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WaPo cancels lobbyist event amid uproar — Washington Post Publisher and Chief Executive Officer Katharine Weymouth said today she was cancelling plans for an exclusive “salon” at her home where, for as much as $250,000, the Post offered lobbyists and association executives off-the-record …
Michael Calderone's Blog, The Huffington Post, Ombudsman Blog, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Washington Post, Atlantic Correspondents, The Caucus, Michelle Malkin, No More Mister Nice Blog, ATTACKERMAN, Politics Daily, Talking Points Memo, Outside The Beltway, Ezra Klein, Ideas Special Report, The Impolitic, Guardian, Commentary, Sister Toldjah, Right Wing News, Prairie Weather, Gawker,, Majikthise, Hullabaloo,, The Jawa Report, Taylor Marsh, Reason, Daily Kos, RedState, Raw Story, D-Day, C.O.T.O., Sweetness & Light, Centerfield, TPMDC, RebelReports and DCist
Post Publisher Cancels Plans for Off-the-Record ‘Salons’ — Washington Post Publisher Katharine Weymouth today canceled plans for a series of policy dinners at her home after learning that marketing fliers offered lobbyists access to Obama administration officials, members of Congress …
The Swamp, TalkLeft, Ezra Klein, Washington Monthly, Michael Calderone's Blog, JONATHAN TURLEY, Emptywheel, The Corner and FishBowlDC
Black Reporters on the Beat of Michelle Obama — While Michelle Obama was meeting with doctors and patients at the Upper Cardozo Health Center, nearly two dozen journalists stood behind a white rope in a small room upstairs, most finally growing so tired during the hour-long wait that they sat on the floor.
Think Progress, ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES,, Wonkette and Michael Calderone's Blog
WashPost offers off-rec access to admin figures, journos for lobbyists
Washington Post sells access, White House denies involvement
Little Green Footballs
U.S. Job Losses Rise in June as Unemployment Reaches 9.5% — The American economy lost 467,000 jobs in June and the unemployment rate edged up to 9.5 percent in a sobering indication that the most painful downturn since the Great Depression has yet to release its hold.
Matthew Yglesias, Guardian, Calculated Risk, The Caucus,, The Huffington Post, Gateway Pundit, Economix, The Confluence, Michelle Malkin,, DealBook, The Atlantic Politics Channel, Top of the Ticket, The Strata-Sphere, DailyFinance, Daily Kos, Gawker, Don Surber, The Moderate Voice, The Campaign Spot, Outside The Beltway, Atlantic Correspondents, Financial Times, Clusterstock, Commentary, Wonkette, Washington Monthly, NPR Blogs, RedState and Truthdig
Employment Report: 467K Jobs Lost, 9.5% Unemployment Rate
American Prospect, Hot Air, TigerHawk, Washington Post, Financial Times, The Jawa Report, The Big Picture and Right Wing News
Here We Go Again: How to Read Those HELP Numbers — Is it possible that everybody is misinterpretating the Congressional Budget Office's estimate of the Senate HELP bill...again? — Yup. — So far I've seen two different set of interpretations. One, the most common …
Discussion: Blog, Ezra Klein, MoJo Blog Posts, Washington Monthly, RedState, AmSpecBlog, Matthew Yglesias, D-Day and Open Left
New Dem health plan has public option, lower cost — WASHINGTON (AP) — Democrats on a key Senate Committee outlined a revised and far less costly health care plan Wednesday night that includes a government-run insurance option and an annual fee on employers who do not offer coverage to their workers.
All 13 Democrats are voting for the HELP Committee bill
Ezra Klein, D-Day, Daily Kos, TPMDC, Campaign Silo, SEIU, Crooks and Liars and Taylor Marsh
Time for an Israeli Strike? — With Iran's hard-line mullahs and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps unmistakably back in control, Israel's decision of whether to use military force against Tehran's nuclear weapons program is more urgent than ever. — Iran's nuclear threat was never …
Helen Thomas: Not Even Nixon Tried to Control the Media Like Obama — ( - Following a testy exchange during today's briefing with White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, veteran White House correspondent Helen Thomas told that not even Richard Nixon tried to control …
The Pressitutes: Obama's Lewinsky — President Barack Obama wanted to put a human face on his plans to overhaul health care, and a Virginia supporter did just that at a town hall meeting [campaign stop] on Wednesday. Fighting back wantonly staged tears, Debby Smith, 53 …
Rove: Obama 'Has Carried Pre-Packaged, Organized, Controlled …
Washington Monthly
Palin E-mails Show Infighting With Staff — Exclusive: Spat Over Todd Palin's Membership In Secessionist Party Was Major Distraction On Critical Day In '08 Campaign … Internal campaign e-mails exchanged three weeks before Election Day offer a rare look at just how frustrated …
U.S. Nuns Facing Vatican Scrutiny — The Vatican is quietly conducting two sweeping investigations of American nuns, a development that has startled and dismayed nuns who fear they are the targets of a doctrinal inquisition. — Nuns were the often-unsung workers who helped build …
Saddam Hussein Said WMD Talk Helped Him Look Strong to Iran — Saddam Hussein told an FBI interviewer before he was hanged that he allowed the world to believe he had weapons of mass destruction because he was worried about appearing weak to Iran, according to declassified accounts of the interviews released yesterday.
EXCLUSIVE: Taliban buying children for suicide bombers — Pakistan's top Taliban leader, Baitullah Mehsud, is buying children as young as 7 to serve as suicide bombers in the growing spate of attacks against Pakistani, Afghan and U.S. targets, U.S. Defense Department and Pakistani officials say.
39 trips for Sanford with no security in '09 — EXCLUSIVE: Governor's secret trip prompts scrutiny — Gov. Mark Sanford left the Governor's Mansion without a security escort, 38 times in 2008. In the first six months of this year, he left the mansion without security, 39 times.
Barney Frank: Let's spend TARP profits before taxpayers can get them — When President Obama announced on June 9 that some financial institutions would be allowed to repay Troubled Asset Relief Program dollars, he said the massively expensive TARP bailout had made money for the federal government.
Cracks In Obama Facade As Disapproval Grows, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; But Voter Outlook On Economy, Nation Improve — President Barack Obama's first five months in office have seen his job approval remain stable overall - currently at a politically healthy 57 - 33 percent …
U.S.: American Soldier Captured in Afghanistan — A U.S. soldier missing from his base in eastern Afghanistan since Tuesday is believed to have been captured by Taliban militants, the military said Thursday. — In a statement issued from U.S. military headquarters in Kabul, officials said …
CNN, CBS News, BBC,, Mudville Gazette, Los Angeles Times, Jules Crittenden and Gateway Pundit