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Gov. Sanford not heard from since Thursday — The whereabouts of Gov. Mark Sanford have been unknown to state officials since Thursday, and some state leaders are questioning who is in charge of the executive office. — Neither the governor's office nor the State Law Enforcement Division …
WMBF News, TPMMuckraker, PoliGazette, Firedoglake, Salon, The Gun Toting Liberal, Hot Air, The Note,, The Sundries Shack, Crooks and Liars, Talking Points Memo, Say Anything, Don Surber, Washington Monthly, Gawker, Washington Wire, TPMDC, Daily Kos, Weekly Standard, Wonkette, MoJo Blog Posts, PoliBlog, The Atlantic Politics Channel, Swampland, Real Clear Politics, The Hill's Blog Briefing Room and Gateway Pundit

Sanford, missing since Thursday, reportedly located — The whereabouts of Gov. Mark Sanford was unknown for nearly four days, and some state leaders question who was in charge of the executive office. — But Sanford's office told the lieutenant governor's office Monday afternoon that Sanford …

Where in the World is Mark Sanford? (The Appalachian Trail) — South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford hasn't been heard from in days. Brett Flashnick — AP — UPDATE, 10:20 pm: South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford has been hiking the Appalachian Trail for the last five days, according to his office.

UPDATE #6: Where is Governor Mark Sanford? First Lady, Lt. Governor don't know.

Family, friends mourn Iranian woman whose death was caught on video — Neda Agha-Soltan, 26, ‘was a beam of light’ and not an activist, friends say. The video footage of her bleeding to death on the street has turned her into an international symbol of the protest movement.
New York Times, Washington Post, Boing Boing, Gawker, Wizbang, Taylor Marsh, TBogg, We Are All Neda, NY Daily News, Babylon & Beyond, MoJo Blog Posts and Hot Air

Neda Soltan, Young Woman Hailed as Martyr in Iran, Becomes Face of Protests — Protesters in Iran are hailing 26-year-old Neda Soltan as a martyr after graphic videos of her apparent murder at a protest in Tehran hit the Internet. Iran experts say images of her bloody death have galvanized …

US says hot dog diplomacy still on with Iran — WASHINGTON (AFP) — The United States said Monday its invitations were still standing for Iranian diplomats to attend July 4 celebrations at US embassies despite the crackdown on opposition supporters. — President Barack Obama's administration …
Jules Crittenden, Say Anything, Pajamas Media, QandO, Reason, Gateway Pundit, Wizbang, JammieWearingFool, The Spirit of Man, Mere Rhetoric, Hot Air, Weasel Zippers and The Rhetorican

State Dep't: Iranian diplomats still welcome to celebrate July 4th with U.S.; Update: Video added — Via Weasel Zippers, a gesture of solidarity per our two nations' shared interest in life, liberty, and shooting women in the heart on the street, I guess. — Not even a disinvitation …

Iranian clerics seek supreme leader alternative — Clashes between protesters and police Saturday left at least 13 people dead (File) — Religious leaders are considering an alternative to the supreme leader structure after at least 13 people were killed in the latest unrest to shake Tehran …
A Blog For All, Pajamas Media, MyDD, Reuters, RapidRecon, Atlas Shrugs, ABCNEWS, Patterico's Pontifications and CNN

Iranian leaders will always believe Anglo-Saxons are plotting against them. … - There is nothing at all that any Western country can do to avoid the charge of intervening in Iran's foreign affairs. The deep belief that everything—especially anything in English—is already and by definition …

Iranian protester pleads for U.S., world to intervene — An Iranian student protester in Tehran made a passionate plea for help from the world community this morning in a phone call to CNN's “American Morning.” — For safety reasons, CNN can only identify the student by his first name, Mohammad.
PoliGazette, Berman Post, Commentary, The Spirit of Man, QandO, Nice Deb, Weekly Standard, Israel Matzav, AmSpecBlog and THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS

Under Misspelled Banner, Buchanan And White Nationalist Brimelow Argue For English-Only Initiatives — On Saturday, Pat Buchanan hosted a conference to discuss how Republicans can regain a majority in America. During one discussion, panelists suggested supporting English-only initiatives …
The Moderate Voice, America's Voice Blog, Daily Kos, Media Matters for America, Wonkette and Shakesville

Poll: Americans Less Upbeat About Stimulus Bill's Impact — Expectations for President Obama's stimulus package have diminished, with barely half of Americans now confident the $787 billion measure will boost the economy, and the rapid rise in optimism that followed the 2008 election has abated …

Obama Invites Gay Rights Advocates to White House — As advocates for gays and lesbians intensify their criticism of the White House, President Obama has invited some of their leaders to an East Room reception next Monday to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall Rebellion …

9 dead after Metro train derailment, collision — WASHINGTON - A Metro train smashed into the back of another at the height of the Monday evening rush hour, killing at least nine people and injuring scores of others as cars from the trailing train jackknifed into the air and fell atop the first.

McCain's Iran Neda speech raises domestic political stakes for Obama — Here's anew video involving the violent events in Iran and the politics they are now forcing within the United States. — The video is from C-SPAN of Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain, who over the weekend …

Analysis: Supreme Court Invalidates Section 5's Coverage Scheme [Updated 2:15] — Though the Supreme Court by a wide margin today formally declined to resolve a challenge to the constitutionality of Section 5, the reality is far different. The decision unambiguously served notice …

Villaraigosa won't run for governor — The decision may help possible Democratic candidate Jerry Brown more than Gavin Newsom, experts say. — Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa's decision Monday to skip the 2010 race for California governor left a two-person contest for the Democratic nomination …

Gawker Says ‘Hi’ to Fox News Stalker; He Drives Away Like a Coward — We finally met Bill O'Reilly's stalker-producer Jesse Watters on Saturday. It was a fleeting and civil encounter—jovial, even—but ultimately unsatisfying. We asked him some questions about his stalking, and then he drove away, because he's a coward.

Understanding Obama on Iran — Call me thick, but I continue to be baffled by a lot of the commentary, cited by Rich and others, which gives as the rationale for President Obama's diffidence his purported determination to preserve the opportunity to negotiate with the mullahs on their nuclear program.

Conrad Moves Closer To Public Health Care After Negotiations — Sen. Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) moved sharply toward public health care Monday, saying that he could “absolutely” support major parts of Sen. Chuck Schumer's compromise proposal for a public option after closed-door negotiations.
Ezra Klein, FiveThirtyEight, cab drollery, Matthew Yglesias, Hullabaloo and AMERICAblog News

Sotomayor Fight Eroding What's Left Of Latino Support For GOP? — New poll numbers really seem to bear out the fears of some Republicans: The GOP's quasi-opposition to Sotomayor seems to be hurting the party among Latinos in a big way. — The latest numbers from the nonpartisan Research 2000 …
The Moderate Voice, Daily Kos, Latest Open Salon Blog, Talking Points Memo, Washington Monthly and Salon

Rights, Responsibilities and Love — On Sunday, The Meriden Record-Journal published the following op-ed by Senator Chris Dodd — Public officials aren't supposed to change their minds. But I firmly believe that it's important to keep learning. Last week, while I was in Connecticut meeting …
Don Surber, First Draft, Pam's House Blend, Think Progress, #gay, Glenn Thrush's Blog, Ben Smith's Blog and The Political Carnival

Republicans are trying to shoot their own feet — What in name of Pierre S. duPont IV do the Republicans in the State Legislature think they are doing? It's got to be the most ludicrous political strategy ever conceived, certainly in this state. — Republicans want to spare every teacher …