Top Items:

Max Blumenthal: Feeling the Hate In Jerusalem on Eve of Obama's Cairo Address — Max Blumenthal writes: On the eve of President Barack Obama's address to the Muslim world from Cairo, Egypt, I stepped out onto the streets of Jerusalem with my friend Joseph Dana to interview young Israelis …

The End of America's Strategic Alliance with Israel? — From an Israeli perspective, Pres. Barack Obama's speech today in Cairo was deeply disturbing. Both rhetorically and programmatically, Obama's speech was a renunciation of America's strategic alliance with Israel.
Israel Matzav

House Hunting in the West Bank
Washington Monthly, South Jerusalem, Los Angeles Times, Think Progress, Talking Points Memo and ATTACKERMAN

Barack Obama and the Moral Equivalence of Holocaust
Guardian, Andrew Bolt, Think Progress, Ibishblog blogs, Alarming News, and The Politico

Sotomayor Repeatedly Referenced ‘Wise Woman’ in Speeches — Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor is greeted by Sen. Arlen Specter before a meeting on Capitol Hill Thursday. (Getty) — Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor delivered multiple speeches between 1994 and 2003 in which she suggested …

Reid Dares Fellow Democrats to Oppose Sotomayor
Weasel Zippers

Liberal Writer Fired By AOL News For Reporting Vile Playboy List — AOL News has been bending over backwards lately to make sure that the do not cover the controversy surrounding writer Guy Cimbalo's vile attack on conservative women. AOL News has taken some drastic steps …

FRUM BLOGS THE PRESIDENT'S CAIRO SPEECH — The president's Cairo speech: worse than feared. Let's itemize the ways. — President Obama likes to position himself as an intermediary, explaining two conflicting parties each to the other. He did so in his race speech in Philadelphia …
Washington Post, Macsmind, The New Republic, Flopping Aces, Jihad Watch, Gateway Pundit and Michelle Malkin

Obama in Cairo — Having just read Obama's Cairo speech, my reaction is: Not bad.
The New Republic, RedState, Power Line, Hot Air, Wall Street Journal, Washington Times, Top of the Ticket, Greg's Opinion, Little Green Footballs, The Opinionator, MoJo Blog Posts, TPMCafe, The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, American Prospect, POMED, Washington Post, Israellycool, The Atlantic Politics Channel and Washington Monthly

Elizabeth Warren and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad, Utterly Misleading Bankruptcy Study — Elizabeth Warren has another study out showing that medical expenses contribute to more than half of all bankruptcies—indeed, this time, it's 70%, up from the 50% she found in 2001.
MoJo Blog Posts

Palin: Government wants to ‘control the people’ — (CNN) - Alaska governor Sarah Palin let loose Wednesday on the Obama administration for enacting fiscal policies that “fly in the face of principles” and “defy Economics 101.” — In a speech introducing Michael Reagan …

White House Set to Appoint a Pay Czar — WASHINGTON — The Obama administration plans to appoint a “Special Master for Compensation” to ensure that companies receiving federal bailout funds are abiding by executive-pay guidelines, according to people familiar with the matter.

Bureaucrat scuffs dream of homeless shoe shiner — He sleeps under a bridge, washes in a public bathroom and was panhandling for booze money 11 months ago, but now Larry Moore is the best-dressed shoeshine man in the city. When he gets up from his cardboard mattress, he puts on a coat and tie.

POST UPDATED BELOW — In an interview with me, Dem Rep Robert Wexler, a leading voice in Congress on Israeli-Arab affairs, made a fascinating point, arguing that one of the most important lines in Obama's Cairo speech was this one: … Wexler told me he thinks that Obama's promise to …

An Absolutely Extraordinary Moment — An African-American President with Muslim roots stands before the Muslim world and defends the right of Jews to a nation of their own in their ancestral homeland, and then denounces in vociferous terms the evil of Holocaust denial, and right-wing Israelis …

The Power and the Story — The Obamas may have the smartest, most finely calibrated press operation in White House history, parceling out scoops (The New York Times), partisan talking points (the Huffington Post), and First Family tidbits (the celebrity mags) to a desperate media.
Gawker, Hot Air, Michael Calderone's Blog, The Atlantic Politics Channel and Ben Smith's Blog

Why I'll No Longer Be on Bill O'Reilly's Show — The first time I appeared on “The O'Reilly Factor,” in 2004, I sat across from Bill O'Reilly in awkward silence while he shuffled papers and took notes. — Finally, he glanced up and acknowledged my existence. “Thank you for coming on,” he said.

Behind the Scenes: A New Angle on History — Terril Jones had only shown the photograph to friends. — While working as a reporter in Beijing during the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, he shot many photographs and recorded several hours of video. It wasn't until weeks afterwards …

Sotomayor's whirlwind schedule takes a toll — WASHINGTON (CNN) — It's the second day of a whirlwind Capitol Hill tour — and it looks like Judge Sonia Sotomayor is already having trouble keeping Senate lineup straight. — Asked to lay out her Wednesday itinerary, President Obama's Supreme …

Barney Frank convinces GM CEO to keep his district's plant open — Rep Barney Frank (D-Mass.) won a stay of execution on Thursday for a General Motors plant in his district that the automaker had announced it would close. — No other lawmaker has managed to halt the GM ax.

McCarthy Won't Challenge Gillibrand in New York Senate Primary — Rep. Carolyn McCarthy will not challenge Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand in a Democratic primary. McCarthy, a thorn in Gillibrand's side of late, had said she would take on the newly appointed senator in 2010 if no one else did.
Open Left, Daily Kos, The Daily Politics, TPMDC, the albany project and Top Stories from CQ

Rush and Newt Are Winning — A media environment that tilts to the right is obscuring what President Obama stands for and closing off political options that should be part of the public discussion. — Yes, you read that correctly: If you doubt that there is a conservative inclination in the media …

The Gingrich Universe — A great column from E.J. Dionne …

Olbermann's Mosquito Bites — I hear that Keith Olbermann declared on MSNBC Tuesday evening that I am “runner-up” for his “hypocrisy award” and also “a fraud.” — In case anyone takes Olbermann seriously, I identify below the false and misleading assertions of fact that he packed into his 60-second diatribe.

Go now Gordon, Purnell urges as he quits cabinet — • Minister tells PM to quit and give Labour ‘fighting chance’ — • Purnell's move sparks furious reaction from Number 10 — • Rebels say 75 MPs support email calling for new leader — James Purnell, the work …

Ruling allowing Taser use to get DNA may be nation's first — LOCKPORT — It is legally permissible for police to zap a suspect with a Taser to obtain a DNA sample, as long as it's not done “maliciously, or to an excessive extent, or with resulting injury,” a county judge has ruled …
Raw Story, Niagara Views, Hullabaloo, The Volokh Conspiracy, Blog and Simple Justice

Exclusive: Jeff Sessions Makes Children Cry — Yesterday, the Senate Judiciary Committe held the first-ever hearing on the Uniting American Families Act, which would equalize the status of foreign-born same-sex partners of American citizens. Heterosexual Americans can earn citizenship for their foreign partners by marrying them.

GOP Defers to Coleman on Fate — Senate Republican leaders appear willing to go to the mat for former Sen. Norm Coleman (R-Minn.), but it's unclear whether Coleman wants to go to the mat for himself. — The Minnesota Supreme Court is expected to rule within weeks on whether Democrat Al …
Hotline On Call, TPMDC, MinnPost, City Pages, Minnesota Independent, MoJo Blog Posts, Election Law, Salon and D-Day