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Text: Obama's Speech in Cairo — The following is a text of President Obama's prepared remarks to the Muslim world, delivered on June 4, 2009, as released by the White House. — I am honored to be in the timeless city of Cairo, and to be hosted by two remarkable institutions.
Power Line, The Politico, Guardian, Washington Monthly, Reuters, Babylon & Beyond, The Moderate Voice, BBC, Aljazeera, Time, Flopping Aces, USA Today, Donklephant, God's Politics Blog, Pufferfish, Wizbang, JustOneMinute, The Caucus, QandO, Commentary, CNN, NO QUARTER, Israel Matzav, Los Angeles Times, TalkLeft, Latest Open Salon Blog, Atlas Shrugs, Raw Story, Harry's Place, Cato @ Liberty, Informed Comment, Pundit & Pundette, Outside The Beltway, City Pages, Balloon Juice, Weasel Zippers, Confederate Yankee, On Deadline, Jihad Watch, Sister Toldjah and POMED

Let Women Wear the Hijab: The Emptiness of Obama's Cairo Speech — I know many will gush over President Obama's Cairo speech and I'm likely swimming against the tide of the media and my fellow Democrats and progressives. But reading the transcript, I was struck by two things:

Obama Calls for Alliances With Muslims — CAIRO — President Obama pledged on Thursday to “seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world,” imploring America and the Islamic world to drop their suspicions of one another and forge new alliances to confront violent extremism and heal religious divides.
Haaretz, The Daily Dish, Wall Street Journal, CBS News, The Huffington Post, Los Angeles Times, The Moderate Voice, Washington Post, Think Progress, Capital Journal, Washington Monthly, The Lede, POMED, Chris Floyd Online, MSNBC, Law Dork, 2.0, DownWithTyranny!, NY Daily News, marbury and The Atlantic Politics Channel

“The streets surrounding the university and across the city were largely quiet and empty on Thursday. Many workers in the Egyptian capital had been told to stay home." — Listening to Robin Wright, Ed Rollins and others on CNN discuss the president's speech, I am struck by the unreality …

Rainbows and unicorns and a world without the j-word — I talked for a few minutes about the latest History-Making, World-Changing Obama Speech on Fox and Friends this morning. He attemped to obfuscate his explicit anti-American apologism with a mixture of disingenuousness …

Obama's Cairo speech: Surprisingly good — I didn't get the chance to watch Barack Obama's Cairo speech live, although I'm sure that it will be chopped up on YouTube within the next couple of hours. Instead, I read the full text posted by Andrew Malcolm, as well as Andrew's commentary …
The Atlantic Politics Channel, YID With LID, The Hill's Blog Briefing Room and Pat Dollard

What Barack Hussein Obama told Muslims in Egypt (text here) — President Barack Hussein Obama, born to a Muslim father and educated in a Muslim country, won a rousing response in Cairo today with an outreach to a Muslim world that reviled his predecessor George W. Bush.

The Speech — What struck me most about Barack Obama's speech today in Cairo is what was missing: Iraq. He didn't skip Iraq entirely, but his discussion of it was perfunctory and incomplete. He said: … That's rather extraordinary. In a speech about freedom and democracy …

Rush and Newt Are Winning — A media environment that tilts to the right is obscuring what President Obama stands for and closing off political options that should be part of the public discussion. — Yes, you read that correctly: If you doubt that there is a conservative inclination in the media …

Gritty First Job Shaped Nominee — Years as N.Y. Prosecutor Gave Sotomayor Firsthand Look at Crime and Punishment — Former New York police detective Chris Montanino remembers his frustration nearly three decades ago, when he was ready to go after child-porn distributors but couldn't find …

Star Carradine found dead — Kill Bill and Kung Fu star David Carradine has been found dead in a Bangkok hotel room, BBC correspondent Jonathan Head has reported. — The 72-year-old was in Thailand filming his latest film Stretch, according to his personal manager Chuck Binder.

Washington Sketch: Liberals Are Taken Aback by Obama's Take-Back of America — President Obama is just killing the progressive movement. — For the past few years, liberal activists have gathered in Washington each spring for the Take Back America conference, where speaker after speaker …

Police Swarm Tiananmen Square to Bar Protests — BEIJING — China blanketed Tiananmen Square with police officers Thursday, determined to prevent any commemoration of the 20th anniversary of a military crackdown on pro-democracy protesters that left hundreds dead.

Bullets Over Beijing — It was exactly 20 years ago that I stood …
The Huffington Post

Gay groups grow impatient with Obama — President Barack Obama's promises of change are falling short for one core Democratic constituency: gays and lesbians, whose leaders say Obama's administration isn't keeping up with the times. — Gay rights campaigners, most of them Democrats …
Ben Smith's Blog, Pam's House Blend, Boston Globe, DownWithTyranny!, Reuters, #gay, Don Surber and Crooks and Liars

Internet Radio Host Hal Turner Faces Connecticut Charges — Radio host Hal Turner, shown during his broadcast over the Internet from his New Jersey home, was arrested in that state Wednesday on a warrant obtained by Capitol police in Hartford. Turner, who also hosts a blog …

RED ALERT: Did White House order FBI to “back off” anti-terror investigations of radicalized Muslim converts? — Today's update from Stratfor Research describes the background of a recent attack on U.S. soldiers in Little Rock, Arkansas. One soldier was killed and another critically wounded …
The Jawa Report, Mere Rhetoric, Atlas Shrugs, STRATFOR, Nice Deb, Associated Press, Say Anything, Dr. Melissa Clouthier and Weasel Zippers

Iran President and Challenger Clash in Debate — TEHRAN — A moderate politician who is considered the strongest challenger to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran accused him on live television on Wednesday of undermining the nation's interest by constantly questioning the Holocaust and by engaging in an adventurist foreign policy.
RealClearWorld, The New Republic, American Footprints, Blog and The Daily Dish

Plan to Help Banks Clear Their Books Is Halted — WASHINGTON — The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation indefinitely postponed a central element of the Obama administration's bank rescue plan on Wednesday, acknowledging that it could not persuade enough banks to sell off their bad assets.
Ezra Klein, naked capitalism, The Baseline Scenario, D-Day, Wonk Room, DailyFinance and ProPublica