Top Items:

Gov. Sanford not heard from since Thursday — The whereabouts of Gov. Mark Sanford have been unknown to state officials since Thursday, and some state leaders are questioning who is in charge of the executive office. — Neither the governor's office nor the State Law Enforcement Division …

Where in the World is Mark Sanford? — South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford hasn't been heard from in days. Brett Flashnick — AP — UPDATE, 5:05 p.m.: Mark Sanford told his staff where he would be and that he would be “difficult to reach” before setting out last Thursday night to points unknown …

UPDATE #5: Where is Governor Mark Sanford? First Lady, Lt. Governor don't know. — A representative for Governor Mark Sanford says the governor is taking some time away from the office this week to recharge after the stimulus battle and the last legislative session.

Health Care Showdown — America's political scene has changed immensely since the last time a Democratic president tried to reform health care. So has the health care picture: with costs soaring and insurance dwindling, nobody can now say with a straight face that the U.S. health care system …
Think Progress, FiveThirtyEight, The Washington Independent, The Huffington Post, Examiner, CNN, The Fix, AmSpecBlog, theblogprof, Reason, The Treatment, The Confluence, Marginal Revolution,, DownWithTyranny!, Daily Kos, Open Left, Left in the West, Paul Krugman, US Liberal Politics, Latest Open Salon Blog, Balkinization, Concurring Opinions, The Impolitic, First Draft, PoliGazette, NOW! Blog, The Next Right, John Stossel's Take, Balloon Juice, White House Watch, Washington Monthly, Jack & Jill Politics and The Gavel

Democrats May Unite On Public Health Plan
Matthew Yglesias, Washington Monthly, Wonk Room, The Huffington Post, Open Congress and

The Hard Part — There was one small consolation for Republicans amid …

US says hot dog diplomacy still on with Iran — WASHINGTON (AFP) — The United States said Monday its invitations were still standing for Iranian diplomats to attend July 4 celebrations at US embassies despite the crackdown on opposition supporters. — President Barack Obama's administration …

Family, friends mourn Iranian woman whose death was caught on video — Neda Agha-Soltan, 26, ‘was a beam of light’ and not an activist, friends say. The video footage of her bleeding to death on the street has turned her into an international symbol of the protest movement.
New York Times, NY Daily News, Washington Post, Boing Boing, Babylon & Beyond and We Are All Neda

Under Misspelled Banner, Buchanan And White Nationalist Brimelow Argue For English-Only Initiatives — On Saturday, Pat Buchanan hosted a conference to discuss how Republicans can regain a majority in America. During one discussion, panelists suggested supporting English-only initiatives …
The Moderate Voice, Ta-Nehisi Coates, The Daily Dish, Daily Kos and America's Voice Blog

Iranian protester pleads for U.S., world to intervene — An Iranian student protester in Tehran made a passionate plea for help from the world community this morning in a phone call to CNN's “American Morning.” — For safety reasons, CNN can only identify the student by his first name, Mohammad.
Weekly Standard, Commentary, QandO, Gateway Pundit, Jeffrey Goldberg, Israel Matzav and Nice Deb

Poll: Americans Less Upbeat About Stimulus Bill's Impact — Expectations for President Obama's stimulus package have diminished, with barely half of Americans now confident the $787 billion measure will boost the economy, and the rapid rise in optimism that followed the 2008 election has abated …

INITIAL THOUGHTS ON NAMUDNO: CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS BLINKED — Despite Chief Justice Roberts' longstanding skepticism of the Voting Rights Act and his blistering set of questions to supporters of section 5's constitutionality during oral argument, the Chief has managed to put together a coalition …

Section 5 survives — With only one Justice voting to strike …
New York Times, Ben Smith's Blog, How Appealing, Facing South, ACS Blog, DISSENTING JUSTICE and The Swamp

Rights, Responsibilities and Love — On Sunday, The Meriden Record-Journal published the following op-ed by Senator Chris Dodd — Public officials aren't supposed to change their minds. But I firmly believe that it's important to keep learning. Last week, while I was in Connecticut meeting …
HRC Back Story, Don Surber, Pam's House Blend, Think Progress, #gay, Glenn Thrush's Blog, Ben Smith's Blog and The Campaign Spot

Sarkozy says burqas are ‘not welcome’ in France … PARIS (AP) - President Nicolas Sarkozy lashed out Monday at the practice of wearing the Muslim burqa, insisting the full-body religious gown is a sign of the “debasement” of women and that it won't be welcome in France.
Pajamas Media

Nicolas Sarkozy says the burqa is ‘not welcome’ in France

Iranian Rally Is Dispersed as Voting Errors Are Admitted — TEHRAN — Hours after a warning from the powerful Revolutionary Guards not to return to the streets, about a thousand protesters defiantly gathered in central Tehran on Monday and were quickly dispersed in an overwhelming show of force by police who used clubs and tear gas.

Iran's Children of Tomorrow
New Yorker, CNN, Air America Media blogs, Politics Daily, News: News blog, BBC and Payvand Iran News

Gawker Says ‘Hi’ to Fox News Stalker; He Drives Away Like a Coward — We finally met Bill O'Reilly's stalker-producer Jesse Watters on Saturday. It was a fleeting and civil encounter—jovial, even—but ultimately unsatisfying. We asked him some questions about his stalking, and then he drove away, because he's a coward.

Understanding Obama on Iran — Call me thick, but I continue to be baffled by a lot of the commentary, cited by Rich and others, which gives as the rationale for President Obama's diffidence his purported determination to preserve the opportunity to negotiate with the mullahs on their nuclear program.

No Country for Burly Men — How feminist groups skewed the Obama stimulus plan towards women's jobs. — A “man-cession.” That's what some economists are starting to call it. Of the 5.7 million jobs Americans lost between December 2007 and May 2009, nearly 80 percent had been held by men.

Scientology: The Truth Rundown, Part 1 of 3 in a special report on the Church of Scientology — After L. Ron Hubbard died, David Miscavige became Scientology's leader. Former church executives say Miscavige beat his staff. Church officials say the defectors are lying. — Reuters/Corbis (2006)]

Health Care 2009 = Social Security 2005? — The prevailing concern among liberals is that health care reform in 2008 will follow in the footsteps of the 1993 debacle. This is a legitimate concern, and health care reformists would be wise to draw lessons from the Clintons' failure …
Washington Monthly

Republicans are trying to shoot their own feet — What in name of Pierre S. duPont IV do the Republicans in the State Legislature think they are doing? It's got to be the most ludicrous political strategy ever conceived, certainly in this state. — Republicans want to spare every teacher …

White House Changes the Terms of a Campaign Pledge About Posting Bills Online — During the presidential campaign, Barack Obama promised that once a bill was passed by Congress, the White House would post it online for five days before he signed it. — “When there's a bill that ends …

Corker Impatiently Blows Off Meeting With Sotomayor Because She Was Slowed By Temporary Disability — Last Thursday, Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) was scheduled to meet with Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor. Yet when Sotomayor was delayed because of her recent injury, Corker decided …

Reza Pahlavi — The man who was once in line to run Iran — but who has been mentioned little in the domestic turmoil there — spoke at the National Press Club this morning: — A movement was born on the 22nd of Khordad in my calendar, the 12th of June in yours.