Top Items:

White House Drafts Executive Order to Allow Indefinite Detention of Terror Suspects — The Obama administration, fearing a battle with Congress that could stall plans to close Guantanamo, has drafted an executive order that would reassert presidential authority to incarcerate terrorism suspects indefinitely …

From the White House Files: A Fight Over Michael Jackson — The death of Michael Jackson on Thursday recalled his brush a quarter century ago with an aide to President Ronald Reagan — John G. Roberts Jr., who would go on to become chief justice of the United States.

The Climate Change Climate Change — The number of skeptics is swelling everywhere. — Printer — Friendly — Steve Fielding recently asked the Obama administration to reassure him on the science of man-made global warming. When the administration proved unhelpful …

Rep. Broun receives applause on the House floor for calling global warming a ‘hoax.’ — During the floor debate this morning over the historic American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES), Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA) received a round of applause from GOP colleagues when he claimed that man …
The Huffington Post, MoJo Blog Posts, Talking Points Memo, Washington Monthly, Shakesville and Climate Progress

House Passes Bill to Address Threat of Climate Change — WASHINGTON — Overcoming deep divisions within its Democratic majority, the House passed legislation on Friday intended to address the threat of global warming and transform the way the United States produces and uses energy.
Gawker, Worldchanging, Yale Environment 360, MoJo Blog Posts, MoJo Blog Posts, Green Inc. and The Caucus

Climate bill clears House in close vote — WASHINGTON — The highly publicized Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill (H.R. 2454) cleared the House Friday afternoon by a roll call vote of 219 to 212. — Proponents hailed its passage as a crucial step towards the creation of what prominent Democrats have called a new green energy economy.

House Democrats win key test vote on climate bill — WASHINGTON (AP) - House Democrats narrowly won a key test vote Friday on sweeping legislation to combat global warming and usher in a new era of cleaner energy. Republicans said the bill included “the largest tax increase in American history.”

Kucinich: “Passing a weak bill today gives us weak environmental policy tomorrow”

Cap and trade vote today, complete with AP spin; Update: 300-page …
The Corner, Michelle Malkin, The Moderate Voice, Environmental Capital, The Foundry, Matthew Yglesias, The Sundries Shack, QandO, American Solutions, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, And So it Goes in Shreveport, Wake up America, Pundit & Pundette, AmSpecBlog, A Blog For All, Pajamas Media, Gateway Pundit and The Other McCain

Sanford: King David Didn't Resign, So Why Should I? — Mark Sanford has been holding a televised cabinet meeting this afternoon. — And the South Carolina governor started out by using an interesting comparison to respond to calls for his resignation. King David didn't back down after …

Jenny Sanford: I Learned Of Affair In Jan. — Wife Of S.C. Governor Said She Discovered Letter From His Mistress — (AP) South Carolina first lady Jenny Sanford says she discovered her husband's affair in January when she found a letter to the governor from his mistress.

Jackson dies, almost takes Internet with him — LONDON, England (CNN) — How many people does it take to break the Internet? On June 25, we found out it's just one — if that one is Michael Jackson. — The biggest showbiz story of the year saw the troubled star take a good slice …
L.A. Times Tech Blog, American Power, Hot Air, Tom Watson, A Blog For All,, Outside The Beltway, AMERICAN DIGEST and Amygdala

The Obama Pattern — The Obama Administration appears to me to be pursuing many goals, poorly. Here are four: — 1) The stimulus failed to meet Larry Summers' famous criteria of timely, targeted, or temporary. — 2) The cap and trade legislation maximizes rent-seeking …

White House Watched — Today's column is my last for The Washington Post. And the first thing I want to say is thank you. Thank you to all you readers, e-mailers, commenters, questioners, Facebook friends and Twitterers for spending your time with me and engaging with me over the years.

Cap-and-Trade, State-by-State — Regional considerations tend to loom larger in debates over environmental policy than in other sorts of affairs. Some states consume more energy than others. Some states have more carbon-intensive economies than others. Some states are more or less likely …

Cap and tax liveblog, Pt II: Pay attention to House floor games; 14 undecideds; let's play “Where's the Bill?” — At approx. 2:35pm Eastern, GOP Rep. Joe Barton announced that there is now a placeholder in the bill to be determined later. — Barton notes that this is unprecedented.
Riehl World View

Does The White House Have a Secret Strategy for Health Reform? — As Paul Krugman writes today, it's a bit tricky to say exactly what the White House's bottom line is on health care — or even if it has one. “The only thing that's non-negotiable is success,” Rahm Emmanuel likes to say.

U. of I. jobs-for-entry scheme — E-mails reveal law school put a price on admission of unqualified candidate — What does it cost to get an unqualified student into the University of Illinois law school? — Five jobs for graduating law students, suggest internal e-mails released Thursday.
Above the Law,, Law Blog, ProPublica and Lawyers, Guns and Money

Palin Responds To Sen. Kerry Joke: “Why The Long Face?” — Speaking to a group of servicemen in Kosovo, Gov. Sarah Palin responded to a crack made by Sen. John Kerry earlier this week. Sen. Kerry joked he wished Palin went missing along with Sanford. “He looked quite frustrated and he looked so sad,” she said.
theblogprof, Hot Air, Stop The ACLU, Neptunus Lex, PoliGazette, Politics Daily, American Power and Ben Smith's Blog

BUMPED: Video: Palin Addressing Troops in Kosovo; UPDATE: Additional Footage
Gateway Pundit

Members of U.S. House Financial Services Committee snapped up or dumped bank stocks as bottom fell out of market — WASHINGTON — As financial markets tumbled and the government worked to stave off panic by pumping billions of dollars into banks last fall, several members of Congress who oversee …

China ‘to block’ Hummer takeover — A Chinese firm's bid to buy the gas-guzzling Hummer car brand will be blocked on environmental grounds, according to Chinese state radio. — Sichuan Tengzhong Heavy Industrial Machinery emerged as the surprise buyer for the brand earlier this year.

D.C. Summer Jobs Contractor Fired for Posts on Twitter — The D.C. Department of Employment Services fired a contractor who was working with youths in the city's summer jobs program after officials became aware of messages on his Twitter site that Anacostia is “ghetto” and that he was loafing at work.
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