Top Items:

Weekly Standard may have been shooter target — FBI agents visited the offices of the conservative Weekly Standard magazine yesterday after a shooting at the Holocaust Memorial Museum and told employees they'd found the magazine's address — A senior Standard staffer confirmed the visit but declined to discuss it in detail.
American Power, CBS News, MyFox New York, The New Republic, Washington Post, Examiner, The Other McCain, Gateway Pundit, blogs, Red Alerts, Salon,, Gawker, protein wisdom, No More Mister Nice Blog, Mudville Gazette, Conventional Folly, TPMMuckraker, Democracy in America and The American Pundit

Was James Von Brunn a Right-Winger? — Ben Smith, noting that James Von Brunn might potentially have considered targeting The Weekly Standard, writes: … I'm not sure what he's talking about here. First, the “conventional political classification” is a rubric that accounts for extremists …

James von Brunn, Evolutionist
The Sensuous Curmudgeon, Little Green Footballs, City Room, and Commentary

Holocaust Museum Shooter: Christian-Hating Socialist
Discussion:, Think Progress, The Huffington Post,, and Say Anything

A Boor and a Coward — Smug, hip David Letterman offered a smirky non-apology about his ongoing class and sexist slurs against the Palins, his apparent social inferiors. “We were, as we often do, making jokes about people in the news and we made some jokes about Sarah Palin and her daughter …

Why the left ridicules women — Too many American liberals cannot handle a strong, good-looking, intelligent, independent woman who disagrees with them — and so they make the crude, cruel and sexist remarks — including those about raping them or their 14-year-old daughters.

Letterman says Palin joke in ‘poor taste’
Blue Crab Boulevard, The New Republic, Ben Smith's Blog, The Democratic Daily, Liberal Values and Wonkette

What If Israel Strikes Iran? — The mullahs would retaliate. But things would be much worse if they had the bomb. — Printer — Friendly — Whatever the outcome of Iran's presidential election tomorrow, negotiations will not soon — if ever — put an end to its nuclear threat.

How to Stop Socialized Health Care — Five arguments Republicans must make. — Printer — Friendly — It was a sobering breakfast with one of the smartest Republicans on Capitol Hill. We can fix a lot of bad stuff President Barack Obama might do, he told me.

Doctors' Group Opposes Public Insurance Plan — WASHINGTON — As the health care debate heats up, the American Medical Association is letting Congress know that it will oppose creation of a government-sponsored insurance plan, which President Obama and many other Democrats see as an essential element …
Ezra Klein, The Fix, The Politico, The Treatment, Matthew Yglesias, Pajamas Media, Washington Post, Donklephant, The Corner, The Caucus, Wonk Room, NOW! Blog, Fausta's Blog, The Washington Independent, The Mahablog, Taylor Marsh, FiveThirtyEight, Daily Dose, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, CBS News,, Daily Kos, Flopping Aces, The Reaction, Political Byline, Capital Journal, Moonbattery, Say Anything, Think Progress, Chicago Tribune, New York Times and Patterico's Pontifications

Chastity Bono — Becoming a Man — Chastity Bono, civil rights advocate, journalist, author and musician, is in the early stages of changing his gender — transitioning from female to male, TMZ has learned. — Bono, the child of legendary entertainers Sonny and Cher, began the process earlier this year …

Chastity Bono is changing gender from female to male

Is The Right Still “Proud To Be a Right-Wing Extremist”? — Back in April and May I wrote a whole series of posts about how the Right was systematically trumping-up a controversy over the Department of Homeland Security Report, “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence …

Rev. Wright: I Meant to Say “Zionists” Are Keeping Me from Talking to President Obama — Not Jews — In an interview on a liberal satellite radio show, Rev. Jeremiah Wright attempted to clarify his comments to the Newport News, Virginia. Daily-Press about “them Jews” preventing him from speaking to President Obama.
Michelle Malkin, YID With LID, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Hot Air, Babalú Blog, Washington Post and Soccer Dad

Foreign Office fury over settlement of Guantánamo Uighurs in Bermuda — The British Government responded with ill-disguised fury tonight to the news that four Chinese Uighurs freed from Guantanamo Bay had been flown for resettlement on the Atlantic tourist paradise of Bermuda.

O'Reilly Ignores Holocaust Museum Shooting, Wonders Whether It's Even ‘Newsworthy’ — Last week, Fox News' Bill O'Reilly went on a tirade against CNN for supposedly failing to cover the shooting of Pvt. William Long, an Army recruiter in Arkansas. Of course, O'Reilly's claims were blatantly false …

Palestinian family kills 15-yr-old son — Article's topics: Palestinians, Israel, Torture — In the first incident of its kind, a Palestinian family has killed its 15-year-old son in the West Bank after accusing him of “collaboration” with Israel. — Raed Wael Sawalha's body …

Baucus Aides Warn K Street — Top aides to Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) called a last-minute, pre-emptive strike on Wednesday with a group of prominent Democratic lobbyists, warning them to advise their clients not to attend a meeting with Senate Republicans set for Thursday.
The Politico, Weekly Standard, YID With LID, Ezra Klein, RedState, Erick's blog and Political Punch

Attempt to Open N.Y. State Senate Session Falters — ALBANY — The coalition that joined two Democrats with 30 Republicans and took control of the State Senate earlier this week was in danger of collapsing on Thursday as one of the Democrats walked out of the Senate chamber …

The Top 40 Conservative Blogs For 2009 (Version 2.0) … The RWN Website of the Day is:

Election 2009: Virginia Governor Election — Virginia Governor: Deeds (D) 47%, McDonnell (R) 41% — Newly chosen Democratic gubernatorial nominee R. Creigh Deeds leads his Republican opponent, former Attorney General Robert F. McDonnell, by six points in the first poll of Virginia voters released since Tuesday's Democratic primary.
Swing State Project, TPMDC, Hotline On Call, Eunomia, Daily Kos, FiveThirtyEight, Blue Virginia and Scorecard's Blog

Senate Passes Landmark Anti-Smoking Bill — Legislation Gives FDA Sweeping Controls Over Production, Sale And Marketing Of Tobacco Products — (CBS/AP) Congress struck the government's strongest anti-smoking blow in decades Thursday with a Senate vote to give regulators new power …

US government seeks to rein in executive pay — Democrats want to push administration on US corporate pay strategies — American International Group, Inc. - , Bank of America Corporation - , Citigroup, Inc. — WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration is taking a half-step toward taming U.S. executive pay.
Tammy Bruce, The Anchoress, Say Anything, Cafe Hayek, Gawker, Don Surber, Sister Toldjah, The American Pundit and Maggie's Farm

Russians Outfox U.S. in Latest Great Game — BISHKEK, Kyrgyzstan — One at a time the government's top critics seemed to go to jail, or simply disappear. — Syrgak Abdyldayev, a local journalist, began to investigate whether the attacks had anything to do with a team of Russian-speaking specialists …
Danger Room

Martha Minow named dean of Harvard Law School — Martha Minow, the Jeremiah Smith, Jr., Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, will become the dean of the Faculty of Law on July 1, President Drew Faust announced today (June 11). — A member of the Law School faculty since 1981 …

Barney Frank has a snit fit — Touchy, touchy. When Barney Frank doesn't get to blubber uninterrupted on TV like he does in committee hearings and on the House floor, Barney Frank stomps off the set: — Note from Michelle: This section is for comments from's community of registered readers.

Rove: Bush Administration Has ‘No’ Responsibility For Current Budget Deficits — Last night on Fox News, former top Bush adviser Karl Rove chastised President Obama for his economic recovery package Congress passed last February and criticized him for his new proposal to enact “pay as you go” …

No. 2 House Republican compares Obama to Putin — WASHINGTON (AP) — The No. 2 Republican in the House is comparing some of President Barack Obama's economic policies to those of Russia's prime minister and former president, Vladimir Putin. — The House Republican whip, Rep. Eric Cantor of Virginia …