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5:00 PM ET, July 24, 2009


 Top Items: 
Obama Calls Cambridge Cop, Still Sees ‘Overreaction’ in Gates' Arrest  —  President Explains His Remarks About Henry Louis Gates Arrest In Surprise Appearance  —  President Obama called the Cambridge police officer who arrested his friend, prominent Harvard University Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. …
Boston Herald:
911, police tapes key in Gates case  —  Officials mull release of recorded evidence  —  Mounting pressure to get to the bottom of the controversial arrest of black scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. is centering on recorded police tapes that may offer a dose of reality amid all the media and political noise.
a Phantom Negro / Salon:
Skip Gates, please sit down  —  You are suffering from what I call the “Ivy League Effect” … Henry Louis Gates Jr. at his home in Cambridge, Mass., in 2008.  —  The Ivy League is not real life.  College in general is not real life, and the Ivy League is a more fantastic version of college.
Sam Youngman / The Hill:
Obama regrets ‘distraction’ of comment ‘obsession’  —  President Obama regrets the distraction that his comments about a police incident in Cambridge, Mass., caused, according to a White House spokesman.  —  White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said Friday that if the president knew …
The Politico:
Obama walks back police criticism  —  President Obama made a surprise appearance in the White House briefing room Friday in an attempt to tamp down the escalating controversy over his comments on the Monday arrest of Harvard Prof. Henry Louis Gates by the Cambridge, Mass., Police Department.
Marc Ambinder / The Atlantic Politics Channel:
A Presidential Mea Culpa To Sgt. Crowley  —  And a promise to bring him and Professor Gates to the White House for a beer.  Politically, the beer promise... it's kind of a killer, no?  (Killer = political slam dunk.)
Discussion: Obsidian Wings
Jeff Zeleny / The Caucus:
Obama Expresses His Regrets On Gates Incident
Discussion: TalkLeft
Patrick Hynes / ConsiderThisNews:
FNC News Break: Prez Blames Media for Cops Remark Dustup
Discussion: Dr. Melissa Clouthier and Hot Air
Fox News:
Obama Seeks to Clarify ‘Stupidly’ Comment, Praises White Policeman
Discussion: Gateway Pundit
Washington Wire:
Obama Addresses Gates Controversy, Calls Arresting Officer
Discussion: The Plum Line and D-Day
The Hill:
Waxman may let health bill skip committee  —  Chairman Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) says there is “no alternative” but to have healthcare legislation bypass his Energy and Commerce Committee if Blue Dog Democrats don't accept a deal worked out Friday.  —  Waxman is hoping the inclusion of a study …
The Hill:
House healthcare talks break down in anger  —  House healthcare negotiations dissolved in acrimony on Friday, with Blue Dog Democrats saying they were “lied” to by their Democratic leaders.  —  The seven Blue Dogs on the Energy and Commerce Committee stormed out of a Friday meeting …
Patrick O'Connor / The Politico:
Health care talks fall apart
Myglesias / Matthew Yglesias:
House Democrats Contemplate Putting National Interest Ahead …
Discussion: The Hill, D-Day and TPMDC
Jane Hamsher / Campaign Silo:   Waxman: Blue Dogs Trying To “Eviscerate” Health Care
David Weigel / The Washington Independent:
McCain Campaign Investigated, Dismissed Obama Citizenship Rumors  —  Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) during his presidential campaign (WDCpix)  —  In the final months of the 2008 presidential race, Sen. John McCain's (R-Ariz.) campaign learned of a lawsuit filed in Pennsylvania that asked the state …
Chris / TVNewser:
Jon Klein on Birthers: “It Seems This Story is Dead”  —  TVNewser has learned CNN/U.S. president Jon Klein sent an email to a handful of “Lou Dobbs Tonight” staffers last night regarding the coverage of the so-called birthers and the validity of Pres. Obama's birth in the U.S.
Washington Post:
Palin's Favorability Rating Drops as She Prepares to Leave Office, Poll Finds  —  As Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin prepares for the next stage of her political career, a majority of Americans hold an unfavorable view of her, and there is broad public doubt about her leadership skills and understanding …
Charles Krauthammer / Washington Post:
Why Obamacare Is Sinking  —  What happened to Obamacare?  Rhetoric met reality.  As both candidate and president, the master rhetorician could conjure a world in which he bestows upon you health-care nirvana: more coverage, less cost.  —  But you can't fake it in legislation.
Byron York / Washington Examiner:
Obamacare haunted by unkept promises of stimulus
Discussion: Media Blog
Dave Montgomery / Fort Worth Star-Telegram:
Perry raises possibility of states' rights showdown with White House over healthcare  —  AUSTIN — Gov. Rick Perry, raising the specter of a showdown with the Obama administration, suggested Thursday that he would consider invoking states' rights protections under the 10th Amendment to resist …
Myglesias / Matthew Yglesias:
Secessionist Governor Rick Perry Considering Nullifcation of Health Care Reform
Discussion: TalkLeft
Manu Raju / The Politico:
Graham takes on conservatives  —  When Sen. Lindsey Graham announced his support for Sonia Sotomayor this week, right-wing radio talk show host Mark Levin said it was a sign that Graham is “unreliable ... as a thinker and a leader.”  —  Wendy Long, counsel for the conservative Judicial Confirmation Network …
US Senator Orrin Hatch:
Discussion: Politics Nation and Salon
Paul Krugman / New York Times:
Costs and Compassion  —  The talking heads on cable TV panned President Obama's Wednesday press conference.  You see, he didn't offer a lot of folksy anecdotes.  —  Shame on them.  The health care system is in crisis.  The fate of America's middle class hangs in the balance.
Wall Street Journal:
Common Sense May Sink ObamaCare  —  It turns out the president misjudged the nation's mood.  —  Printer  —  Friendly  —  This is big, what's happening.  President Obama appears to have misstepped on a major initiative and defining issue.  He has misjudged the nation's mood …
Connie Hair / Human Events:
GOP Not Allowed to Say ‘Government-Run Healthcare’  —  Rep. John Carter (R-Texas), the secretary of the House Republican Conference and a former District Court Judge, is having his messages to constituents censored by Democrats on the Franking Commission.  Republicans are no longer allowed …
Unfair Park:
How a Local Rally For Obama's Health Care Proposal Turned Into a Rally Against It  —  Local members had penciled in on today's schedule a protest in front of Senator John Cornyn's Spring Valley Road office, during which they had hoped to pressure the senator to support President Barack Obama's public health care legislation.
Bluegal / Crooks and Liars:
Elizabeth Edwards Shows How to Tell a Liar on Healthcare  —  In an interview with Rachel Maddow, Elizabeth Edwards dropped this enormously helpful key on when to tell if an opponent to healthcare reform is lying: … Our friends at Sadly, No! take a look at the actual outcomes between the US and Canada.
Discussion: Sadly, No!
Jeremy Scahill / The Nation:
Voice of Reason  —  In 2001 Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold famously and courageously stood up as the lone senator to vote against the Patriot Act.  On July 21 he did it again, casting the lone vote opposing Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman's amendment to the 2010 Defense Authorization bill …
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 More Items: 
Tracy Wilkinson / Los Angeles Times:
Manuel Zelaya to attempt Honduras return
Discussion: On Deadline and The Page
City Room:
Possible Deal on Mayoral Control of Schools
Discussion: The Daily Politics and Gothamist
Right Wing News:
The Rightosphere Temperature Check For July: Palin, Franken, & Auditing the Fed
Jennifer Rubin / Commentary:
Maybe We Should Just Not Discriminate
Discussion: Washington Post and The Anchoress
Jordan Fabian / The Hill's Blog Briefing Room:
Gibbs: Twitter blocked on W.H. computers
 Earlier Items: 
Jonathan Martin / The Politico:
Wilder cool to W.H. overture in Va. race
Discussion: GOP 12
David Brooks / New York Times:
Kill the Rhinos!  —  Forget the wonkery.  Let's get primeval.
Discussion: Swampland and The Glittering Eye
Sam Bungey / Vineyard Gazette:
First Family's Vacation Plans Take Shape Around Familiar Chilmark Farm
Discussion: The Swamp

From Techmeme:

Mark Gurman / Bloomberg:
Sources: Apple is actively working to bring the AI features to Vision Pro, rejiggers Vision Pro's retail demos, and starts developing 2025's operating systems

Paul Kiernan / Wall Street Journal:
The US finalizes rules requiring custodial crypto platforms to report user transaction info to the IRS; DeFi platforms are exempt amid fierce crypto lobbying

Chance Miller / 9to5Mac:
Kuo: Apple plans to mass produce new AirPods with camera modules by 2026, which will include an IR camera similar to the iPhone Face ID receiver

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