Top Items:

Trump on Prejean: Same as Obama — President Barack Obama ended up in the middle of an unlikely controversy this morning — the debate over Miss California's position on gay marriage. — At a press conference addressing Carrie Prejean's disputed title in the Miss USA competition …

Miss California Topless — Oops, She Did It Again — Carrie Prejean must have a really, really bad memory — because TMZ uncovered a brand new set of topless photos “biblically correct” Miss California took before she applied for the crown. — These pics were taken just last year — meaning Carrie was the ripe ol' LEGAL age of 20.
The Moderate Voice, Hot Air, L.A. Now, Alan Colmes' Liberaland,, Perez Hilton and theblogprof

Trump Rules: Miss California Is Not Fired
Los Angeles Times

Clearing the Air — Media reports today are suggesting that OMB has found fault with EPA's proposed finding that emissions of greenhouse gases from motor vehicles contribute to air pollution that endangers public health and welfare. Any reports suggesting that OMB was opposed to the finding are unfounded.

‘Obama White House’ not challenging EPA endangerment finding [UPDATES] 1
The Foundry, The Huffington Post, Political Fix, Climate Progress and The Atlantic Politics Channel

White House memo challenges EPA finding on warming
The Atlantic Politics Channel

OMB memo raises doubts about EPA findings
Hot Air

Palin has book deal, memoir to come next year — NEW YORK - You knew it was coming: Sarah Palin is ready to tell her side, agreeing to publish a memoir with HarperCollins. The book comes out in Spring 2010 — the year she is up for re-election. — “There's been so much written …

Palin signs book deal with HarperCollins — Gov. Sarah Palin has signed a book deal with HarperCollins Publishers for what is described as her memoir. — “There have been so many things written and said through mainstream media that have not been accurate, and it will be nice through …

Jesse Ventura: You Give Me a Water Board, Dick Cheney and One Hour, and I'll Have Him Confess to the Sharon Tate Murders — You can view this video right here by getting the latest version of Flash Player! — On Larry King Live Jesse Ventura takes on the Bush administration chickenhawks and Rush Limbaugh, and defends Colin Powell.
The Gun Toting Liberal

Democrats: CIA is out to get us — Democrats charged Tuesday that the CIA has released documents about congressional briefings on harsh interrogation techniques in order to deflect attention and blame away from itself. — “I think there is so much embarrassment in some quarters [of the CIA] …

A MESSAGE TO THE PUBLIC: — Each year the Trustees of the Social Security and Medicare trust funds report on the current and projected financial status of the two programs. This message summarizes our 2009 Annual Reports. — The financial condition of the Social Security and Medicare programs remains challenging.

Insolvency for Social Security and Medicare Is Seen Closer
Washington Post, New America Blogs, Wonk Room, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS and Marginal Revolution

Richard Posner Throwing In the Towel on the Conservative Movement — I actually don't know that much about Richard Posner's political views, being primarily familiar with his (quite good, in my opinion) more abstract and philosophical work. But he's definitely a political conservative …
MyDD, Grasping Reality …,, Balloon Juice and Right Wing Nut House

It's War: Conservative Candidate Uses Image Of Obama To Attack Moderate GOPer — Another mark of just how far to the right the GOP has moved: — Barely moments after the news broke that Governor and stimulus-supporter Charlie Crist has entered the Florida GOP primary …

FDA Blasts General Mills Over Cheerios Claim — Cereal Makers Scolded Because Claim Of Lowering Cholesterol 10 Percent In Month Makes It A “Drug” — Company Fires Back: This Is About Language, Not Science — NEW YORK (CBS) ― The Food and Drug Administration scolded the makers …
Michelle Malkin

Obama administration threatens Britain to keep torture evidence concealed — (updated below - Update II) — Ever since he was released from Guantanamo in February after six years of due-process-less detention and brutal torture, Binyam Mohamed has been attempting to obtain justice for what was done to him.

N.Y. Assembly Passes Gay Marriage Bill — ALBANY — The State Assembly approved legislation on Tuesday night that would make New York the sixth state to allow same-sex marriage — a pivotal vote that shifts the debate to the State Senate, where gay rights advocates and conservative groups alike are redoubling their efforts.

GOP govs plan Tea Party sequel — Hoping to recapture the grassroots energy of last month's “tea parties,” Republican Govs. Mark Sanford of South Carolina and Rick Perry of Texas will host a tele-town hall Thursday that's being dubbed “Tea Party 2.0.” — The Republican Governors Association …

Kristol: Obama to Reverse on Release of Detainee Treatment Photos? — From White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs's press briefing today: … This sounds to me as if the president is getting ready to reverse the decision of his Justice Department. I expect him to announce …

Soda Tax Weighed to Pay for Health Care — Senate leaders are considering new federal taxes on soda and other sugary drinks to help pay for an overhaul of the nation's health-care system. — The taxes would pay for only a fraction of the cost to expand health-insurance coverage to all Americans …

Send Us Your Credit Card Questions So We Can Ask 'Em At The White House — Consumerist is going to the White House this week, and we need your help! Ben and Meg are hitting Washington to do an on-camera interview of a senior policy official in the Obama administration about the new credit card reforms …
Talking Points Memo

Ire Over a Columnist, an Author of Torture Memos — When The Philadelphia Inquirer hired as its new opinion columnist, John C. Yoo, an author of the Bush administration's widely criticized legal memos on harsh interrogation techniques, it was probably inevitable that the decision would draw complaints.

5 Miami men convicted of Sears Tower attack plot — MIAMI - It took three trials, three juries and nearly three years, but federal prosecutors finally succeeded Tuesday in convicting five Miami men of plotting to start an anti-government insurrection by destroying Chicago's Sears Tower and bombing FBI offices.

Used to be One of the Rotten Ones — What, with all the recent brow furrowing, chin scratching and contrarian preening set in motion by the suddenly controversial topic of whether or not torture works and, if so, whether we should consider adopting it as our official policy …

Obama Breaks With Gates, Cancels Nuke Program — Obama's new budget plan includes a little-noted sea change in U.S. nuclear policy, and a step towards his vision of a denuclearized world. It provides no funding for the Reliable Replacement Warhead program, created to design a new generation …

The making of a Minnesota suicide bomber — We have written several times about Shirwa Ahmed, the Somali immigrant to Minnesota who returned to Somalia to wage jihad. On a mission from Minneapolis, Shirwa Ahmed killed 29 people in a suicide bombing in northern Somalia last October.

How ObamaCare Will Affect Your Doctor — Expect longer waits for appointments as physicians get pinched on reimbursements. — Printer — Friendly — At the heart of President Barack Obama's health-care plan is an insurance program funded by taxpayers, administered by Washington, and open to everyone.

The Trouble With Jezebel — In The Feminine Mystique, Betty Friedan argued that American women suffered from a malaise she called “the problem that had no name.” Her critique of domestic ennui helped launch the second-wave feminist movement of the 1960s, leading to many of the advances women now take for granted.

Dead Woman Gets Federal Stimulus Check — ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY — Millions of Americans on Social Security are receiving $250 checks as part of the president's stimulus plan — including an Anne Arundel woman who died more than 40 years ago. — The woman's son, 83-year-old James Hagner …

Gay soldier: Don't fire me — • Military … Open Letter to President Obama and Every Member of Congress: — I have learned many lessons in the ten years since I first raised my right hand at the United States Military Academy at West Point and committed to fighting for my country.
Whiskey Fire, Think Progress, BLACKFIVE, GayPatriot, Outside The Beltway and The Daily Dish