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Cheney vs. Obama — Two speeches, two very different men. Former Vice President Cheney seeks no political future. He speaks from the vantage of one who witnessed the killing of our fellow citizens, who deliberated and defined the strategy that would successfully prevent further murders of our fellow Americans.
Think Progress, The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, Hotline On Call, The Plank, American Power, GOP 12 and Boston Globe
Text of Cheney's AEI Speech — THE WEEKLY STANDARD has obtained an advance copy of VP Cheney's remarks as prepared for delivery later this morning at the American Enterprise Institute. I've read it quickly. I think fair-minded people will find it very well-argued and powerful.
The Corner, Right Wing News, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, Salon, Hot Air, The Gun Toting Liberal, Top of the Ticket, Flopping Aces, Neptunus Lex, TPMDC, The Atlantic Business Channel, Democracy in America, New York Times, Taylor Marsh,,, The Huffington Post, The Washington Independent, The Reaction, Don Surber, AmSpecBlog, The Foundry, Crooks and Liars, The Plum Line, The Daily Dish, Lawyers, Guns and Money, American Power, Jules Crittenden,, TPMMuckraker, Firedoglake, No More Mister Nice Blog and Politics Daily
The Unbalanced — A simple note having now read the former vice-president's despicable and disgraceful speech. It confirms the very worst of him, and reveals just how callow, just how arrogant, and just how reckless and unrepentant this man is and has long been.
Text: Obama's Speech on National Security — Following is a text of President Obama's prepared speech on Thursday on national security issues. — These are extraordinary times for our country. We are confronting an historic economic crisis. We are fighting two wars.
Room for Debate, American Prospect, The Daily Whim, KIKO'S HOUSE,, Outside The Beltway, CNN, CBS News, The Plum Line, alicublog, Top of the Ticket, Salon, Talking Points Memo, The Caucus, Washington Wire, Washington Monthly, Fausta's Blog,, Gateway Pundit, MoJo Blog Posts, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Democracy in America, Human Rights Now, Balloon Juice, Pirate's Cove, The Moderate Voice, Connecting.the.Dots, JustOneMinute, The Politico, The Rhetorican, TalkLeft, Taylor Marsh, Cato @ Liberty, Truthdig, New York Magazine and FP Passport
McCain: Cheney Endorses Spanish Inquisition Technique — I stopped by to see John McCain this afternoon in his Senate office. I haven't seen him for several months, and was glad to see that he seemed rested and ready, if not tan. He was in high spirits, and we talked …
Cheney vs. Obama: A Mismatch — I've read both speeches. — Obama's is the speech of a young senator who was once a part-time law professor—platitudinous and preachy, vague and pseudo-thoughtful in an abstract kind of way. This sentence was revealing: “On the other hand …
REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT ON NATIONAL SECURITY — Washington, D.C. — THE PRESIDENT: Good morning, everybody. Please be seated. Thank you all for being here. Let me just acknowledge the presence of some of my outstanding Cabinet members and advisors. We've got our Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.
US Department of Justice, Washington Post, Paper Chase, GayPatriot, TigerHawk and Crooks and Liars
Obama's civil liberties speech
The Daily Dish, Hullabaloo, BBC, MyDD, Taegan Goddard's …, White House Watch,, Associated Press and
Remarks by Richard B. Cheney
Daniel W. Drezner, Shadow Government, Sister Toldjah, Cold Fury, The Enterprise Blog, The Plank and Political Insider
Speed Reading Clerk Reads Stalling Amendment To House Climate Change Legislation — Earlier today, we reported that Democrats on the House Energy and Commerce Committee have taken an extraordinary measure to combat nefarious Republican stall tactics. Faced with the possibility …
Speed reader makes Hill debut — WASHINGTON (CNN) — The congressional speed reader made his committee debut Thursday — but it looks like his brief taste of the limelight may mark his Capitol Hill swan song. — The top Republican on the House Energy and Commerce committee, Texas Rep. Joe Barton …
Michelle Malkin
Pelosi Gets Poor Marks for Handling Interrogation Matter — More disapprove than approve of speaker's response — PRINCETON, NJ — More Americans disapprove than approve of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's handling of the matter concerning the government's use of harsh interrogation techniques on terrorism suspects.
History Is (Re)Written By The Winners — ... or at least, by the ad agencies. — The History Channel is a generally well-respected brand in the United States. The shows routinely make “water-cooler” conversation at sites like Redstate. Indeed, the sister networks like The Military Channel …
The Road to Bankruptcy — At the end of his book's harrowing account of mortgage mistakes and credit card crises, Edmund Andrews writes: “While our misadventure had certainly been more extreme than those of many other Americans, our situation was not all that unusual.”
RNC Launches ‘Daisy’ Web Ad — ABC News' Rick Klein reports: Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele this week promised an aggressive new approach to opposing President Obama. — That starts now. — The RNC is launching a Web ad on Friday highlighting Democrats' divisions …
Ben Smith's Blog
Replacing Justice Souter — With Supreme Court Justice David Souter set to retire next month at the end of the Court's current term, President Barack Obama faces one of the most important decisions of his tenure. asked a panel of leading legal scholars and commentators for their views …
Glenn Beck Demands “A Damn Apology” From The View (AUDIO) — Here's the latest dumbassed escalation in the Glenn Beck versus The View story! Beck is now demanding apologies from the View for accusing him of lying. GLENN BECK HAS CHECKED AND RECHECKED HIS MINUTIAE BY CRACKEE, and needs reparations!
Climate Bill Clears Hurdle, but Others Remain — WASHINGTON — The House Energy and Commerce Committee, splitting largely along party lines, approved on Thursday the most ambitious energy and global warming legislation ever debated in Congress. — The bill's passage, on a 33-to-25 vote …
Santorum: ‘Conservatives believe in the stewardship of patrimony.’ — Last night on Fox News, former senator Rick Santorum told Greta Van Susteren that the Republican party “has to stand up for conservative principles.” They have to support the “patrimony” against “a guy named Barack Obama” who wants to upend “our social structure”:
RNC Hits Obama For Criticizing Slavery … RNC: as he prepares to deliver remarks in hall that holds the constitution, flashback obama: “constitution flawed” #RNC [Twitter, 5/21/09] — FACT: Obama Explains The Constitution's “Fundamental Flaw” Was Slavery.
S&P cuts New York Times rating deeper into junk status — NEW YORK (Reuters) - Standard & Poor's on Thursday cut its rating on the New York Times Co (NYT.N) deeper into junk status, citing rising leverage in the midst of a newspaper industry slump. — A drop in ad revenue aggravated …
Power Line
Cheney: Adult — A serious, important speech. Politicians and the media seem unduly impressed by favorability polls, often drawing unwarranted conclusions from them. Since Cheney has relatively high unfavorables, it's assumed that the public dismisses his statements.
Balloon Juice
California For Sale — The fact that California is in bad shape financially does not make it unique. What makes it unique is Governor Schwarzenegger's suggestion to help get California back on its sandaled feet. He recently proposed that the state sell off some of its most famous properties …
NYT Reporter: Maybe 1 In 7 Detainees Didn't “Return” To Terrorism — New York Times reporter Elisabeth Bumiller is now casting doubt on the claim in her front page story today, pounced on by the right and quickly picked up on cable, that one in seven detainees released from Guantanamo “returned to terrorism or militant activity.”
Independents Take Center Stage in Obama Era — Trends in Political Values and Core Attitudes: 1987-2009 — Centrism has emerged as a dominant factor in public opinion as the Obama era begins. The political values and core attitudes that the Pew Research Center has monitored since 1987 show little overall ideological movement.
Porn star: panel to explore possible Senate run — NEW ORLEANS - Porn star Stormy Daniels says she's formed a committee to explore a possible run for the U.S. Senate seat held by Louisiana Republican David Vitter and will begin raising money for a potential campaign.
The Jawa Report
The Trouble with Social Conservatives — Back a while ago, when I was complaining about Republicans who think the GOP has just too darn many religious voters ("funny, so do the Democrats"), I promised I would explain how social conservatives have contributed to this misimpression …