Top Items:

Harry, Louise and Barack — Is this the end for Harry and Louise? — Harry and Louise were the fictional couple who appeared in advertisements run by the insurance industry in 1993, fretting about what would happen if “government bureaucrats” started making health care decisions.

Former Hospital CEO Rick Scott Leads Opposition to Obama on Health Care — Ads Cite Long Waits In Canada and Britain — The television ads that began airing last week feature horror stories from Canada and the United Kingdom: Patients who allegedly suffered long waits for surgeries …

Wanda Sykes' Jokes About Rush Limbaugh Prompt Debate — There's some chatter in the blogosphere and on cable TV about comedian Wanda Sykes' routine at the White House Correspondents' Dinner last night, particularly her jokes about conservative talk radio giant Rush Limbaugh.
The Note, Balloon Juice, TalkLeft, culturekitchen, Flopping Aces, Gawker, Jules Crittenden, Right Wing News, No More Mister Nice Blog, Doug Ross, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, theblogprof, Swampland, Gateway Pundit, The Rhetorican, The Politico, Whiskey Fire, Nikki Finke's Deadline … and Neptunus Lex

The most self-absorbed night in Washington (since the inaugural) — I spent a blissful Mother's Day weekend unplugged and away from the news. So if you're looking for outrage, faux outrage, and extended commentary on all the narcissism and nastiness at the White House Correspondents Dinner, you'll have to look elsewhere.
The Other McCain, BitsBlog, The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, Gateway Pundit and Weekly Standard

White House Cheat Sheet: Wanda Sykes, Rush Limbaugh and the Politics of Humor — (Photo by MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images) — In politics, as in life, there is a fine line between stupid and clever — to paraphrase the great philosopher (and lead vocalist of Spinal Tap) David St. Hubbins.

White House Correspondents' Dinner: Glamour Is Back! — This is my first ever blog, so I forgive me if I make any ‘blogosphere faux pas’. Arianna instructed me to write as if I were addressing an old friend, so here goes. — On Saturday night I attended the White House Correspondents' Association dinner …

Lawyer: Iran to Free Iranian-American Journalist — Iranian judicial authorities have suspended the remainder of the eight-year jail sentence given to Iranian-American journalist Roxana Saberi for alleged espionage and will release her Monday, her lawyer said.

Gingrich: Pelosi not truthful about waterboarding issue — WASHINGTON (CNN) — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who has denied she was ever told explicitly that waterboarding had been used on terrorist suspects, “has a lot of explaining to do,” former Speaker Newt Gingrich said Sunday.

Backlash: Women Bullying Women at Work — YELLING, scheming and sabotaging: all are tell-tale signs that a bully is at work, laying traps for employees at every pass. — During this downturn, as stress levels rise, workplace researchers say, bullies are likely to sharpen their elbows and ratchet up their attacks.

Crist Senate bid could threaten GOP control in Fla. — Florida Gov. Charlie Crist's (R) candidacy would provide a good bit of clarity in a jumbled Senate race, but it would throw his home state's government — and the recent GOP control — into serious flux.

Obama Approval Picks Up in May — Still, only 25% say they would definitely vote to re-elect him in 2012 — PRINCETON, NJ — President Barack Obama appears to be slightly more popular with Americans at the start of his second 100 days in office than he was, on average, during his first 100.

CQ Transcript: Former Vice President Cheney on CBS's ‘Face the Nation’ — CQ Transcriptswire — FORMER VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES DICK CHENEY — [*] SCHIEFFER: Today on “Face the Nation,” former Vice President Dick Cheney , and he's talking. His old boss George Bush has left town …

King Abdullah of Jordan's ultimatum: peace now or it's war next year — Richard Beeston and Michael Binyon in Amman — America is putting the final touches to a hugely ambitious peace plan for the Middle East, aimed at ending more than 60 years of conflict between Israel and the Arabs …

Administration Plans to Strengthen Antitrust Rules — WASHINGTON — President Obama's top antitrust official this week plans to restore an aggressive enforcement policy against corporations that use their market dominance to elbow out competitors or to keep them from gaining market share.
Think Progress, TalkLeft, Greg Mankiw's Blog, Law Blog,, Wall Street Journal and The Page

Iraqi Leaders and Kurds Reach Oil Deal; Pelosi Makes Surprise Visit — BAGHDAD — Ending months of political stalemate, the Iraqi Oil Ministry and the Kurdistan Regional Government in northern Iraq reached an accord Sunday that would allow the Kurds to export oil for the first time.
The Washington Independent

Saudi judge: It's OK to slap spendthrift wives — (CNN) — Husbands are allowed to slap their wives if they spend lavishly, a Saudi judge said recently during a seminar on domestic violence, Saudi media reported Sunday. — Arab News, a Saudi English-language daily newspaper based in Riyadh …

Biden's Advisory Role Expands to Supreme Court Pick — The person in the White House most knowledgeable about Supreme Court nominations sits in the vice president's office. — With President Obama filling his first high court vacancy with the retirement of Justice David H. Souter …

The Jobless Rate, Slow to Improve, Tests Obama — On the economy, President Obama has a timing problem. Congressional Democrats may have a bigger one. — Nearly four months into his presidency, Mr. Obama has begun to describe a pivot from economic crisis to economic recovery.