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10:05 PM ET, July 24, 2009


 Top Items: 
Obama Calls Cambridge Cop, Still Sees ‘Overreaction’ in Gates' Arrest  —  President Explains His Remarks About Henry Louis Gates Arrest In Surprise Appearance  —  President Obama called the Cambridge police officer who arrested his friend, prominent Harvard University Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. …
The Corner:
L'Affaire Gates  —  After spending untold millions of dollars in its implementation, the Los Angeles Police Department has at long last been freed from the federal consent decree under which it has been operating for the past eight years.  The decision to terminate the consent decree came …
Discussion: The Daily Dish
The Politico:
Obama walks back police criticism  —  President Obama made a surprise appearance in the White House briefing room Friday in an attempt to tamp down the escalating controversy over his comments on the Monday arrest of Harvard Prof. Henry Louis Gates by the Cambridge, Mass., Police Department.
Jeff Zeleny / The Caucus:
Obama Expresses His Regrets on Gates Incident
Discussion: The Moderate Voice and Wizbang
Marc Ambinder / The Atlantic Politics Channel:
A Presidential Mea Culpa To Sgt. Crowley
Discussion: Obsidian Wings
The Hill:
House healthcare talks break down in anger  —  House healthcare negotiations dissolved in acrimony on Friday, with Blue Dog Democrats saying they were “lied” to by their Democratic leaders.  —  The seven Blue Dogs on the Energy and Commerce Committee stormed out of a Friday meeting …
The Hill:
Waxman may let health bill skip committee  —  Chairman Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) says there is “no alternative” but to have healthcare legislation bypass his Energy and Commerce Committee if Blue Dog Democrats don't accept a deal worked out Friday.  —  Waxman is hoping the inclusion of a study …
The Hill:
Waxman, Blue Dogs brush aside healthcare discord
Discussion: TPMDC
Reuters:   US Waxman will let panel be bypassed on health care
Patrick O'Connor / The Politico:
Health care talks fall apart
Myglesias / Matthew Yglesias:
House Democrats Contemplate Putting National Interest Ahead …
Discussion: The Hill
Chris / TVNewser:
Jon Klein on Birthers: “It Seems This Story is Dead”  —  TVNewser has learned CNN/U.S. president Jon Klein sent an email to a handful of “Lou Dobbs Tonight” staffers last night regarding the coverage of the so-called birthers and the validity of Pres. Obama's birth in the U.S.
Greg Sargent / The Plum Line:
CNN President Brushes Off Criticism Of Lou Dobbs' Continued Floating Of “Birther” Theories  —  CNN/US president Jonathan Klein is rebuffing the mounting criticism of the network over Lou Dobbs' continued airing of “birther” theories, saying that Lou runs “his own show” that merely hosts …
David Weigel / The Washington Independent:
McCain Campaign Investigated, Dismissed Obama Citizenship Rumors  —  Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) during his presidential campaign (WDCpix)  —  In the final months of the 2008 presidential race, Sen. John McCain's (R-Ariz.) campaign learned of a lawsuit filed in Pennsylvania that asked the state …
Myglesias / Matthew Yglesias:
Secessionist Governor Rick Perry Considering Nullifcation of Health Care Reform
Jason Embry / Postcards:
Hutchison steps onto field, hits Perry on stimulus
Wall Street Journal:
Common Sense May Sink ObamaCare  —  It turns out the president misjudged the nation's mood.  —  Printer  —  Friendly  —  This is big, what's happening.  President Obama appears to have misstepped on a major initiative and defining issue.  He has misjudged the nation's mood …
Connie Hair / Human Events:
GOP Not Allowed to Say ‘Government-Run Healthcare’  —  Rep. John Carter (R-Texas), the secretary of the House Republican Conference and a former District Court Judge, is having his messages to constituents censored by Democrats on the Franking Commission.  Republicans are no longer allowed …
Jazz Shaw / The Moderate Voice:   The Franking Commission Digs Own Grave
Fox News:
Obama: ‘Victory’ Not Necessarily Goal in Afghanistan  —  The enemy facing U.S. and Afghan forces isn't so clearly defined defined, Obama explained in a TV interview  —  President Obama has put securing Afghanistan near the top of his foreign policy agenda, but “victory” …
Ncarlile / Think Progress:
Limbaugh: Obama has a ‘chip on his shoulder’ because he's ‘black.’  —  In an interview with Fox News' Greta Van Susteren last night, right-wing radio host Rush Limbaugh said President Obama was more “passionate” during Wednesday night's news conference about the arrest of his friend …
Discussion: Firedoglake and Emptywheel
Mike O / North Texas Tea Party:
We Blew Away MoveOn!  —  With about 36 hours to organize and no paid staff (unlike the other side), we dominated in front of Sen. Cornyn's office today (July 23rd); about 200 conservatives opposing maybe 20 MoveOn people; it was fantastic!  Everyone was polite; we always are.
Jeremy Scahill / The Nation:
Voice of Reason  —  In 2001 Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold famously and courageously stood up as the lone senator to vote against the Patriot Act.  On July 21 he did it again, casting the lone vote opposing Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman's amendment to the 2010 Defense Authorization bill …
Ousted Zelaya returns to Honduras  —  The ousted president of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya on the Nicaraguan side of the Honduras border  —  The ousted president of Honduras has briefly crossed the country's border with Nicaragua, in a symbolic move the US has described as a “reckless”.
Discussion: D-Day and PrairiePundit
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 More Items: 
Ellen / News Hounds:
Fat Cat Limbaugh: Only Those Who Can Afford The Ritz Should Have …
Jim Manzi / The Corner:
Has Global Warming Stopped?
Jonathan Fildes / BBC:
Wall ‘could stop desert spread’
Discussion: UN Dispatch
Ta-Nehisi Coates:
Where It All Leaves Us  —  It's worth watching Obama's statement.
Discussion: Balloon Juice
Barry Neild / GlobalPost:
Fleet Street goes out with le whimper
Discussion: Mediaite
Janet St. James / KHOU-TV:
Home displays ‘Hispanics Keep Out’ sign
Discussion: The Moderate Voice
 Earlier Items: 
Bluegal / Crooks and Liars:
Elizabeth Edwards Shows How to Tell a Liar on Healthcare
Discussion: Sadly, No!
Jordan Fabian / The Hill's Blog Briefing Room:
Gibbs: Twitter blocked on W.H. computers
David Brooks / New York Times:
Kill the Rhinos!  —  Forget the wonkery.  Let's get primeval.
Discussion: The Glittering Eye and Swampland
Washington Post:
Palin's Favorability Rating Drops as She Prepares to Leave Office, Poll Finds