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Jeffrey Rosen, TNR and the anonymous smears against Sonia Sotomayor — (updated below- Update II) — Jeffrey Rosen's New Republic smear of Sonia Sotomayor's intellect and character — based almost exclusively on anonymous, gossiping “sources” — is such a model of shoddy, irresponsible …
American Prospect, culturekitchen, Dallas Morning News, The Plank, Unqualified Offerings and Spin Cycle

A Litmus Test That Counts — As the time approaches for President Obama to choose a successor to Justice David Souter, the term “litmus test” will be heard throughout the land. The White House will deny applying any such thing, but the nominee will undoubtedly be chosen according …

Groups push for first gay justice — President Barack Obama is looking to advance diversity with his pick to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice David Souter — and early speculation has focused on whether he'll pick a woman, or perhaps the first Hispanic justice.

Bunning blames McConnell for GOP losses — WASHINGTON — Sen. Jim Bunning today renewed his attacks on his fellow Kentucky Republican, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, accusing him of selfishness and being responsible for lost GOP seats in the Senate.
Scorecard's Blog, The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, Ben Smith's Blog and Swing State Project

Ridge May Run for Specter's Senate Seat — Former Pennsylvania governor Tom Ridge (R) is seriously considering a 2010 bid for the Senate seat held by Republican-turned-Democrat Arlen Specter and will make his decision in the next two weeks, according to several sources familiar with his thinking.
Politics Daily, GrassrootsPA, The Corner, Salon, Balloon Juice, Wake up America, The Strata-Sphere and Sister Toldjah

Just Too Cocky — Last week Arlen Specter's election as a Democrat in 2010 seemed more or less a given. The big man in Pennsylvania politics (Ed Rendell) and the big man in US politics (Barack Obama) both put down their finger and said they were behind him. — But the certainty of that outcome now seems genuinely in doubt.

D.C. Council Votes 12-1 to Recognize Other States' Gay Marriages — UPDATE 2: After further debate, a second vote was taken, with D.C. Council member Marion Barry (D-Ward 8) deciding to vote against the proposal. The final count is 12-1 in favor of recognizing same-sex marriages performed in other states.

DC, Congress, and the ‘M’ Word; Part Deux
Joe. My. God.

PHANTOM AIR FARCE PICTURES — The $328,835 snapshots of an Air Force One backup plane buzzing lower Manhattan last week will not be shown to the public, the White House said yesterday. — “We have no plans to release them,” an aide to President Obama told The Post, refusing to comment further.

Continuing the Conversation: Tax Reform for American Jobs — Yesterday, even before we posted here on the blog about the President's proposals to curb offshore tax havens and end tax incentives for companies shifting jobs overseas, we asked for your reactions on our various social networking outposts.

We Can't Subsidize the Banks Forever — Government has to show it can handle major insolvencies. — Printer — Friendly — The results of the government's stress tests on banks, to be released in a few days, will not mark the beginning of the end of the financial crisis.
Felix Salmon, DownWithTyranny!, Clusterstock, Wonk Room, Vox Popoli, The Daily Dish, Washington Monthly and naked capitalism

Murtha's Nephew Got Defense Contracts — Millions in Work Came Without Competition — The headquarters of Murtech, in a low-slung, bland building in a Glen Burnie business park, has its blinds drawn tight and few signs of life. On several days of visits, a handful of cars sit in the parking lot …

Obama's campaign manager fears Jon Huntsman the most in 2012 … SALT LAKE CITY - (ABC 4 News) - There is one republican presidential candidate that President Barack Obama's campaign manager fears the most in 2012...and his name is Jon Huntsman Jr. — This week for Governor Huntsman, good things are coming in threes.

How I Survived John's Affair — On May 3, former Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards acknowledged that a federal investigation had been opened into whether his campaign improperly gave money to a woman with whom Edwards had an extramarital affair. Edwards has denied any wrongdoing by his campaign.

Obama gets tougher with Israel on Palestinians, Iran — As Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to Washington May 17 approaches, the United States is sending strong messages on the establishment of a Palestinian state and Israeli settlement activity. — Gen. James Jones …
Jihad Watch

Named and shamed: the 16 barred from UK — Sixteen people banned from entering the UK were “named and shamed” by the Home Office today. — Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said she decided to make public the names of 16 people banned since October so others could better understand what sort …

Schumer Offers Middle Ground on Health Care — WASHINGTON — In an effort to defuse the most explosive issue in the debate over comprehensive health care legislation, a top Senate Democrat has proposed that any new government-run insurance program comply with all the rules and standards that apply to private insurance.

The Health Care Talks: Will Obama Get More Involved?
Matthew Yglesias, Washington Monthly, Think Progress, Swampland, MoJo Blog Posts and The Politico

The Long Voyage Home — Republicans generally like Westerns. They generally admire John Wayne-style heroes who are rugged, individualistic and brave. They like leaders — from Goldwater to Reagan to Bush to Palin — who play up their Western heritage. Republicans like the way Westerns seem …
Brilliant at Breakfast, No More Mister Nice Blog, Cafe Hayek, Guardian and Will Wilkinson

Poll shows Castle thumping Biden in hypothetical Senate race — A poll shows Republican U.S. Rep. Mike Castle topping Democrat Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden in a mythical Senate race. — The poll was conducted by Susquehanna Polling and Research, a Harrisburg, Pennsylvania-based …

The Lion and the Legacy — Senator Edward Kennedy's diagnosis of brain cancer, in May 2008, touched off an extraordinary medical battle—and a veiled rivalry over who might succeed him as symbolic head of America's fabled dynasty. Would it be R.F.K.'s oldest son, Joe? J.F.K.'s daughter, Caroline?

Ron Paul's Economic Theories Winning GOP Converts — Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) and Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) (, Flickr) — From time to time, a few members of Congress—as many as 10, sometimes fewer—gather with Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) to eat lunch and hear …

Obama Rebuffed on Funds to Close Guantanamo — WASHINGTON — Top House Democrats raised tensions with the White House on a key foreign policy goal, rebuffing a request for funding to begin closing the U.S. prison camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. — President Barack Obama has sought $80 million …

A Hole in the Center — You can't have a successful political party without centrists. Happily for Republicans still smarting from last week's defection, you can have a successful political party without centrists like Arlen Specter. — Political debates are often framed in binaries …

'I'm very serious about running,' Ron Paul's son says — (CNN) - The son of former Republican presidential hopeful Rep. Ron Paul said Monday that he is primed to mount a bid for the Kentucky Senate seat currently occupied by GOP Sen. Jim Bunning. — “I am very serious about running …