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Exclusive: E-mails between Sanford, woman — Woman in affair declines interview — Below are excerpts of e-mails, obtained by The State newspaper in December, between Gov. Mark Sanford's personal e-mail account and Maria, a woman in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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The disturbing glee at Mark Sanford's downfall. — Mark Sanford is no longer missing, but he's obviously lost. The South Carolina governor's press conference was excruciating: apology, followed by self-flagellation, followed by apology. It was like watching a man light himself on fire.
The Campaign Spot, Ideas Special Report, Teh Resistance Blog, The Reaction and Balloon Juice

Sanford Case a New Dose of Bad News for Republicans — WASHINGTON — Republicans were just starting to breathe a little easier. — The news that Senator John Ensign had had an affair with a former aide who was married to another former aide was fading. Polls showed some voter impatience …

Social conservatives fall from moral high ground — Republicans retreat from values claims — Social conservatives, the once-powerful force that focused the Republican agenda on moral virtue and family values, have suffered a diminished brand on the national political landscape …

For Press, Rumors but No Evidence of Straying — About six months ago, an anonymous tipster sent The State newspaper in Columbia, S.C., copies of e-mail messages supposedly exchanged between Gov. Mark Sanford and a woman named Maria in Argentina. — Reporters sent e-mail …

Sanford took taxpayer-funded trip to Argentina last June
The State, Salon, Washington Monthly, Ben Smith's Blog, Shakesville, Raw Story, The Campaign Spot, Kausfiles and Law Dork, 2.0

Conservatives Write Off Sanford as a National Leader
Michelle Malkin, Ben Smith's Blog, Erick's blog, Top Stories from CQ, Mark Sanford 2012 and Sadly, No!

Obama's Michael Dukakis moment — Barack Obama got ABC to move their news division into the White House in order to make the big pitch for his egalitarian, everyone-gets-treated-equally ObamaCare push. Instead, Obama fumbled into a Michael Dukakis moment that exposed him as a hypocrite.

Obama discusses deathbed measures — At a healthcare town hall, he says stopping futile procedures for the terminally ill can lower costs. — Reporting from Washington — President Obama suggested at a town hall event Wednesday night that one way to shave medical costs is to stop expensive …

EXCLUSIVE: President Obama Defends Right to Choose Best Care — In ABC News Health Care Forum, President Answers Questions About Reform — President Obama struggled to explain today whether his health care reform proposals would force normal Americans to make sacrifices that wealthier …

Fact Check: The Truth Behind Obama's Health Care Plan — Fact or Fiction? Decoding the President's Prescription for American Health Care — President Obama took his health care reform plan to the American people in a forum at the White House Wednesday night broadcast live on ABC.

ABC ObamaCare Special Turns Into Presidential Filibuster
Flopping Aces

Iran opposition leader Mir-Hossein Mousavi lashes out; 70 professors arrested — Mousavi blasts Iran's supreme leader and state media. He says the ongoing government crackdown on post-election protests puts the nation at risk. Meanwhile, teachers who met with Mousavi are arrested.

MPs ‘snub’ Ahmadinejad party — More than 100 MPs appear to have snubbed an invitation to celebrate Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's election win, local press reports say. — All 290 MPs were invited to the victory party on Wednesday night but 105 did not turn up, the reports say.
Aljazeera, The Strata-Sphere, Wake up America, Telegraph, Hot Air, A Blog For All, PoliBlog, Taylor Marsh and

Iran protesters alter tactics to avoid death
New York Times, The League of Ordinary …, The Daily Dish, The Washington Independent, ATTACKERMAN and Guardian

Supreme Court Says Child's Rights Violated by Strip Search — WASHINGTON — In a ruling of interest to educators, parents and students across the country, the Supreme Court ruled, 8 to 1, on Thursday that the strip search of a 13-year-old Arizona girl by school officials who were looking …

Court: School Strip Search Violated Teen's Rights — Supreme Court Finds Search of Savana Redding Unconstitutional, But Determines That School Officials are Protected from Liability — The Supreme Court ruled today that school officials' strip search of a then-13-year-old Arizona teen suspected …

Hillary Is Wrong About the Settlements — The U.S. and Israel reached a clear understanding about natural growth. — Printer — Friendly — Despite fervent denials by Obama administration officials, there were indeed agreements between Israel and the United States regarding the growth of Israeli settlements on the West Bank.

The Cap and Tax Fiction — Democrats off-loading economics to pass climate change bill. — Printer — Friendly — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has put cap-and-trade legislation on a forced march through the House, and the bill may get a full vote as early as Friday.

Transcript: Gov. Mark Sanford's Wed. afternoon press conference — Updated: — COLUMBIA, SC (WIS) - The following is a transcript of South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford's remarks at Wednesday's news conference (edited for clarity). — I won't begin in any particular spot.

Stunning pictures of the volcano that blew a hole in the sky as astronauts witness eruption from International Space Station — Framed by a circle of clouds, this is a stunning illustration of Nature's powerful force. — A plume of smoke, ash and steam soars five miles into the sky from an erupting volcano.
Doug Ross

Bush administration leaks bolstered Rick Renzi's reelection bid — In the fall of 2006, one day after the Justice Department granted permission to a U.S. attorney to place a wiretap on a Republican congressman suspected of corruption, existence of the investigation was leaked to the press …

Obama Set for First Step on Immigration Reform — WASHINGTON — President Obama is expected to meet with Congressional leaders of both parties on Thursday to begin laying the political groundwork for sweeping immigration legislation, even though its passage this year is considered very unlikely.

Emanuel: Sanford needed a cigarette — Perhaps no one knows how to butter up reporters better than White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. — The longtime Washington insider is known for personally reaching out to reporters and always being cognizant of the media landscape.

‘High’ wallabies blamed for crop circles — Australian marsupials wreak havoc after munching on opium poppies — SYDNEY, Australia - Wallabies snacking in Tasmania's legally grown opium poppy fields are getting “high as a kite” and hopping around in circles, trampling the crops, a state official said.
skippy the bush kangaroo