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Huntsman strategist: If Palin and Limbaugh dominate, GOP ‘headed for a blowout’ in 2012 — The Republican strategist who helped Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman prepare for a possible presidential run says the Republican party is in for a devastating defeat if its guiding lights are Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh and Dick Cheney.

Rep. Tom Price: 'It's Not Up To Rush Limbaugh To Decide Who Ought To Be In The Republican Party' — Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) went on MSNBC's Morning Joe today and publicly distanced himself from Rush Limbaugh's version of the Republican party. Price said that “it's not up to Rush Limbaugh …

The Supreme Court's stealth hard-liner. — Chief Justice John Roberts, in 2007. Photograph by Steve Pyke. — KEYWORDS … When John G. Roberts, Jr., emerges from behind the red curtains and takes his place in the middle of the Supreme Court bench, he usually wears a pair of reading glasses …

Republicans in Senate Lower Expectations of a Court Fight
The Swamp, MSNBC, CNN, cab drollery, ACS Blog, D-Day, Michigan Messenger, Prairie Weather, AMERICAblog News, PoliBlog and The Fix

Torture, interrogation & the law — Supreme Court says Bush folks not liable

Obama's Choice — With the resignation of U.S. Supreme Court …
Politics Daily

Conditions for a coup in Congress — A congressional leader makes a startling statement. The media jump on it, causing a firestorm. The leader first fans the flames and then tries to put them out. Speculation rises that the leader's colleagues are thinking about mounting a challenge.
The Hill, PoliGazette, Glenn Thrush's Blog, Donklephant, Jules Crittenden and The Washington Independent

43% Say CIA May Have Misled Pelosi, 41% Disagree — Forty-three percent (43%) of voters nationwide say that it's at least somewhat likely that the Central Intelligence Agency misled Nancy Pelosi about the use of waterboarding when interrogating prisoners. — But the latest Rasmussen Reports …

Maureen Dowd Admits Inadvertently Lifting Line From TPM's Josh Marshall — UPDATE: New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd, in an email to Huffington Post, admits that a paragraph in her Sunday column was lifted from Talking Points Memo editor Josh Marshall's blog last Thursday.
The Daily Dish, thejoshuablog's Blog, The Huffington Post, JammieWearingFool, Weekly Standard, Grasping Reality …, Hot Air, Don Surber, The Moderate Voice, Buck Naked Politics, PunditGuy, Jules Crittenden, All Things Digital, culturekitchen, Right Wing News, Wake up America, Politics Daily, the nytpicker, In The Agora, Think Progress, Michael Calderone's Blog,, Accuracy in Media, Washington Monthly, Media Matters for America, The Swamp, PoliGazette, Arkansas News,, Rising Hegemon, Bloggasm, FishBowlDC and Wonkette

U.S. to Issue Tougher Fuel Standards for Automobiles — WASHINGTON —The Obama administration will issue new national emissions and mileage requirements for cars and light trucks to resolve a long-running conflict among the states, the federal government and auto manufacturers, industry officials said Monday.

Obama plans new fuel limit by 2016 — President Barack Obama will announce plans on Tuesday for a national fuel-economy and greenhouse-gas standard for automobiles in an effort to give more certainty to car companies as they struggle for survival, industry and administration sources told POLITICO on Monday.
CBS News, The Atlantic Politics Channel, Glenn Thrush's Blog, Ben Smith's Blog and The Page

Exclusive: Clinton to be named UN special envoy on Haiti — Former U.S. President Bill Clinton will be named a U.N. special envoy on Haiti this week, sources close to the United Nations tell The Cable. — A UN official confirmed to The Cable that there would be a formal announcement on this Tuesday.

On eloquence vs. prettiness — Based on its transcript — here at the Washington Post site, oddly not yet in any obvious place at — Barack Obama's Notre Dame commencement speech was another extraordinary performance. “Extraordinary” meaning that it was like his speech …

Protest of Obama at Notre Dame Denounced in Trinity Washington Address

The Right's Torture Backfire — In a new Daily Beast column I argue that even though the right's effort to change the subject on torture away from “what did the Bush administration do?”, to “what was Nancy Pelosi briefed about?” has been an incredible tactical success, it stands a huge chance of backfiring:

GOP's Torture Tricks Backfire
Think Progress, Washington Post, The Plank, Democratic Strategist and The League of Ordinary …

Introduction — I'm not one for long introductions. This is a blog. I'm a blogger. We'll have fun. You'll see. — But the overlords say it's good form. So! Our topic will be the politics and policy of the economy. But that doesn't limit us to the latest unemployment numbers or the wreckage of a freshly collapsed bank.

A Smaller But Better Newsweek? — Jon Meacham admits it is hard to explain, even to his own people, why chopping Newsweek's circulation in half is a good thing. — “It's hugely counterintuitive,” the magazine's editor says. “The staff doesn't understand it.”
Newsweek, Pajamas Media, Hot Air,, The Other McCain and Michael Calderone's Blog

Soak the Rich, Lose the Rich — Americans know how to use the moving van to escape high taxes. — Printer — Friendly — With states facing nearly $100 billion in combined budget deficits this year, we're seeing more governors than ever proposing the Barack Obama solution to balancing the budget: Soak the rich.
Buck Naked Politics, DownWithTyranny!, Shot in the Dark, Fausta's Blog, QandO, The Volokh Conspiracy, Cato @ Liberty and TigerHawk

Prosecutors Block Access to DNA Testing for Inmates — In an age of advanced forensic science, the first step toward ending Kenneth Reed's prolonged series of legal appeals should be simple and quick: a DNA test, for which he has offered to pay, on evidence from the 1991 rape of which he was convicted.

At Geithner's Treasury, Key Decisions on Hold — Many Advisers' Roles Are Undefined And Others Still Awaiting Confirmation — Seven weeks after the Treasury Department announced that it was ousting General Motors chief G. Richard Wagoner Jr. in the federal bailout of the company, he is still technically on GM's payroll.

Tax Audits Are No Laughing Matter — A president shouldn't even joke about abusing IRS power. — Printer — Friendly — Barack Obama owes his presidency in no small part to the power of rhetoric. It's too bad he doesn't appreciate the damage that loose talk can do to America's tax system …

Pakistan Is Rapidly Adding Nuclear Arms, U.S. Says — WASHINGTON — Members of Congress have been told in confidential briefings that Pakistan is rapidly adding to its nuclear arsenal even while racked by insurgency, raising questions on Capitol Hill about whether billions of dollars …

Obama's Dangerous Debt — Just how much government debt does a president have to endorse before he's labeled “irresponsible”? Well, apparently much more than the massive amounts envisioned by President Obama. The final version of his 2010 budget, released last week, is a case study in political expediency and economic gambling.

McAuliffe blasted by rival for supporting Hillary Clinton — (CNN) — Virginia gubernatorial candidate Brian Moran is hammering his Democratic primary rival Terry McAuliffe for backing Hillary Clinton instead of Barack Obama throughout much of the presidential race.

Cops gone wild — Too many police break the law during Police Week — The nation's capital is recovering from a week of cops running wild Every year on May 15, National Peace Officers Memorial Day is celebrated in Washington. During this week, thousands of police drive their squad cars across …