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Republicans Propagating Falsehoods in Attacks on Health-Care Reform — As a columnist who regularly dishes out sharp criticism, I try not to question the motives of people with whom I don't agree. Today, I'm going to step over that line. — The recent attacks by Republican leaders …

The Town Hall Mob — There's a famous Norman Rockwell painting titled “Freedom of Speech,” depicting an idealized American town meeting. The painting, part of a series illustrating F.D.R.'s “Four Freedoms,” shows an ordinary citizen expressing an unpopular opinion.

Protesters drown out Tampa health care summit — TAMPA - Bitter divisions over reforming America's health care system exploded Thursday night in Tampa amid cat calls, jeering and shoving at a town hall meeting. — “Tyranny! Tyranny! Tyranny!” dozens of people shouted as U.S …
CBS News, Washington Monthly, Politics Daily, Washington Times, The Buzz, The Glittering Eye, The Corner, American Power, DISSENTING JUSTICE, The Confluence, Below The Beltway, NPR Blogs, Sister Toldjah, On Deadline, The BRAD BLOG, DownWithTyranny!, Crooks and Liars, MyFox Tampa Bay, Zandar Versus The Stupid, TPMDC and Gawker

‘You Are Terrifying Us’ — Voters send a message to Washington, and get an ugly response. — Printer — Friendly — We have entered uncharted territory in the fight over national health care. There's a new tone in the debate, and it's ugly. At the moment the Democrats are looking …

“The Other” — Now that a Democrat is in the White House, — without Howard Kurtz's castigation. — Suck on that, single Move-On contest entrant. — As is often elaborated upon here, there are huge flaws in the health care plan (d)evolving through Congress, for example insurance companies …

Violence Erupts At Rep. Castor's Town Hall In Tampa

Six people, including P-D reporter, arrested at Carnahan meeting — UPDATE: St. Louis County police say six people were arrested. Two of those were arrested on suspicion of assault, one of resisting arrest and three on suspicion of committing peace disturbances. Carnahan was gone when the ruckus started.
The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, Moe_Lane's blog, The Jawa Report, Wake up America, Taylor Marsh, Confederate Yankee,, Outside The Beltway, Talking Points Memo, Zandar Versus The Stupid, Blogs of War, PrairiePundit, Capitol Briefing, QandO, St. Louis Tea Party and

Angry Mob of Racist Extremists Beats Black Man at Town Hall Meeting — I guess the Democrats were right after all. At a town meeting held by a Democrat congressman, a rowdy group of organized and angry thugs showed up to make a point about ObamaCare, and then beat up a man.

RAW VIDEO!!.....TEA PARTY PROTESTERS ATTACKED— 1 Black Conservative Seriously Hurt in St. Louis!... 6 Arrested Including SEIU Members — ** RAW VIDEO from Missourah blog: — A black conservative was attacked by the Carnahan-supporting mob. — At least one SEIU member is arrested by St. Louis police in this video:
protein wisdom,, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS and Piece of Work In Progress

SHOCK VIDEO— DEMS SNEAK UNION THUGS INTO CARNAHAN TOWN HALL— 1,000 Tea Party Taxpayers Locked Out! — Over 1,000 St. Louis Tea Party Taxpayers showed up at the Russ Carnahan town hall meeting in South St. Louis tonight. — They were Locked Out! — But... The Carnahan staff was sneaking …

Dueling protesters disrupt Carnahan forum on aging — In St. Louis and across the country, the debate over health care reform is growing louder. — On Thursday evening, a forum on aging called by Rep. Russ Carnahan, D-St. Louis, drew an overflow crowd of several hundred to Bernard Middle School gym in south St. Louis County.

Taliban Leader in Pakistan Was Killed, His Aides Say — ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Baitullah Mehsud, the main leader of Pakistan's fearsome Taliban militia, was killed Wednesday in a C.I.A. missile strike, two Taliban fighters said Friday, but a spokesman for Pakistan's military, Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas …

‘Baitullah Mehsud is alive’ - US intelligence official
The Strata-Sphere

Death of Pakistan Taliban chief Baitullah Mahsud is confirmed
Mudville Gazette

247,000 Jobs Lost in July; Rate Falls Slightly to 9.4% — The American economy lost 247,000 jobs in July, and in a reversal, the unemployment rate fell slightly, to 9.4 percent, the government reported Friday. — Although businesses are expected to keep cutting jobs through the rest of the year …

Twitter, Facebook attack targeted one user — A Georgian blogger with accounts on Twitter, Facebook, LiveJournal and Google's Blogger and YouTube was targeted in a denial of service attack that led to the site-wide outage at Twitter and problems at the other sites on Thursday, according to a Facebook executive.
The Register, Guardian, MediaFile, Mashable!, The Glittering Eye, TechCrunch, The Other McCain and Time

Axelrod gives Dems their health talking points — Senate Democrats are girding themselves for a month of vigorous debate over healthcare reform, armed with a new set of talking points from David Axelrod, the president's chief political strategist. — Axelrod and Jim Messina …
The Foundry

Sotomayor Faces Big Workload of Complex Cases — Now comes the hard part. — With the Senate's approval of Judge Sonia Sotomayor's nomination to the Supreme Court on Thursday, the new justice will soon take on one of the most demanding jobs in the land. — Just over a month from now …
TPMDC,, The BLT, Law Blog, Washington Post, The Volokh Conspiracy and

Sotomayor Confirmed by Senate, 68-31
Washington Post, Boston Globe, Associated Press, US Senator Orrin Hatch, Obsidian Wings, Room for Debate, The Reaction, The Politico, Political Byline, the talking dog, Indecision Forever, The Nation, Democratic Strategist, Los Angeles Times, Reason, NY Daily News, The Confluence, BlueOregon, Wonkette, The Note, Little Green Links, Lawyers, Guns and Money, Shakesville, New York Times, Corrente, Truthdig and Donklephant

Lincoln retracts description of health care protests as ‘un-American’ — LITTLE ROCK — Efforts to disrupt town hall meetings on health care reform are un-American, U.S. Sen. Blanche Lincoln, D-Ark., said today, though she later issued a statement retracting the remark.
Scorecard's Blog, Scared Monkeys, RedState, Flopping Aces, Burnt Orange Report and Weasel Zippers

Meet the Mob — You've heard a lot about this crazy, scary, vicious mob on some shadowy GOP payroll. By the way the DNC, Rachel Maddow, and President Obama talk, you'd think it was a motley crue of Hell's Angels. — Let me introduce you to the mob: — I am the mob. My kids are the mob.

How Many Parks Do You Need? — The District of Columbia has many, many, many fewer schoolchildren than it once did, so there's been a trend toward closing DCPS facilities and trying to reuse the sites for something else. Office space for city agencies is a popular idea, but sometimes that doesn't work out for various reasons.

Rahm warns liberal groups to stop ads — White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel warned liberal groups this week to stop running ads against Democratic members of Congress. — The powerful top aide to President Obama made his feelings known at the weekly closed-door strategy session …