Top Items:

Black Conservative's Attorney Sends Out Letter After Brutal Attack At Carnahan Town Hall Meeting — The attorney for Kenneth Gladney wrote the St. Louis Tea Party Coalition after the union thugs beat Gladney last night outside the Russ Carnahan Town Hall meeting.

Priceless. Jamie Allman Confronts Russ Carnahan at Secret Press Conference on Beating Black Conservatives (Video) — Rep. Russ Carnahan held a secret press conference this morning to discuss the town hall meeting last night where tea party taxpayers were locked out, union thugs …

BREAKING: Carnahan staffer admits to causing trouble? — This woman was actually trying to start fights with people in line, waiting to get into the auditorium at the Rep. Russ Carnahan townhall forum on aging. — While Carnahan gave a press conference today blaming tea party people for the …

Eye Witness to St. Louis Scuffle: 'SEIU Representative Punched …

The Opinionator, TPMDC, Accuracy in Media, The Greenroom, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Right Wing Nut House, Examiner, Blue Crab Boulevard, Fox News, And So it Goes in Shreveport, Moonbattery, No More Mister Nice Blog, QandO, Right Wing News, American Power, Outside The Beltway, Power Line, Moe_Lane's blog, Wake up America and Salon

SEIU Gets Threatening Phone Call: “You're Gonna Come Up Against The Second Amendment” — An official with SEIU, which has been sending members to town halls to counterbalance the Tea Party brigade, sends over this audio of a phone call the union says it received on its central voicemail system …
TPMDC, BlueOregon, AMERICAblog News, Washington Monthly, The Political Carnival, Zandar Versus The Stupid, Wonkette and The Mahablog

Americans for Prosperity Compares Health Care Reform To Holocaust, Tells Protesters To Put ‘Fear Of God’ In Members Of Congress — During the course of the last week, you may have wondered why anti-health care reform activists are so riled up—what buttons are being pushed by the people encouraging the town hall disruptions.
The Huffington Post, Below The Beltway, TalkLeft, and Washington Monthly

Obamacare's Fatal Flaw — There are two basic points about health-care reform that President Obama wants to convey. The first is that, as he put it in an ABC special in June, “the status quo is untenable.” Our health-care system is rife with “skewed incentives.”

Anti-Health Care Reform Protester Encourages Physical Violence, Use Of Firearms

Americans for Prosperity Compares Health Care Reform To Holocaust
Bob Cesca's Awesome Blog!

Palin: Obama's “Death Panel” Could Kill My Down Syndrome Baby — In a new posting on her Facebook account, former Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) made a dire statement about health care reform — that it could result in an Obama-created “death panel” killing her infant son with Down Syndrome:

First on the CNN Ticker: Florida senator to resign seat — WASHINGTON (CNN) - Sen. Mel Martinez, R-Florida, will announce that he is resigning his seat, three GOP sources tell CNN. — The sources said that Martinez will officially announce his intention to step down on Friday.

Embattled S.C. Governor Sanford, Wife Are Splitting Up — Jenny Sanford, the wife of South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, announced Friday morning that she and their sons will leave the governor's mansion in Columbia and settle in the Charleston area, a split that comes after the couple tried for seven weeks to mend their marriage.
Raw Story

New Rule: Smart President ≠ Smart Country — New Rule: Just because a country elects a smart president doesn't make it a smart country. A few weeks ago I was asked by Wolf Blitzer if I thought Sarah Palin could get elected president, and I said I hope not, but I wouldn't put anything past this stupid country.

White House Move to Collect ‘Fishy’ Info May Be Illegal, Critics Say — The White House has been under fire since posting a blog on Tuesday that asks supporters to e-mail any “fishy” information seen on the Web or received electronically. — — The White House strategy …

So where's your birth certificate, congressman? — From POLITICO's Kathryn McGarr: — Last week, POLITICO asked the 11 House Republicans co-sponsoring the so-called “birther” bill — requiring presidential candidates to prove they were born in the U.S.— for copies of their own birth certificates.

Ben Stein finally Expelled from NY Times — You'll forgive me if I take some small measure of credit for this one: after something in the region of 35,000 words of the Ben Stein Watch, the world's worst financial columnist has finally been fired from the New York Times. And I couldn't be happier.

Pitchman Ben Stein Gets Economist Ben Stein Fired at the New York Times

Reactions to Rush Limbaugh's Obama/Hitler comparison — [updated below (ADL) - Update II (Simon Wiesenthal Center) - Update III] — As I noted yesterday, the comparison of an anonymous person in the 2004 ad contest of Bush to Hitler generated a massive media firestorm for a full week …
Raw Story, Political Punch, The Washington Independent, The Plum Line and Below The Beltway

Jewish Groups Say Obama's Pick for Medal Has Anti-Israel Bias
Capital J | JTA, Weekly Standard, Commentary, The Caucus, Newsweek, Los Angeles Times and Naked Politics

Is This Health-Care Reform's Worst Idea Yet? — The Senate Finance Committee does not want to propose an employer mandate to promote health-care coverage. But it doesn't want to let employers entirely off the hook, either. So it has come up with one of the worst ideas in recent memory: A so-called “free rider” tax.

Another Hurdle for the Jobless: Credit Inquiries — Digging out of debt keeps getting harder for the unemployed as more companies use detailed credit checks to screen job prospects. — Out of work since December, Juan Ochoa was delighted when a staffing firm recently responded to his posting …

A Better Plan for Health-Care Reform — In 1986, Ronald Reagan and Bill Bradley created a legislative miracle. They fashioned a tax reform that stripped loopholes, political favors, payoffs, patronage and other corruptions out of the tax system. With the resulting savings, they lowered tax rates across the board.
Zandar Versus The Stupid, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, American Power, Newsalert and The Glittering Eye

Sincerely, John Hughes — I was babysitting for my mom's friend Kathleen's daughter the night I wrote that first fan letter to John Hughes. I can literally remember the yellow grid paper, the blue ball point pen and sitting alone in the dim light in the living room, the baby having gone to bed.

What is progressivism? — Arnold Kling asks this question, so I thought I'd try a stab at it, but trying to cast progressivism in the best possible light. Of course my answer is not exclusive to Arnold's, as we might both be right about the elephant. From an outsider's perspective …

Taliban Leader in Pakistan Is Reportedly Killed — ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Baitullah Mehsud, the main leader of Pakistan's fearsome Taliban movement, was killed Wednesday in a C.I.A. drone missile strike, two Taliban fighters said Friday, though American and Pakistani officials could not confirm the reports.
Washington Post, Newsweek, US Liberal Politics, DAWN.COM, Democracy in America, FP Passport, The Jawa Report,, Wonk Room, The Daily Dish,, Washington Monthly, The Long War Journal, ATTACKERMAN, Hot Air, MoJo Blog Posts, PrairiePundit, The Washington Independent, BBC and Danger Room

What's a Big City Without a Newspaper? — LAST STAND? — On a recent trip into Philadelphia, after I exited the Interstate and coasted to a stop at the first traffic light, a man walked up to my car. He wore a black apron with a change pouch and held aloft a copy of The Philadelphia Daily News, the city's tart, irreverent tabloid.

Eunice Kennedy Shriver in critical condition — (CNN) — Eunice Kennedy Shriver, sister of President Kennedy, is in critical but stable condition in a Massachusetts hospital with her family at her side, her family said Friday. — Members of her family flew in to Cape Cod Hospital …

‘Countdown with Keith Olbermann’ for Thursday, August 6 — THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. — THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. — Guests: Jonathan Alter, Ryan Lizza, Chris Kofinis — KEITH OLBERMANN, HOST (voice-over): Which of these stories will you be talking about tomorrow?

41% View Town Hall Protesters Favorably, 35% Don't — Forty-one percent (41%) of U.S. voters have a favorable opinion of the people opposing health care reform at town hall meetings now being conducted by members of Congress, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.
Moe Lane

Rahm Slammed Dems Attacking Other Dems As “F-king Stupid,” Sources Say — The Politico's Jonathan Martin reported this morning that Rahm Emanuel warned leaders of liberal groups in a private meeting this week that it was time to stop running ads attacking Blue Dog and “centrist” Dems on health care.
The Huffington Post, Firedoglake, The Political Carnival, The Politico and The Other McCain