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It Always Has Been About Trig — I waited a whole day before posting about the Sarah Palin resignation. Well, not a whole day, but longer than almost everyone else in the blogosphere. Here's my take as of this moment in time, subject to change: — I don't know why Sarah Palin resigned …

More on Palin — I spoke to a few friends in Alaskan Republican politics yesterday. None of them had a clue that Palin was going to resign her office, and none has any idea what her motivation might be in doing so. It was widely assumed in Alaska that Palin wouldn't run for a second term.
Associated Press

Did a Scandal Sink the U.S.S. Palin? — Blogs and Stories — The suddenness of Sarah Palin's resignation raises questions about whether a coming scandal caused her to leave office. Max Blumenthal looks at one possibility. — Plus: Read more of The Daily Beast's coverage of Palin's resignation and the GOP implosion.
The Moderate Voice, Weekly Standard, Ben Smith's Blog, The Page, TalkLeft, The Confluence, Crooks and Liars, The Huffington Post, MoJo Blog Posts, The Huffington Post, Firedoglake, The Reaction, Pam's House Blend, American Power, Glenn Thrush's Blog, D-Day, Liberal Values, Blogs and Stories, DownWithTyranny!, Washington Monthly, AmSpecBlog, Taylor Marsh and skippy the bush kangaroo

In Sarah Palin's GOP, the leaders keep quitting and the troubles don't. — “It may be tempting and more comfortable to just keep your head down [and] plod along,” Sarah Palin said Friday, in an attempt to suggest that serving her full term as governor would add to the nation's apathy.
Washington Monthly, The Atlantic Politics Channel,, Alas, a blog and Atlas Shrugs

Options Abound for Palin After Alaska Governorship — Sarah Palin, 45, will have a variety of platforms to pursue her goals, from writing books to hitting the speaker's circuit to working with the Republican Party to get candidates elected. — — What will Sarah Palin do after she quits as Alaska's governor?

SARAH PALIN INSISTS YOU PAY ATTENTION TO THE INTERNET ON HOLIDAY. — Never a slow news day with these Republicans. — Couple of quick hits — it's worth re-reading Ann and Tim's initial reactions to the arrival of Sarah Palin on the national political scene as McCain's VP. (Shorter Tim: it's a gimmick.
Matthew Yglesias

EXCLUSIVE: PALIN RESIGNATION ‘DAMAGE CONTROL’ FOR COMING ‘ICEBERG SCANDAL’ ... MORE: EMBEZZLEMENT INDICTMENTS COMING? — [See update below for exclusive source details from Alaska...FURTHER UPDATE now added below: AK sources say ‘embezzlement’ scandal related to Palin's house, federal indictments may be in offing.
The New Republic,, Sister Toldjah, KN@PPSTER,, Top of the Ticket, Washington Monthly, Never Yet Melted, Palin's Deceptions,, AMERICAblog News, The Mahablog, First Draft, Associated Press, The Reaction, JONATHAN TURLEY, CNN, Atlantic Correspondents, Open Left, Des Moines Register, DownWithTyranny!, skippy the bush kangaroo, Comments from Left Field, Firedoglake, The Impolitic, Hot Air, The Huffington Post, neo-neocon, Raw Story, Amygdala, Unqualified Offerings, Blogs and Stories, Talking Points Memo, The Confluence, Dr. Melissa Clouthier, Outside The Beltway and Political Byline

Sarah Palin, You Owe The Media An Apology — “I told you so” moments are pretty sweet — and thanks to Sarah Palin, now I've got one. Ten months to the day after her speech at the Republican National Convention, I would like for this woman to eat her words:

The Weak Spot In Every Political Figure
The Anchoress, The Moderate Voice, Instapundit, GayPatriot, Wizbang, The Corner and Ben Smith's Blog

A few additional and hopefully final thoughts on Sarah Palin
The New Ledger, Whiskey Fire, Washington Wire, Obama Foodorama, Sadly, No! and Balloon Juice

Palin Will Run In '12 On More Retardation Platform
Gateway Pundit, Hot Air, Doug Ross, The Confluence, Pajamas Media, Sweetness & Light, Pundit & Pundette, JammieWearingFool, American Power and The Hill

Three Theories of Palin's Resignation

Kristol: A Contrarian Take — If Palin wants to run in 2012 …
TPMDC, The Huffington Post, Washington Monthly, The Reaction, Washington Wire, Ezra Klein, TPMCafe, Balloon Juice, Taylor Marsh, Winds of Change.NET, The New Republic, Talking Points Memo, Lawyers, Guns and Money, PoliGazette, Runnin' Scared, Whiskey Fire, Firedoglake, Broadband Politics and Sadly, No!

July 5th Oration by Frederick Douglass: Tomorrow I am hoping to attend a recreation of Frederick Douglass's Independence Day oration at his home in Anacostia, DC. … Today, historian Jonathan Bean has a nice essay on National Review Online entitled, The Party of Lincoln, and of Douglass …

WEEKLY ADDRESS: President Obama Celebrates Independence Day and the American Spirit — WASHINGTON - In his weekly address, President Barack Obama celebrated the unyielding American spirit that has defined our past and will lead us into the future. Even as we face daunting challenges …

Cutting bait — With respect to many of the Palinologists below, I think they're getting way too hepatomantic over the entrails. As a political move for anything other than the 2010 Senate race, today's announcement is a disaster. And I'm not sure it's a plus for the Senate - and …

Advocacy Groups Should Halt Attacks on Moderate Democrats, Obama Says — Advocates Should Turn Attention to Promoting Legislation, President Says — President Obama, strategizing yesterday with congressional leaders about health-care reform, complained that liberal advocacy groups ought …
Campaign Silo, Hullabaloo, D-Day, DownWithTyranny!, Corrente, The New Republic, The Rhetorican and TPMDC

How honeybee mobs smother giant hornets to death — Honeybees mount a very effective mobbing defence — Honeybee hordes use two weapons - heat and carbon dioxide - to kill their natural enemies, giant hornets. — Japanese honeybees form “bee balls” - mobbing and smothering the predators.

‘Family Friendly’ White House Is Less So for Aides — WASHINGTON — When President Obama talks up the family-friendly vibe at the White House — the nightly family dinners, the flexibility to attend school presentations and join impromptu plunges in the pool with his girls — his chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, sets him straight.