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Health Care Showdown — America's political scene has changed immensely since the last time a Democratic president tried to reform health care. So has the health care picture: with costs soaring and insurance dwindling, nobody can now say with a straight face that the U.S. health care system …
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Democrats May Unite On Public Health Plan — Emboldened By Apparent Public Backing For “Public Option”, Democrats May Drop Attempt To Compromise — (CBS/AP) Emboldened by polls that show public backing for a government health insurance plan, Democrats are moving to make it a politically defining issue …
Washington Monthly, The Huffington Post, Open Congress,, No More Mister Nice Blog and Wonk Room

The Hard Part — There was one small consolation for Republicans amid …

Iran Admits Possible Discrepancy in 3 Million Votes — TEHRAN — Locked in a continuing bitter contest Monday with Iranians who say the presidential elections were rigged, the authorities here acknowledged that the number of votes cast in 50 cities exceeded the actual number of voters …
Wall Street Journal, Gateway Pundit, The Hill, BBC, Jules Crittenden, Daniel W. Drezner, The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, Think Progress,, Jeffrey Goldberg, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Air America Media blogs, Donklephant, Prairie Weather, Washington Monthly and

NEWSWEEK Reporter Arrested
BBC, Buck Naked Politics, Blogs and Stories, Reuters, Taylor Marsh, Wall Street Journal, Time, Gawker, The Moderate Voice and Associated Press

Section 5 survives — With only one Justice voting to strike down Congress's 25-year extension of the Voting Rights Act's controversial Section 5, the Supreme Court on Monday interpreted the law in a way that saves it. The Court said that all local units of government must be given the option …

Bloomberg, Daily Kos, SCOTUSblog, Balkinization, TalkLeft, Law Blog, Swing State Project and The Nation

Scientology: The Truth Rundown, Part 1 of 3 in a special report on the Church of Scientology — After L. Ron Hubbard died, David Miscavige became Scientology's leader. Former church executives say Miscavige beat his staff. Church officials say the defectors are lying. — Reuters/Corbis (2006)]

White House Changes the Terms of a Campaign Pledge About Posting Bills Online — During the presidential campaign, Barack Obama promised that once a bill was passed by Congress, the White House would post it online for five days before he signed it. — “When there's a bill that ends …

No Country for Burly Men — How feminist groups skewed the Obama stimulus plan towards women's jobs. — A “man-cession.” That's what some economists are starting to call it. Of the 5.7 million jobs Americans lost between December 2007 and May 2009, nearly 80 percent had been held by men.

SEX SCANDAL: ENSIGN'S APPROVAL RATING DROPS — But he's still Nevada's most popular senior elected official — Since admitting an extramarital affair with a former staffer, Sen. John Ensign's approval rating in his home state has plunged. — In a new Las Vegas Review-Journal poll of Nevada voters …
The Fix, Scorecard's Blog, TPMDC, Real Clear Politics, The Politico, SENATUS, Democracy in America, Blogs and Stories and Wonkette

Under Misspelled Banner, Buchanan And White Nationalist Brimelow Argue For English-Only Initiatives — On Saturday, Pat Buchanan hosted a conference to discuss how Republicans can regain a majority in America. During one discussion, panelists suggested supporting English-only initiatives …
Media Matters for America

Iran's Web Spying Aided By Western Technology — By CHRISTOPHER RHOADS in New York and LORETTA CHAO in Beijing — The Iranian regime has developed, with the assistance of European telecommunications companies, one of the world's most sophisticated mechanisms for controlling and censoring the Internet …
niacINsight, Hot Air, Mashable!, Atlas Shrugs, YID With LID, Neptunus Lex, Pajamas Media, The Atlantic Politics Channel, Newsbroke and Boing Boing

Regime Change Iran: Movement Seeks to Eliminate ‘Supreme Leader’ Position — [Update at Bottom.] — Folks, this is huge. Huge. A report from Saudi Arabia's al-Arabiya, Iranian clerics seek supreme leader alternative, indicates that Rafsanjani is seeking to eliminate the Supreme Leader.

Sarkozy says burqas are ‘not welcome’ in France … PARIS (AP) - President Nicolas Sarkozy lashed out Monday at the practice of wearing the Muslim burqa, insisting the full-body religious gown is a sign of the “debasement” of women and that it won't be welcome in France.

Fox News Anchor Draws Ratings, and Ire of Conservative Critics — At various points on his Fox News program, the anchor Shepard Smith irritated Rush Limbaugh, teased Glenn Beck and grilled Samuel J. Wurzelbacher (a k a Joe the Plumber) over his attacks on President Obama.

Rights, Responsibilities and Love — On Sunday, The Meriden Record-Journal published the following op-ed by Senator Chris Dodd — Public officials aren't supposed to change their minds. But I firmly believe that it's important to keep learning. Last week, while I was in Connecticut meeting …

GOP: no benefit to court fight — Nearly a month after President Barack Obama picked her for the Supreme Court, Republican senators say Sonia Sotomayor isn't serving as the political lightning rod some in their party had hoped she would be. — “She doesn't have the punch out there in terms …

President Obama accepts invitation to World Cup — U.S. President Barack Obama has accepted an invitation to attend the opening ceremony of the World Cup finals in South Africa next year, FIFA president Sepp Blatter said on Monday. — President Obama, whose late father was Kenyan …

Reza Pahlavi — The man who was once in line to run Iran — but who has been mentioned little in the domestic turmoil there — spoke at the National Press Club this morning: — A movement was born on the 22nd of Khordad in my calendar, the 12th of June in yours.

FTC plans to monitor blogs for claims, payments — Savvy consumers often go online for independent consumer reviews of products and services, scouring through comments from everyday Joes and Janes to help them find a gem or shun a lemon. — What some fail to realize, though …

Understanding Obama on Iran — Call me thick, but I continue to be baffled by a lot of the commentary, cited by Rich and others, which gives as the rationale for President Obama's diffidence his purported determination to preserve the opportunity to negotiate with the mullahs on their nuclear program.

Silvio Berlusconi: the parties, the trinkets, the cash — He has made no secret of his love of women but the sex scandal surrounding Silvio Berlusconi is now threatening to topple him, as more claims emerge of the systematic recruitment of young women paid to attend private parties at his homes in Rome and Sardinia.

Support Trader Joe's — Beneath the attention of major media coverage, the boycott of Israeli products has arrived in America. Its first reported target over this past weekend was the couscous at Trader Joe's. — The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg comments: “My recommendation …

39% Now Blame Bad Economy on Obama's Policies — While most U.S. voters still blame the Bush Administration for the nation's economic problems, a growing number are inclined to blame President Barack Obama. — A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 39% of voters …