical and academic textbook publishers, according to people familiar with the matter.
Raw Story

Looking to Big-Screen E-Readers to Help Save the Daily Press
MediaMemo, Wall Street Journal, The Opinionator,, The Mahablog, Between the Lines, Gawker and TechCrunch

MONSTERS, INC. — Amid the blizzard of economic data that the government puts out every week, last Tuesday's report analyzing G.D.P. industry by industry got little notice. But it contained one very interesting piece of data: in 2008, for the first time in sixteen years, the finance and insurance industry shrank.

Chace Crawford to Attend White House Correspondents Dinner — Mr. Crawford is going to Washington! — has exclusively learned that Gossip Girl star Chace Crawford has been invited to be the guest of the Fox News Channel at Saturday's White House Correspondents Dinner in Washington, D.C.
The Swamp

Someone needs to give Jane Harman an award for this — (updated below - Update II) — A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about one of the most shameless and absurd spectacles to appear in Washington in some time: the self-righteous, self-obsessed rage expressed by Blue Dog Rep. Jane Harman …

Michele Bachmann: Obama Led Spending “Orgy,” Government “Spent Its Wad” (VIDEO) — Rep. Michele Bachmann is on a roll. Less than a week after suggesting a link between the swine flu outbreak and Democratic control of the U.S. government, the Minnesota Republican penetrated a heretofore unseen zone …

As Foreclosures Surge ... The Obama administration sat by last week as 12 Senate Democrats joined 39 Senate Republicans to block a vote on an amendment that would have allowed bankruptcy judges to modify troubled mortgages. — Senator Obama campaigned on the provision.

What George Will missed: The decrepit state of the California GOP — George Will's latest column on the sagging economy of California and the upcoming slate of massive tax-hike initiatives on the ballot only scratches the surface of what's rotten in the formerly Golden State. — The state GOP is a basket case.

More Banks Will Need Capital — Stress Tests Identify About Ten; Wells, BofA, Citigroup Face Order to Refill Coffers — WASHINGTON — The U.S. is expected to direct about 10 of the 19 banks undergoing government stress tests to boost their capital, according to several people familiar with the matter …

Dodd Likens Bush Administration To Nazis — Just. Wow. — Are you kidding me? Water boarding is the same as incinerating 6 million Jews and being responsible for 55 million lives lost. Really? — Well, I'll say this for the Democrats, they know how to pander to their base even when in office.

Emanuel: Thwarting Iran hinges on Israeli-Palestinian talks — Article's topics: Rahm Emanuel, Iran, AIPAC — Thwarting Iran's nuclear program is conditional on progress in peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians, according to White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel.

‘OUTSIDE’ THE BELTWAY.... As part of the Republican Party's rebranding effort, House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) hosted a National Council for a New America event at a pizza shop over the weekend. Roll Call reported, “Cantor said the idea of the road show is to gather ideas from outside the Beltway to shape the Republican agenda.”

Obama celebrates Cinco de Mayo a day early — WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama is celebrating Cinco de Mayo a little early. — On the eve of the Mexican holiday, Obama on Monday had an event in the East Room of the White House with Mexico's Ambassador Arturo Sarukhan (sahr-oo-KHAN').
Weekly Standard

Justices Agree to Take Up Sentencing for Young Offenders — WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court agreed on Monday to consider whether the reasoning that led it to strike down the death penalty for juvenile offenders four years ago should also apply to sentences of life without the possibility of parole.

‘THEY KILL PEOPLE LIKE US,’ SAYS GAY IRAQI — BAGHDAD - Widespread violence is down across Baghdad, but not for one minority group. — Iraq's gay population is being targeted by militia groups in a wave of killings that has claimed the lives of up to 25 young men and boys in the past month.

Governor supports abortion initiative — CONSENT: Voters, not lawmakers, would decide if doctors had to tell a parent of a girl younger than 18. — — Gov. Sarah Palin is backing a ballot measure to bypass the Legislature and make it illegal for teenagers to get an abortion without telling their parents.
Think Progress

Obama Calls for New Curbs on Offshore Tax Havens — WASHINGTON — President Obama presented a far-reaching set of proposals on Monday that are aimed at the tax benefits enjoyed by companies and wealthy individuals harboring cash in offshore accounts. — These steps, he said …
Robert Reich's Blog, The Swamp, Newsweek Blogs, Economist's View, Wall Street Journal and Crooks and Liars