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Gingrich: Sotomayor ‘racist,’ should withdraw nomination — WASHINGTON (CNN) - Rush Limbaugh isn't the only one calling Sonia Sotomayor a racist. Newt Gingrich is, too — and he's demanding that Obama's pick to the Supreme Court withdraw her nomination. — On Twitter, Gingrich pointed …
Rove: Attending top schools doesn't mean that Sotomayor is smart, but it proves that Bush is. — During a debate at Radio City Music Hall last night, former Bush adviser Karl Rove claimed that Supreme Court nominee Judge Sonia Sotomayor was “not necessarily” “very smart.”
Tancredo: Sotomayor ‘Appears To Be A Racist’ — Last night on MSNBC, former Republican House member Tom Tancredo declared that Judge Sonia Sotomayor “appears to be a racist” and indicated she would only be confirmed because she's a Hispanic woman: … Tancredo also called Sotomayor …
About That “Wise Latina” Statement — It's worth looking at the whole speech, and at least considering the statement in context: … I think we can immediately dispense with the crazies who think this statement should disqualify Sotomayor for the Supreme Court.
beliefnet, Political Insider, American Prospect, MoJo Blog Posts, Ben Smith's Blog, JustOneMinute, Reason, PoliBlog and ATTACKERMAN
Sotomayor reversed 60% by high court — With Judge Sonia Sotomayor already facing questions over her 60 percent reversal rate, the Supreme Court could dump another problem into her lap next month if, as many legal analysts predict, the court overturns one of her rulings upholding a race-based employment decision.
White House Smacks Gingrich For Calling Sotomayor A Racist
Swampland, Politics Daily, culturekitchen, The Plum Line, NPR Blogs, The Huffington Post and Rumproast
The ‘Empathy’ Nominee — Is Sonia Sotomayor judically superior to ‘a white male’?
Identity Justice — Responding to early 19th-century rumors …
American Power, Pajamas Media, The Atlantic Business Channel, Firedoglake, PostPartisan, Wall Street Journal, Balloon Juice, Washington Monthly, Economix, Weekly Standard, Time, Jules Crittenden, New York Magazine, The Reaction, Opening Arguments, PoliBlog, The Fix, Media Matters for America and Salon
Conservatives react to historic Supreme Court nominee by smearing …
Think Progress, Washington Monthly, Open Left, Liberal Values, QandO, MoJo Blog Posts, Hullabaloo and Media Matters for America
Gingrich Calls On Sotomayor To Withdraw Because She's A ‘Latina Woman Racist’
The New Justice — President Obama seems to have made an …
Washington Times, Boston Globe, Real Clear Politics, NY Daily News, New York Post, New York Times, The Foundry and Los Angeles Times
It Sticks in My Craw — Most e-mailers were with me on the post on the pronunciation of Judge Sotomayor's name (and a couple griped about the whole Latina/Latino thing — English dropped gender in nouns, what, 1,000 years ago?). But a couple said we should just pronounce it the way the bearer …
PRONUNCIATION GUIDE.... One of the low points in the right's criticism of Obama during the presidential campaign came in October, when some conservatives started complaining about the Democrat's pronunciation of “Pakistan,” with a soft “a.” — The National Review's Mark Stein complained …
EXCLUSIVE: Sestak Intends To Run For Senate — Rep. Joe Sestak (D-PA) is privately telling supporters that he intends to run for Senate, TPMDC has confirmed. — “He intends to get in the race,” says Meg Infantino, the Congressman's sister, who works at Sestak for Congress.
Biden talks Irish poetry, gets in a dig at Obama's teleprompters at Air Force Academy — On Tuesday, he did the economic recovery thing, touting the environmentally friendly jobs that President Obama's $787-billion stimulus package is creating. — Then, as the Ticket reported Tuesday …
It's Not About Bill — Bill Clinton loves to shop. On a March day in an elegant crafts store in Lima, the Peruvian capital, he hunted for presents for his wife and the women on his staff back home. He had given a speech at a university earlier and just came from a ceremony kicking off a program to help impoverished Peruvians.
Once Considered Unthinkable, U.S. Sales Tax Gets Fresh Look — Levy Viewed as Way to Reduce Deficits, Fund Health Reform — With budget deficits soaring and President Obama pushing a trillion-dollar-plus expansion of health coverage, some Washington policymakers are taking a fresh look …
The Atlantic Business Channel, USA Today, Weekly Standard, FOX Forum, The Foundry, JammieWearingFool, RedState, theblogprof and The Real Revo
PARODY? — Are The Hill — and anti-Sotomayor operative Curt Levey — really suggesting that the judge's fondness for Puerto Rican cuisine is a handicap for higher office: … We're looking into whether this was a joke, because, really, it can't be serious, can it?
Critics focus on Sotomayor speech in La Raza journal
Supervisor Asks Woman To Take Down American Flag — UPDATE: Hospital Says Woman May Re-Hang Flag (Read More Below) — MANSFIELD (CBS 11 News) ― Is it okay to show your patriotism at the office? — For one Arlington woman, the answer was “no” after she hung an American flag in her office just before the Memorial Day weekend.
Exploding debt threatens America — Standard and Poor's decision to downgrade its outlook for British sovereign debt from “stable” to “negative” should be a wake-up call for the US Congress and administration. Let us hope they wake up. — Under President Barack Obama's budget plan, the federal debt is exploding.
Majority of Americans Continue to Oppose Gay Marriage — PRINCETON, NJ — Americans' views on same-sex marriage have essentially stayed the same in the past year, with a majority of 57% opposed to granting such marriages legal status and 40% in favor of doing so.
The Fix, Reason, FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog, The Hill's Blog Briefing Room and American Power
Huckabee to endorse Rubio for Florida Senate seat — WASHINGTON (CNN) - Florida Gov. Charlie Crist has rolled out a succession of endorsements from national Republicans since announcing his entrance into the 2010 Senate race. — Now his Republican primary rival, former Florida House speaker Marco Rubio …
Billions in new cuts loom for California — including eliminating welfare and closing most state parks — Faced with a ballooning deficit and a clear signal that voters won't pay more to fix it, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger released a budget plan Tuesday that would eliminate welfare …
AT&T May Have Swayed ‘Idol’ Results — LOS ANGELES — AT&T, one of the biggest corporate sponsors of “American Idol,” might have influenced the outcome of this year's competition by providing phones for free text-messaging services and lessons in casting blocks of votes at parties organized …
Mancow: Hannity Called Me After I Was Waterboarded And Said, 'It's Still Not Torture' — Last month, Fox News's Sean Hannity claimed he would agree to be waterboarded “for charity...for the troops's families.” Since then, multiple pundits have challenged Hannity to undergo the torture tactic …