Top Items:

New Rx for Health Plan: Split Bill — The White House and Senate Democratic leaders, seeing little chance of bipartisan support for their health-care overhaul, are considering a strategy shift that would break the legislation into two parts and pass the most expensive provisions solely with Democratic votes.

More See White House and GOP Leaders at Odds — Democratic Favorable Ratings Slide — Americans are in an increasingly sour mood about Washington. Barack Obama's approval ratings continue to inch downward and a growing proportion of Americans (63%) think that the president and Republican leaders …

White House Will Weather Liberal Anger; Baucus Doubles Down

Why the health care debate is so important regardless of one's view …
Discussion:*, TPMDC, Washington Monthly, The Confluence and Jack & Jill Politics

I'm For the Obama Health Plan, Are Anonymous White House Staffers?
The Daily Dish, Washington Post, The New Republic, Talking Points Memo, Emptywheel, No More Mister Nice Blog and Raw Story

Grassley to Dems: Let's keep working together
The Moderate Voice, Washington Monthly, Matthew Yglesias,, The New Argument, The Page, TPMDC and Prescriptions

Without Public Option, Enthusiasm for Health Care Reform, Especially Among Democrats, Collapses — Just 34% of voters nationwide support the health care reform plan proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats if the so-called “public option” is removed.

Chuck Todd thinks we support the public option just because conservatives don't — On Andrea Mitchell's show this morning, Chuck Todd was on to opine about health care reform. He said one outrageous thing and one right thing. The Toddster said that progressives might be attached …

Prospect's Starr to Progressives: Thanks for Being Pawns; Now Chill on the PO — There is something of value when elites tell you the truth, even while they're insulting you. So when the courageously anonymous *cough* senior White House official told the Washington Post that anyone who thinks …

Major Health Insurance Company Urges Employees To Attend Tea Parties
Brave New Films blog

Time to Give Up on the Public Option
Think Progress, USA Today, PoliGazette, New York Post, Ezra Klein, TigerHawk, The Agenda on National …, Don Surber, The Opinionator, Grasping Reality …, Matthew Yglesias, Donklephant, The Daily Dish, The Moderate Voice, The Atlantic Business Channel, Hullabaloo, The Atlantic Politics Channel and The Mahablog

The LaRouche Cult and the Health Care Protests — After noting that the disturbed woman who accused Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) of supporting a “Nazi policy” was a LaRouche cultist, I checked out the trove of videos that LaRouche's Virginia-based organization has made available since …

HOW IT'S DONE.... This is quickly making the rounds, but if you haven't seen it, Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) held a town-hall event last night, and was confronted with a nut, carrying a picture of the president to make him look like Hitler, who asked why Frank would support a “Nazi policy.”

Was Barney Frank's ‘Nazi’ Questioner a LaRouche Cultist? [UPDATE: Confirmed]

A deeper look at the birthers — After we conducted polls over the last couple of weeks finding significant numbers of ‘birthers’ in North Carolina and Virginia, we decided to take the question national but also drum down more specifically on where exactly the people who think Barack Obama …

NY dealers pull out of clunkers program — NEW YORK (AP) - Hundreds of auto dealers in the New York area have withdrawn from the government's Cash for Clunkers program, citing delays in getting reimbursed by the government, a dealership group said Wednesday.

Is there really a boycott of Glenn Beck? Update: Law of unintended consequences? — We've heard about the boycott of the Glenn Beck Show on Fox News Channel, one where as many as 20 advertisers have dropped their spots, thanks to pressure from left-wing groups angry at ... well, their latest anger du jour.

Poll Shows Most Americans Oppose War in Afghanistan — A majority of Americans now see the war in Afghanistan as not worth fighting, and just a quarter say more U.S. troops should be sent to the country, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. — Most have confidence in the ability …
Matthew Yglesias, Associated Press, Top of the Ticket, Hullabaloo, Hot Air, Stephen M. Walt, Rethink Afghanistan, RADAMISTO and

Dem investigators target insurers — House Democrats are probing the nation's largest insurance companies for lavish spending, demanding reams of compensation data and schedules of retreats and conferences. — Letters sent to 52 insurance companies by Democratic leaders demand extensive documents …

Unreal: MSNBC edits clip of man with gun at Obama rally to support racism narrative — I missed this yesterday at Newsbusters but Treacher, rightly aghast, tipped me to it this afternoon. Never will you see a starker example of MSNBC getting away with the sort of deception for which Fox News …

C.I.A. Sought Blackwater's Help in Plan to Kill Jihadists — WASHINGTON — The Central Intelligence Agency in 2004 hired outside contractors from the private security contractor Blackwater USA as part of a secret program to locate and assassinate top operatives of Al Qaeda, according to current and former government officials.

Whole Foods Devotees Lash Out at CEO — Customers, Angry Over His Health-Care Views, Share Feelings of Betrayal on Web — Whole Foods aficionados who assumed the company's management was as crunchy as the brand are feeling betrayed. — They have stormed Twitter, Facebook and the blogosphere …
Democracy in America,, Weekly Standard, City Desk, Capital Gains and Games, Shopfloor and Club for Growth

The Whole Foods Recipe for Health Reform
American Prospect, The Huffington Post, Reason,, Politics Daily, Shopfloor, AmSpecBlog and distributedrepublic …

TV News Giant Don Hewitt Dies At 86 — CBS News Legend And “60 Minutes” Creator's Career Spanned 60 Years — (CBS) Don Hewitt, recognized as a father of modern television news and the creator of the medium's most successful broadcast, “60 Minutes,” died Wednesday after battling pancreatic cancer.
Discussion:, Washington Post,, Mediaite, Gawker, The Page, NPR Blogs, TVNewser and Wonkette

The Greenback Effect — IN nature, every action has consequences, a phenomenon called the butterfly effect. These consequences, moreover, are not necessarily proportional. For example, doubling the carbon dioxide we belch into the atmosphere may far more than double the subsequent problems for society.
NO QUARTER, The Huffington Post, Wizbang, The Hill's Blog Briefing Room and Felix Salmon

Legislature to vote on sweeping prison reforms — SACRAMENTO — Democratic lawmakers and Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger are poised as soon as today to enact a package of far-reaching prison reforms that would allow some prisoners to serve the last 12 months of their sentences under house arrest …

Senate bid dogged by Fiorina's failure to vote — (08-18) 19:51 PDT — Republican Carly Fiorina, the former Hewlett-Packard CEO, took her first formal step Tuesday to challenge incumbent Democratic U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer - but does she pass the Citizenship 1o1 test?
The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, Silicon Alley Insider, The Sundries Shack, Scorecard's Blog, TBogg and MyDD

The Death Book for Veterans — Ex-soldiers don't need to be told they're a burden to society. — Printer — Friendly — If President Obama wants to better understand why America's discomfort with end-of-life discussions threatens to derail his health-care reform, he might begin with his own Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

McCain: Maverick No More? — He ran for president last year as a “maverick” Republican and had a high-profile meeting with Barack Obama after the election, but Arizona Sen. John McCain has been a staunch Republican vote since failing to win the White House.
Think Progress

New poll finds that 39 percent of Americans want government to ‘stay out of Medicare.’ — As ThinkProgress has noted before, conservatives have frequently obscured the fact that Medicare is a government-run single-payer program. Constituents appearing at health care town halls have even demanded …

I am finally scared of a White House administration — The members of that ultimate federal board will themselves not have examined or seen the patient in question. For another example of the growing, tumultuous resistance to “Dr. Obama,” particularly among seniors, there is a July 29 …
The Hill, Taylor Marsh, theblogprof, Maggie's Farm,, Raw Story, PoliGazette, Macsmind, Hot Air, Dr. Sanity and