Top Items:
The 10 punches Dick Cheney landed on Barack Obama's jaw — The spectacle of two duelling speeches with a mile of each other in downtown Washington was extraordinary. I was at the Cheney event and watched Obama's address on a big screen beside the empty lectern that the former veep stepped behind barely …
Cheney's speech ignored some inconvenient truths — WASHINGTON — Former Vice President Dick Cheney's defense Thursday of the Bush administration's policies for interrogating suspected terrorists contained omissions, exaggerations and misstatements. — In his address to the American Enterprise Institute …
Conservatives: Liz Cheney Should Run for Office — The hottest Republican property out there isn't former Vice President Dick Cheney but his daughter Liz, who has taken to the airwaves to defend her dad and the whole Bush administration on national security and Guantánamo Bay issues.
Obama Adopts the Bush Approach to the War on Terrorism — “We were able to hold it off with George Bush. The idea that we might find ourselves fighting with the Obama administration over these powers is really stunning.” — Unnamed and dismayed human rights advocate, on legalizing indefinite detention of alleged terrorists,
Cheney Lost to Bush — President Obama and Dick Cheney conspired on Thursday to propagate a myth. The myth is that we lived through an eight-year period of Bush-Cheney anti-terror policy and now we have entered a very different period called the Obama-Biden anti-terror policy.
Mancow Waterboarded, Admits It's Torture — “It is way worse than I thought it would be” — Shock jocks shock. — And so it went Friday morning when WLS radio host Erich “Mancow” Muller decided to subject himself to the controversial practice of waterboarding live on his show.
Think Progress, Crooks and Liars, Raw Story, Washington Monthly, Progress Illinois, Daily Kos, The BRAD BLOG, Wonkette and Seeing the Forest
Conservative Radio Host Has Himself Waterboard to Prove It's Not Torture, Realizes He Was Wrong — Via John Chait, it seems that conservative talk radio host Eric “Mancow” Muller decided it would be a fun stunt to have himself waterboarded in order to prove that it's not really torture.
Sobbing Kindergarteners Snubbed for Steelers? — Kids locked out of White House; officials say they were too late — Thursday was supposed to be the highlight of the year for more than 100 kindergarteners from Stafford County, Va. They got up early and took a chartered bus to the White House for a school field trip.
Kaine calls on LU to reconsider Democratic club ban — Liberty University president Jerry Falwell Jr. made his first public comments today about the university's suspension of the campus Democratic party club. — “That club still has the right to exist,” Falwell said, although it cannot use the university's name in its activities.
Little Green Footballs, Think Progress, Newsweek Blogs, Pharyngula, Raw Story, Hot Air, Pam's House Blend, On Deadline and MSNBC
Steele: Obama ‘Was Not Vetted Because The Press Fell In Love With The Black Man Running For The Office’ — Apparently unable to learn from egregious mistakes from the recent past, RNC Chairman Michael Steele once again took to the radio airwaves today as a guest host for Bill Bennett.
Washington Monthly, The Atlantic Politics Channel, Ben Smith's Blog, DownWithTyranny!, Donklephant, The Daily Dish, TPMDC and MSNBC
Bush: It's ‘liberating’ to be out of office — He gets warm welcome from group of graduating N.M. high school students — ARTESIA, N.M. - It was a humbling moment for the former commander in chief: President George W. Bush was walking former first dog Barney in his new Dallas neighborhood …
Labs Contest — Apps for America 2: The Challenge — What it Is — Apps for America is a special contest we're putting on this year to celebrate the release of! We're doing it alongside Google, O'Reilly Media, and TechWeb and the winners will be announced …
“I don't know why your husband doesn't put a gun to his temple.” — En route to pick up a tux for a wedding I'm attending this weekend, I flipped on the radio in my mother's car, found it tuned to the AM dial, and heard a host so petulant that he is an outlier even on talk radio.
Blue Double Cross — That didn't take long. Less than two weeks have passed since much of the medical-industrial complex made a big show of working with President Obama on health care reform — and the double-crossing is already well under way. Indeed, it's now clear that even as they met …
U.S. to Steer GM Toward Bankruptcy — Filing Expected as Chrysler Set to Emerge — The Obama administration is preparing to send General Motors into bankruptcy as early as the end of next week under a plan that would give the automaker tens of billions of dollars more in public financing …
Fox News, Right Wing News, The BLT, D-Day, Hot Air, Ezra Klein, Sweetness & Light, ProPublica and AMERICAblog News
White House Reporter Protects Cheney, Accuses Gibbs Of Taking “Swipe” — One of the odder things we've seen from some members of the White House press corps this year is a kind of zealous over-protectiveness of the previous administration — Dick Cheney, in particular.
Washington Post, TalkLeft, Washington Monthly, Salon, JammieWearingFool and Balloon Juice
Media Fawns Over Newt, Ignores Other Former Congressional Leaders — Steve Benen observes that these days Newt Gingrich is everywhere you look: … It's a really strange situation. If were an editor looking for an op-ed from a conservative point of view about the California budget crisis …
Washington Post, Washington Monthly, The Sundries Shack, Media Matters for America, D-Day, Democracy in America and MyDD
NEPOTISM REIGNS.... Mid-day yesterday, I noticed that Mark Halperin had a headline that read, “Round 2: Liz Cheney vs Axe.” Round 1, apparently, was President Obama and former Vice President Cheney, and Round 2's “Axe” refers to David Axelrod, Senior White House Advisor to the president.
The Page
Backward Runs ‘Newsweek’ — Blah blah newsmag remake blah blah. — Having recently been dumped by Time, I naturally had great hopes for this week's much-anticipated makeover of Newsweek. Both surviving newsmags (US News is said to exist still in some form, but no one I know has seen it lately) …
President Above-It-All — EDITOR'S NOTE: This column is available exclusively through King Features Syndicate. For permission to reprint or excerpt this copyrighted material, please contact:, or phone 800-708-7311, ext 246. — Put Barack Obama in front of a teleprompter …
Facts and myths about Obama's preventive detention proposal — [Updated below - Update II (Interview with ACLU) - Update III - Update IV - Update V ] — In the wake of Obama's speech yesterday, there are vast numbers of new converts who now support indefinite “preventive detention.”
Citizen Spies Lift North Korea's Veil — With Sleuthing and Satellite Images, Mr. Melvin Fills the Blanks on a Secretive Nation's Map — SEOUL — In the propaganda blitz that followed North Korea's missile launch last month, the country's state media released photos of leader Kim Jong Il visiting …
Outrage at Serbia ‘beating’ video — A young patient appears to be beaten repeatedly with a shovel (Video courtesy of Vreme magazine) — Officials in Serbia are investigating a rehabilitation centre affiliated to the Orthodox Church where drug addicts have allegedly been filmed being beaten.
Some GOP-ers step away from Cheney — Dick Cheney's full-throated attack on the Obama administration has left congressional Republicans with a tricky decision: Do they embrace his critiques, even if it means aligning themselves with the most polarizing figure from the still-unpopular Bush administration?
OBAMA TO APOLOGIZE TO GERMANY FOR WWII? — The latest inconceivable Obamaction is yet another unbecoming apology in Europe, this time in Germany for WWII. John Rosenthal suggests, “As bizarre as it may seem, President Obama's impending trip to Dresden suggests that German revisionists have a friend in the White House”.
Women are unhappier than ever. — According to a new study. — That's what we get for being more in touch with how we feel — we notice it, we admit it to ourselves and others. And we get attention because of it. If men were/are sad, who would know? Who would care?
For GOP, A Southern Exposure — REPUBLICAN STRENGTH IN THE SOUTH HAS BOTH COMPENSATED FOR AND MASKED THE EXTENT OF THE PARTY'S DECLINE ELSEWHERE. — Founded in the decade before the Civil War as the Northern voice of union, the Republican Party today is more electorally dependent on the South than at any point in its past.
Yossi Melman / Obama quashed Israel military option against Iran — Israel's military option against Iran has died. The death warrant was issued courtesy of the new U.S. administration led by Barack Obama. — All the administration's senior officials, from the president to his vice president …
A REMINDER OF THE OBVIOUS.... Somehow, the nation has managed to do pretty well despite all of these terrorists living in our “neighborhoods,” coming to our “communities,” and “living among us.” … Terrorists in the community of Leavenworth, Kansas? But that's the heartland! Won't someone think of the children?
Distinguish between transactional and revolving credit — Megan McArdle... Kevin Drum responds... We won't get very far in the debate about credit in the US economy if we fail to distinguish between transactional and revolving credit. These are two are fundamentally different products …
Some fear Pelosi attacks may backfire — After a one-two punch from Newt Gingrich and Dick Cheney, House Minority Leader John Boehner and other Republican lawmakers worry that their party has overplayed its hand on Nancy Pelosi. — The Republicans' fear: Gingrich's call for Pelosi's ouster …