Top Items:

White House Counsel's Job Is at Stake — WASHINGTON — Obama administration officials are holding discussions that could result in White House counsel Gregory Craig leaving his post, following a rocky tenure, people familiar with the matter said. — Mr. Craig, the top lawyer at the White House …

Obama vs. Drudge — The White House on Tuesday posted a three-minute video punching back at an old clip of President Barack Obama that was featured on the Drudge Report with the headline, “Uncovered Video: Obama Explains How His Health Care Plan Will ‘Eliminate’ Private Insurance.”

Facts Are Stubborn Things — Opponents of health insurance reform may find the truth a little inconvenient, but as our second president famously said, “facts are stubborn things.” — Scary chain emails and videos are starting to percolate on the internet, breathlessly claiming, for example …

White House Isn't Concerned by Health-Care Protests
Michelle Malkin

Geithner Vents as Overhaul Stumbles — WASHINGTON — Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner blasted top U.S. financial regulators in an expletive-laced critique last Friday as frustration grows over the Obama administration's faltering plan to overhaul U.S. financial regulation, according to people familiar with the meeting.
naked capitalism, Michelle Malkin, Reuters, Think Progress, Felix Salmon, Piece of Work In Progress, RedState, The Volokh Conspiracy, Political Punch, Free exchange, Clusterstock, Right Wing News, DailyFinance, Zandar Versus The Stupid, Concurring Opinions, Real Time Economics, zero hedge and Dealbreaker

Obama Renews Vow of No Middle-Class Tax Increase

Obama ‘Joker’ Poster Causing a Stir in L.A. — Obama “Joker” Poster — What do you think? — When you're taking flak... ÃÂyou know you're over the target,and the person who made this poster is shining the light of truth on the Obama administration.

Why I doubt Kenyan birth document — I bet that got your attention. — For 24 hours, I have been deluged with e-mail - about 6,000 more than usual - that essentially fall into three categories: — Thank you for getting the goods on Barack Obama - I knew he was born in Kenya.

Is This the Source of the Forged ‘Kenyan Birth Certificate?’ — [Update: Credit where it's due—my source tipped me off to this in the Politijab web forums, which have become a good site for “birther” debunking.] — One of my friends in the small community of Obama “birther” …
JustOneMinute, Wonkette, The Washington Independent, Below The Beltway, Alan Colmes' Liberaland and

Kenyan Birth Certificate: PWNED! — After having spent (wasted?) nearly a year in the trenches of Birthistan, I decided several months ago to “retire” and move on, save for dropping by here once in a while to keep in touch with some of the friends I'd made here.
Obama Conspiracy Theories

Lib “Blue Dog” Rep. Steve Driehaus (D-OH) Booed, Mocked & Laughed At During Town Hall (Video) — Another Day— Another Blue Dog Mocked at Obamacare Town Hall — Representative Steve Driehaus (D-OH) held a town hall on health care reform. While Driehaus campaigned as a fiscal conservative …
Little Green Links

Bill Clinton Meeting North Korea Leader, Media Reports — SEOUL, South Korea — Former President Bill Clinton met on Tuesday with Kim Jong-il, the reclusive and ailing leader of North Korea, while on a visit to negotiate the release of two imprisoned American television journalists, North Korean state media reported.
The Lede, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Mediaite, Company Town, Politics Daily, The Caucus, The Politico, Los Angeles Times, The Confluence, Gawker, Taylor Marsh, At-Largely and The Page

Reports: Bill Clinton Arrives in N. Korea — Former president Bill Clinton landed in North Korea on Tuesday on an unannounced mission to negotiate the release of two American journalists, marking his first diplomatic mission abroad for the Obama administration in a case that has deeply concerned his wife …
Top of the Ticket, Jezebel, Guardian, CNN, Postcards, The Washington Independent and The Plank

Health Plan Opponents Make Voices Heard — WASHINGTON — Senator Arlen Specter and the health and human services secretary, Kathleen Sebelius, were heckled and booed in Philadelphia on Sunday. — In Austin on Saturday, a throng of protesters enveloped Representative Lloyd Doggett …
Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, The Caucus, The Note, Washington Monthly, D-Day,, The Confluence, Ben Smith's Blog, Commentary and The Plum Line

HONORING AN AMERICA-HATER — THE Medal of Freedom is the nation's highest civilian honor. Past recipients include John Wayne, Norman Rockwell and Vaclav Havel. This year, one of the 16 recipients President Obama selected (along with such worthies as Sen. Edward Kennedy and the late Jack Kemp) …
Commentary, Bookworm Room, Ben Smith's Blog, Capital J | JTA, Gateway Pundit and JammieWearingFool

Left is miffed at Pelosi over her comment — House liberals are offended that Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) mocked their threats to oppose a Democratic healthcare bill, saying leaders are underestimating their frustration over a deal cut with centrist Blue Dogs.

Who will stand strong in heat of healthcare fight?

When ‘Clunkers’ Are Greener — Want to be green? Consider keeping your “clunker.” — The wildly popular “Cash for Clunkers” program is one of a number of policies funded by this year's stimulus package that encourage consumers to make major purchases in the name of the environment.

McDonnell leads by 14 — Bob McDonnell has opened up a 51-37 lead over Creigh Deeds in the race to be Virginia's next Governor, up from a 49-43 advantage four weeks ago. — The movement in the race likely has more to do with national trends than anything actually going on in Virginia.

54% Oppose More Money for ‘Cash for Clunkers’ Program — Fifty-four percent (54%) of Americans oppose any further funding for the federal “cash for clunkers” program which encourages the owners of older cars to trade them in for newer, more fuel-efficient ones.

Dallas-Houston HSR — Via Steve Teles, Ed Glaeser has a post implying asking “Is President Obama's vision of hyper-fast trains racing through America a sound transportation policy or a costly boondoggle?” His conclusion implies that it's a costly boondoggle.

And That's the Way It Wasn't — From the Scrapbook. — It seems somehow oddly appropriate that the passing of TV news giant Walter Cronkite should have produced in turn a gigantic correction in the New York Times, which we reproduce here for your delectation:
The Moderate Voice

And for the Blue Team? — We spent most of Monday reporting on these tea-bagging crowds going to Democratic health care town hall meetings to shout down the hosts and shut the events down. It's classic agitprop, very akin to the ‘Brooks Brothers riot’ down in Florida during the recount.

Doctors in Cuba Start Over in the U.S. — MIAMI — In 1991, Carlos Domínguez, a family doctor in one of Havana's poorest neighborhoods, bought a boat for 12,000 pesos — the equivalent of saving his entire paycheck for three years — to escape the government that had trained him to be an international doctor.