Top Items:

Senate Democrats Deny Specter Committee Seniority — The Senate dealt a blow tonight to Sen. Arlen Specter's hold on seniority in several key committees, a week after the Pennsylvanian's party switch placed Democrats on the precipice of a 60-seat majority. — In a unanimous voice vote …
The Hill's Pundits Blog, Hot Air, The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, Wonkette, Salon, Jules Crittenden, The Politico, Wizbang, Commentary, Riehl World View, rubber hose, pourmecoffee's posterous, PoliGazette, Raw Story, Betsy's Page, Buck Naked Politics, DISSENTING JUSTICE and Bark Bark Woof Woof

Party Switch Costs Specter His Seniority on Senate Committees — The Senate last night stripped Sen. Arlen Specter (Pa.) of his seniority on committees, a week after the 29-year veteran of the chamber quit the Republican Party to join the Democrats. — In announcing his move across the aisle last week …
The Note, Weekly Standard,, Outside The Beltway, The Washington Independent, SENATUS and AmSpecBlog

EXCLUSIVE: Secret U.S.-Israel nuclear accord in jeopardy — President Obama's efforts to curb the spread of nuclear weapons threaten to expose and derail a 40-year-old secret U.S. agreement to shield Israel's nuclear weapons from international scrutiny, former and current U.S. and Israeli officials and nuclear specialists say.

Israel would inform, not ask U.S. before hitting Iran — TEL AVIV (Reuters) - When he first got word of Israel's sneak attack on the Iraqi atomic reactor in 1981, U.S. President Ronald Reagan privately shrugged it off, telling his national security adviser: “Boys will be boys!”

Peres to Obama: No choice but to compare Iran to Nazis
Pajamas Media

College Student Shoots, Kills Home Invader — COLLEGE PARK, Ga. — A group of college students said they are lucky to be alive and they're thanking the quick-thinking of one of their own. Police said a fellow student shot and killed one of two masked me who burst into an apartment.
The Jawa Report, Confederate Yankee, Moe Lane, Clayton Cramer's BLOG, Pundit & Pundette, Neptunus Lex and QandO

Should we be banning this US ‘shock jock’? — The Home Office has issued the latest list of people it believes should not come to the country because they hold extremist opinions. — It is a state's prerogative to decide who it wants to come to its country. That is, after all, what a visa system is for.
Don Surber

U.S. Says Bank of America Needs Cushion of $33.9 Billion — The government has told Bank of America it needs $33.9 billion in capital to withstand any worsening of the economic downturn, according to an executive at the bank. — If the bank is unable to raise the capital cushion …
D-Day, Felix Salmon, Bronte Capital, Washington Post, Clusterstock, MoJo Blog Posts and The Big Picture

A Complicated Question — I had dinner once with John and Elizabeth Edwards, when he first burst onto the national scene. — Looking across the booth at her grinning, boyish husband, she told me that it was irritating to be married to someone so comely who looked so much younger.

Obama Relies on Inner Circle in Looking for Souter's Supreme Court Successor — President Obama's first selection of a Supreme Court justice is being managed by a small group of senior advisers, and the process will last at least into next week before producing a candidate who the administration hopes …

OBAMA'S TAX DODGERS . . . Here's a tip for President Obama: Next time you excoriate tax cheats, try to keep Rep. Charles Rangel's name out of the discussion. — Somehow, it doesn't further your case. — Yet that's precisely what Obama did Monday, singling out the powerful Harlem congressman …

Corzine Allies Plan Attack in G.O.P. Primary — Allies of New Jersey's Democratic governor, Jon S. Corzine, are so worried about his re-election prospects that they are going to start spending and advertising heavily — in the Republican primary. — Mr. Corzine's allies plan to attack …

EXCLUSIVE: Steele yields powers to foes in RNC — Accepts limits on spending — Capitulating to critics on the Republican National Committee, embattled Republican Party Chairman Michael S. Steele has signed a secret pact agreeing to controls and restraints on how he spends hundreds …

Tortured Logic — Hit me Bybee, one more time. — Remember the Rule of Law? In the late 1990s, it was all the rage in conservative circles. Having maneuvered Bill Clinton into a position where he could either lie under oath or suffer massive personal and political embarrassment …
Lawyers, Guns and Money

Chrysler won't repay bailout money — An administration official confirms that a $4 billion bridge loan and $3.2 billion in bankruptcy financing won't be paid back by Chrysler following bankruptcy. — NEW YORK ( — Chrysler LLC will not repay U.S. taxpayers more than $7 billion …

Inspector at Pentagon Says Report Was Flawed — In a highly unusual reversal, the Defense Department's inspector general's office has withdrawn a report it issued in January exonerating a Pentagon public relations program that made extensive use of retired officers who worked as military analysts for television and radio networks.

White House puts UAW ahead of property rights — Last Friday, the day after Chrysler filed for bankruptcy, I drove past the company's headquarters on Interstate 75 in Auburn Hills, Mich. — As I glanced at the pentagram logo I felt myself tearing up a little bit.

Skeptical Administration Keeping Karzai at Arm's Length — Skepticism of Afghan Leader Shapes Policy — Afghan President Hamid Karzai began talking as soon as his luncheon guests had taken their seats in his wood-paneled dining room at the presidential palace in Kabul …
Discussion:, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Bloomberg, Wall Street Journal, The Washington Independent and MSNBC

Key Findings — The top subprime lenders whose loans are largely blamed for triggering the global economic meltdown were owned or backed by giant banks now collecting billions of dollars in bailout money — including several that have paid huge fines to settle predatory lending charges.

Pakistani President Tries to Assure U.S. on Taliban — WASHINGTON — Pakistan's leaders began an arduous campaign here on Tuesday to convince the United States that they will repel recent incursions by Taliban militant groups, secure their own nuclear arsenal and make good use of American military and economic assistance.

Congress to vote on finance probe — The blue-ribbon panel is a much-maligned Washington cliché — it is said that you appoint one when you don't really want anything to be done. — But sometimes, as with the 9/11 Commission, such bodies actually produce substantive results.

Who Will “Sister Souljah” Them? — It's time to reclaim conservatism from Coulter and O'Reilly and Limbaugh and Hannity. Reihan: … Take yours truly. I'm not a Democrat and if pushed, I'd have to say right now I'm a libertarian independent. I'm uneasy about Obama's long-term debt …