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Exclusive: E-mails between Sanford, woman — Woman in affair declines interview — Below are excerpts of e-mails, obtained by The State newspaper in December, between Gov. Mark Sanford's personal e-mail account and Maria, a woman in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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On Fox, Mark Sanford “(D)” holds press conference — Previously: — Media outlets - including Fox - misidentify as Democrats several Republicans facing scandal, poor poll numbers — EXPAND ALL EXPAND 1ST LEVEL COLLAPSE ALL

Statement from First Lady Jenny Sanford — South Carolina's First Lady Jenny Sanford released the following statement Wednesday: — I would like to start by saying I love my husband and I believe I have put forth every effort possible to be the best wife I can be during our almost twenty years of marriage.
The Other McCain, Firedoglake, Top of the Ticket, Emptywheel, TPMMuckraker, Politics Daily, The State, Dependable Renegade and The Politico

Sen. Kerry jokes: ‘Too bad’ Gov. Sarah Palin didn't go missing — WASHINGTON - U.S. Sen. John Kerry must have been channeling his inner Letterman yesterday. — The Bay State senator was telling a group of business and civic leaders in town at his invitation about the “bizarre” …

Gov. Sanford Admits Affair and Explains Disappearance — COLUMBIA, S.C. — Mark Sanford, the governor of South Carolina, said he had conducted an extra-marital affair with a woman in Argentina, ending a mystery over his week-long disappearance that had infuriated lawmakers and seemed to put his rising political career in jeopardy.
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Bastard — It's the only fitting word for a man who abandons his wife and four sons on Father's Day weekend to indulge his “overdrive” on an Argentinian fling. — Mark Sanford: Bastard. — If you missed Sanford's rambling, surreal disaster of a press conference, consider yourself lucky.
The Note, Pajamas Media, Hot Air, blonde sagacity, In The Agora, AmSpecBlog,, Alarming News, Gawker, The Anchoress, Reuters, Washington Wire, Don Surber and Blue Gal

Inglis to GOP: ‘Lose Stinking Rot of Self-Righteousness’ — Jonathan Weisman reports on politics. — South Carolina Rep. Bob Inglis made a name for himself in the late 1990s as one of Bill Clinton's most zealous pursuers, an impeachment “manager” who attacked the moral failings of the president …

Sanford's wife told him to leave ‘to maintain my dignity’ — The wife of South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford said Wednesday in a statement that she continues to love her husband, but that she asked him to leave their home two weeks ago because “I felt it was important to look my sons in the eyes …
Hot Air, Villainous Company, The Corner, protein wisdom, Michelle Malkin, JustOneMinute,, Riehl World View and THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS

John Kerry on Sanford: Too bad Palin didn't go missing too — Don't be too hard on Waffles. His humor's always been laced with nastiness, which is why he periodically finds himself in clusterfarks over “botched jokes.” It's not that he hates Palin. He's just a jerk.

BUMPED: How Celtic Diva Treats Trig Palin; UPDATE: Call to Action

Sanford Case a New Dose of Bad News for Republicans
Fox News, Washington Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, McClatchy Washington Bureau and MyDD

Sanford Admits Affair With Woman From Argentina (VIDEO)
The Huffington Post, Wilshire & Washington, Raw Story, Washington Wire and AMERICAblog News

So Long Sanford, We Hardly Knew Ya
Think Progress, Facing South, CBS News, The Daily Dish, MoJo Blog Posts and The Atlantic Politics Channel

EXCLUSIVE: President Obama Defends Right to Choose Best Care — In ABC News Health Care Forum, President Answers Questions About Reform — President Obama struggled to explain today whether his health care reform proposals would force normal Americans to make sacrifices that wealthier …

The Obamacare Show: Two dissenting docs challenge Dear Leader — Here's your open thread for the ABC News/White House Obamacare Show, which broadcasts at 10pm Eastern. — No John Stossel, it appears, but the ABC News press relations office just sent out word that a few skeptical doctors did put President Obama on the spot.

First Lady Is Creating Role That Reflects Her Passions
Wall Street Journal

Fact Check No. 7: Right Track/Wrong Track? Taxing Benefits
The Politico

ThreatsWatch.Org - RapidRecon: Unimaginable Horror In Tehran Today — Iran has executed its Tiananmen Square. Baharestan Square has become synonymous with barbarity, cruelty, massacre and inhumanity. — An Iranian blogger (whose URL I will not publish) live blogging from Baharestan Square …

Lawmakers not yet sure of Bernanke — Democrats and Republicans are increasingly critical of the Federal Reserve's sweeping actions to stanch the financial crisis, but lawmakers won't yet say whether President Obama should reappoint Ben Bernanke as Fed chairman.
The Politico

They Planted a Gay Whore in His News Conferences!!! — I'm going to get to what it means that the AP—purportedly the most neutral source of “news” out there—is harping on the Nico Pitney question. But first, check out what this “news” entity claims in paragraph nine of their story …

FBI Arrests White Supremacist Blogger Hal Turner For Threatening To Kill Federal Judges — Today, FBI agents went to the New Jersey home of white supremacist blogger/radio host Hal Turner and arrested him “on a federal complaint filed in Chicago alleging that he made internet postings threatening …

For immediate release — Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in April suggests that the pace of economic contraction is slowing. Conditions in financial markets have generally improved in recent months. Household spending has shown further signs of stabilizing …

Rafsanjani has enough support to remove Khamenei: reports — As the Iranian government continues to crackdown on protestors against the disputed re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, behind the scenes there is reported to be movement which, although hidden, could bring an end the reign …

Stunning pictures of the volcano that blew a hole in the sky as astronauts witness eruption from International Space Station — Framed by a circle of clouds, this is a stunning illustration of Nature's powerful force. — A plume of smoke, ash and steam soars five miles into the sky from an erupting volcano.
Doug Ross

Hot dogs — The Obama administration's July 4 hot dog diplomacy with Iran symbolizes the administration's embarrassing intellectual confusion. The Iranian regime is an evil tyranny supporting terrororists and terrorism against America and its friends. — In the struggle of the Iranian people …