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CBS announcer: Any U.S. soldier would shoot Pelosi, strangle Reid — CBS Sports commentator David Feherty drew criticism Friday for suggesting any U.S. soldier would murder House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) if given the chance.

Hoekstra considers hearings on Pelosi, interrogations — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is under renewed fire after the Obama administration released documents that critics say contradict her claim that she was never told that U.S. detainees were being waterboarded.
Fox News, Weekly Standard, Don Surber, Hot Air, Gateway Pundit, At-Largely, The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, The Huffington Post and TPMMuckraker

CBS golf analyst Feherty: “[I]f you gave any U.S. soldier a gun with two bullets in it ... there's a good chance that Nancy Pelosi would get shot twice, and Harry Reid and bin Laden would be strangled to death.” — From Feherty's column on D Magazine:

White House aide Louis Caldera loses job over Manhattan flyover fiasco involving Air Force One — WASHINGTON - The White House aide who authorized the controversial Air Force One photo-op flight last week around the Statue of Liberty is out of a job. — President Obama has accepted …
Gothamist, The Caucus, No Sheeples Here!, Michelle Malkin, Scared Monkeys, Raw Story, The Daily Politics, Raw Story and Clusterstock

White House aide out after $357,012 photo-op with Air Force One — A White House aide joined the unemployment lines today for his role in Air Force One's controversial photo-op flyover above New York, the Obama administration just announced. (Of course, it's scheduled for a Friday afternoon.)
WCBS-TV, Los Angeles Times, Flopping Aces, The Swamp, AMERICAN DIGEST and Little Green Footballs

After Flyover of Air Force One Backup, Military Office Director Resigns — The White House on Friday released the April 27 photo of the plane flying over New York City. — The director of the White House Military Office submitted his resignation on Friday, less than two weeks after he authorized …
On Deadline, Washington Post, The Page, The Impolitic, Truthdig, City Room, Gawker and

Obama to Address Muslim World From Egypt — President Obama will make his promised speech to the Muslim world from Egypt, a White House official said on Friday. — Obama pledged during the campaign to address the Muslim world from a Muslim capital within the first few months of taking office.
Weekly Standard, Ben Smith's Blog, Commentary, The Page, Hot Air, The Moderate Voice and Atlas Shrugs

Barack Obama to walk in footsteps of uncle who helped free Buchenwald

Steele on judges with ‘empathy’: 'I'll give you empathy. Empathize right on your behind!' — Last week, when Supreme Court Justice David Souter said that he intended to retire, President Obama said that in naming a replacement, he would not only “seek somebody with a sharp and independent mind …

Republicans and ObamaCare — The sound of silence is deafening. — Printer — Friendly — Listen. That sound of silence? That's what's known as the united Republican response to President Barack Obama's drive to socialize health care. — The president has a plan, and he's laid it on the table.
Weekly Standard

The face of naked eliminationism — You can view this video right here by getting the latest version of Flash Player! — Remember that DHS bulletin on right-wing extremism that got all the righties' shorts in a bunch? Let's quickly recall the bottom line of its assessment:

Banks Won Concessions on Tests — Fed Cut Billions Off Some Initial Capital-Shortfall Estimates; Tempers Flare at Wells — The Federal Reserve at the last minute significantly scaled back the size of the capital hole facing some of the nation's biggest banks, following days of intense bargaining …

Alan Keyes among 22 arrested at Notre Dame — Former Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Alan Keyes and 21 other protesters were arrested this morning when they refused to leave the Notre Dame campus during a protest of President Obama's upcoming commencement address there, authorities said.

Train Wreck Ahead? — Why the U.S. and Israel may be headed for a collision. — For Israeli leaders, a public break with the United States is the third rail of politics. The possibility that Israelis might lose the support of the one nation that can guarantee their security awakens …

IF IT'S SUNDAY.... Just yesterday, Dick Cheney explained his belief that it's time for some of the older establishment Republican voices to exit the stage. “I think periodically we have to go through one these sessions. It helps clear away some of the underbrush,” the former vice president said …

Q&A:Huckabee points to religious influence — Times-Delta: How has your religious faith inspired or influenced your political career? — Mike Huckabee: I believe that if a person is a believe, then you take seriously the word of Jesus when he said you're the salt of the earth, the light of the world ... .

MoveOn moves against Specter — One of the nation's largest liberal advocacy organizations, , is resisting efforts to clear the Democratic primary field for Republican-turned-Democratic Sen. Arlen Specter. — The political arm of MoveOn flexed its muscle Friday by releasing …
Open Left

Are AIG FP Employees Using Bailout Cash To Get Jobs Elsewhere? Looks Like It, Says AIG Source — Remember the rumors that AIG Financial Products had “thrown in the towel,” handing over massive portfolios of derivatives to the trading desks of major investment banks to unwind in a process …
Seeing the Forest

CAN LOCAL BLOGGERS REPLACE LOCAL NEWS COVERAGE? — “Not only is it going to be intrinsically difficult to ever find a viable revenue model for paying a reporter to cover the zoning board if people don't want to read about the zoning board,” writes Matt Yglesias, “[but] I'm not actually sure …

Media Still Covering Up The $400 Billion Fannie And Freddie Scandal — This morning, Fannie Mae (FNM) announced that it had lost another $23 billion in the quarter, and would have to call down $19 billion more in taxpayer support. It also said that it would face losses as far as the eye can see.

Cue the world's smallest violin. Again — The Hollywood Reporter goes big today with a long article about how entertainment execs at the nets hate pre-empting their schedules for Obama's primetime pressers. About how the nets are losing millions of dollars in ad revenue, although actually …

Governor Clintonism? — The Virginia Democratic Party's annual Jefferson-Jackson dinner, held at Richmond's sprawl of a convention center on a mild Saturday night in February, was particularly festive this year. The Democratic Party is enjoying a resurgence in Virginia …
Swing State Project

Nation ripe for entitlement reform — WASHINGTON — The mountain labored, and brought forth a mouse. Last week the administration confronted the budget of the U.S. government in the “line-by-line” review long promised by President Obama — and found theoretical savings almost invisible to the naked eye.

VIDEO: Michael Steele's First 100 Days — Tomorrow marks Michael Steele's 100th day as chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC). While many members of the GOP were hoping for a dynamic spokesman that could communicate conservative values to the American public, what they ended up getting was a gaffe machine.

Mainstream Bigotry and Racism on the Democratic-Left — I've long documented the most vile bigotry and racism on the left end of the dial. During the 2008 primaries, we witnessed some of the most disgusting racism and sexism in decades. And across the blogosphere, the most reprehensible racial slurs …

Sources: Senators weigh 3 government health plans — WASHINGTON - Senators are considering three different designs for a new government health insurance plan that middle-income Americans could buy into for the first time, congressional officials said Friday.