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Sources Question Governor's Story — Gov. Mark Sanford Says He Disappeared To Go Hiking — GREENVILLE, S.C. — WYFF News 4 has received exclusive information from sources who say they have information about Gov. Mark Sanford's whereabouts during a mysterious absence over the past several days.
CNN, Gawker, The Huffington Post, Salon, The Palmetto Scoop, Ben Smith's Blog, SteveAudio, FiveThirtyEight, Think Progress, Hot Air, Riehl World View, DISSENTING JUSTICE, Daily Kos, Talking Points Memo, Top of the Ticket, AMERICAblog News,, Swing State Project and Politics Nation

Car believed to be Sanford's found at South Carolina airport — COLUMBIA, South Carolina (CNN) - The black Chevy Suburban believed to have been used by South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford to leave town has been found in the parking lot of Columbia Metropolitan Airport.

A Sanford Potpourri — I had read enough of the blogs by the time the early morning news shows were reporting that South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford had been “found” to be bothered by their inaccuracy. — Obviously the story will be all over the news tomorrow (when he's said to be returning …

Sanford's Wife: I Still Haven't Heard From Him — AWOL South Carolina governor Mark Sanford may have briefly checked in with his office this morning to assure them he's fine and he'll be back at work tomorrow. But he hasn't told his wife, according to her.

Report: Sanford Seen In Atlanta Airport
Salon,, Democratic Strategist, Daily Kos, Vanity Fair, Pat Dollard, Balloon Juice and Indecision Forever

Obama calls on HuffPost for Iran question UPDATE — In what appeared to be a coordinated exchange, President Obama called on the Huffington Post's Nico Pitney near the start of his press conference and requested a question directly about Iran. — “Nico, I know you and all across the Internet …
The Bobblespeak Translations, Hot Air, Gateway Pundit, Rough Sketch, The Huffington Post, Michelle Malkin, Top of the Ticket, Ben Smith's Blog, Fox News, Emptywheel, Guardian, Think Progress, Crooks and Liars, Latest Open Salon Blog, The Opinionator, The Plum Line, Commentary, Washington Monthly, Pundit & Pundette, Macsmind, Riehl World View, Taylor Marsh, Say Anything, #gay, Instapundit, Jules Crittenden, FishBowlDC, The Impolitic, The Jawa Report, The New Republic, Gawker and The Lonely Conservative

Pushing the President's Buttons — Barack Obama, as everyone knows, is one of the most disciplined, controlled and unflappable political leaders in modern times. Except when he grows testy. And during Tuesday afternoon's press conference, the president's inability to mask mild annoyance was on full display.

The President's Opening Remarks on Iran, with Persian Translation
New York Times, Washington Post, Truthdig,, Crooks and Liars and niacINsight

Tapes Reveal Nixon's View of Abortion — WASHINGTON — On Jan. 23, 1973, when the Supreme Court struck down state criminal abortion laws in Roe v. Wade, President Richard M. Nixon made no public statement. But privately, newly released tapes reveal, he expressed ambivalence.
The Politico, Fatal Politics,, The Caucus, Salon, American Power, Raw Story, The Fix, Indecision Forever, Gawker, The Reaction, The New Republic, DISSENTING JUSTICE, Washington Monthly, RADAMISTO, Truthdig, Matthew Yglesias, Ben Smith's Blog, New York Times and

Nixon to Bush 41: Find ‘attractive’ women — WASHINGTON (CNN) — President Richard Nixon believed one way to shore up the GOP in 1973 was by recruiting “attractive” women, but not because he was “for women,” according to audio tapes released Tuesday. — In February of 1973 …

Clerics join Iran's anti-government protests — CNN Senior Editor, Middle East Affairs — (CNN) — A photo showing Iranian clerics prominently participating in an anti-government protest speaks volumes about the new face of Iran's opposition movement. — In a blatant act of defiance …

The End of the Beginning — TEHRAN — Iran's 1979 revolution took a full year to gestate. The uprising of 2009 has now ended its first phase. But the volatility ushered in by the June 12 ballot-box putsch of Iran's New Right is certain to endure over the coming year. The Islamic Republic has been weakened.

EXCLUSIVE: U.S. contacted Iran's ayatollah before election — Administration overture to Khamenei ridiculed in sermon — Prior to this month's disputed presidential election in Iran, the Obama administration sent a letter to the country's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei …

Democrats cut deal on climate bill — House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) has overcome one of the last big obstacles standing in the path of his landmark climate-change bill, cutting a deal with Agriculture Committee Chairman Collin Peterson …

New Protections for Transgender Federal Workers — WASHINGTON — Lawyers for President Obama are quietly drafting first-of-their kind guidelines barring workplace discrimination against transgender federal employees, officials said Tuesday. — The guidelines will be in an updated federal handbook …

New York Times: “New Protections for Transgender Federal Workers”
Washington Monthly

U.S. Drone Strike Said to Kill 60 in Pakistan — ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — An airstrike believed to have been carried out by a United States drone killed at least 60 people at a funeral for a Taliban fighter in South Waziristan on Tuesday, residents of the area and local news reports said.
Los Angeles Times, Middle East Issues, The Strata-Sphere, Hot Air, BBC, Telegraph and Air America Media blogs

Through the Looking Glass With Andrew Sullivan — Perhaps the single, common life goal of every intellectual, pseudo-intellectual, and intellectual aspirant, is to be a true Renaissance man — a genius whose force of will and flexible, dominating intellect allows him to master or nearly master …
Patterico's Pontifications, Sister Toldjah, American Power, QandO, Jules Crittenden and RedState

McCain Hits Obama On Iran Again, Joe Klein Tells Him “Be Quiet” (VIDEO) — Sen. John McCain continued to rap President Barack Obama for his measured reaction to the crisis in Iran, which McCain said was inadequate in its support for the protestors of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's contested re-election.

About Last Night — I've been receiving a steady stream …
The Politico,, NO QUARTER, Obsidian Wings, Taylor Marsh, Washington Post, TigerHawk, No More Mister Nice Blog, Hot Air and RedState

Mousavi, Celebrated in Iranian Protests, Was the Butcher of Beirut — He may yet turn out to be the avatar of Iranian democracy, but three decades ago Mir-Hossein Mousavi was waging a terrorist war on the United States that included bloody attacks on the U.S. embassy and Marine Corps barracks in Beirut.

He Thinks You're Stupid — In his press conference today, President Obama talked about the cap-and-trade energy tax that the Democrats are trying to ram through Congress. Obama's nose grew a couple of inches as he uttered this howler: … The idea that the energy tax will come to rest with …

David Westin Responds to Members of the Congressional Media Fairness Caucus — Dear Congressman Smith: — Thank you for your letter of today's date concerning our planned coverage tomorrow of health care reform in America. I am pleased that you agree that the subject deserves extensive and careful coverage.

Congressional Republicans Blast ABC; ABC Fires Back
The Politico, Right Pundits, The Huffington Post, Real Clear Politics and The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

New All-Time Lows for Both CBS & ABC Evening Newscasts — Breaking: TVNewser has learned the CBS Evening News has once again set an all-time low last week with 4.89 million Total Viewers and 1.42 million A25-54 viewers. But it was also the lowest (since records began in the 1991-'92 season) for ABC's World News with Charles Gibson.

What Obama didn't mention — A couple of surprising words were missing from President Barack Obama's 55-minute news conference on Wednesday: “Iraq” — and “Afghanistan.” — Also MIA: “Korea,” “Pakistan,” “soldiers,” “surge” and “war” — as well as the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines.

Eliminating Prison Rape — It has been far too long in coming but, yesterday, the Federal Prison Rape Elimination commission released its report on elimination and prevention efforts regarding the biggest social problem nobody wants to talk about: prison rape.

Pessimistic executives cash out of shares — Growing pessimism about the prospects for a global economic recovery sent stock and commodity prices tumbling on Monday while new data showed that leading US corporate executives were cashing out of their share holdings at a rapid pace.
Balloon Juice