Top Items:

Obama's Trust Problem — According to news reports, the Obama administration — which seemed, over the weekend, to be backing away from the “public option” for health insurance — is shocked and surprised at the furious reaction from progressives. — Well, I'm shocked and surprised at their shock and surprise.

Faith in Obama Drops As Reform Fears Rise — Health-Care Effort Is Major Factor, Poll Finds — Public confidence in President Obama's leadership has declined sharply over the summer, amid intensifying opposition to health-care reform that threatens to undercut his attempt to enact major changes …

Zogby Interactive Poll: Obama's Job Approval Sinks to Record Low 45% — UTICA, New York - President Barack Obama's job approval rating has sunk to a record low of just 45%, the latest Zogby Interactive poll shows. Fifty-one percent of likely voters now say they disapprove of the President's job performance.

Inside Cover — Zogby: Obama Hits Record Low in Poll
Moonbattery, The Cook Political Report, The Politico, Scared Monkeys, Hot Air, American Power and Weasel Zippers

Americans' faith in Obama fading: Poll
Wake up America

On Health Care, Democrats Lack Passion
The Moderate Voice, Fortune, Griper News, Wall Street Journal, Prairie Weather and Political Punch

Bush Official, in Book, Tells of Pressure on '04 Vote — WASHINGTON — Tom Ridge, the first secretary of homeland security, asserts in a new book that he was pressured by top advisers to President George W. Bush to raise the national threat level just before the 2004 election in what he suspected was an effort to influence the vote.
Think Progress, Informed Comment, Blue Jersey, The Atlantic Politics Channel, The Daily Dish, TPMMuckraker, Christian Science Monitor, Hot Air, Indecision Forever, Brilliant at Breakfast, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Liberal Values, Salon, Michelle Malkin, Fired Up! Missouri, The Moderate Voice,, The Corner on National …, PERRspectives and US News

Newspaper corrects 'Jackass'-Keith Olbermann mix-up — Thank goodness The Times is the forthright, ethical institution that it is. — And when a mistake happens, it rushes to set the journalistic record straight with an honest repair. — Here is an actual correction from Page A4 of today's print edition:

Rise of the Super-Rich Hits a Sobering Wall — The rich have been getting richer for so long that the trend has come to seem almost permanent. — They began to pull away from everyone else in the 1970s. By 2006, income was more concentrated at the top than it had been since the late 1920s.

Key Senators Discuss Trimming Health Bill — President Calls Public Option a ‘Good Idea’ but Not Essential to Reform Effort — Senate health-care negotiators agreed late Thursday to ignore the increasingly strident rhetoric from Republican and Democratic leaders and to keep working toward …
Wall Street Journal, Open Left, Boston Globe, On Deadline, TPMDC, The Page and

No Health Care Reform Without Legal Reform — President Obama's health care “reform” plan has met with significant criticism across the country. Many Americans want change and reform in our current health care system. We recognize that while we have the greatest medical care in the world …

Lawyers Showed Photos of Covert CIA Officers to Guantanamo Bay Detainees — Justice Dept. Looking Into Whether Attorneys Broke Law at Guantanamo — By Peter Finn, Page A01 — The Justice Department recently questioned military defense attorneys at Guantanamo Bay about whether photographs …

REMEMBER, HE LOST.... Chris Cillizza let readers know this morning about what to watch on Sunday morning. … Cillizza described McCain's appearance as “Must Watch TV.” I have no idea why. — First, let's note that John McCain is not a key senator right now.
Balloon Juice

Tort Reform Won't Fix Healthcare?, Ctd — A reader writes: … Another reader writes: … States have different laws, and punitive damages are capped in some states, but this lawyer isn't entirely correct. The tort reform I know best is California's Malpractice Injury and Compensation Reform Act …

Huckabee: Evangelicals more supportive of Israel than Jews — Mike Huckabee, a longtime Christian Zionist wrapping up a trip to Israel, tells CBN that he was struck by firmer support for Israel — as he sees it — from American Christians than from American Jews.

Idaho GOP leader who helped spur coup arrested — BOISE, Idaho — An Idaho Republican Party leader who helped oust the state GOP chairman in 2008 faces charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after an altercation escalated while he photographed a home with a delinquent mortgage.

Obama fires back at political critics — US President Barack Obama launched a mocking counter-attack Thursday at pundits who believe the euphoric early promise of his presidency is evaporating amid bitter political warfare. — Obama, who has watched his poll ratings dip sharply over recent months …

C.I.A. Said to Use Outsiders to Put Bombs on Drones — WASHINGTON — From a secret division at its North Carolina headquarters, the company formerly known as Blackwater has assumed a role in Washington's most important counterterrorism program: the use of remotely piloted drones to kill Al Qaeda's leaders …
Weekly Standard, Reuters, MoJo Blog Posts, YID With LID, Los Angeles Times, NPR Blogs, Washington Post, Time, Dennis the Peasant, The Page, The BRAD BLOG and

Reflections on a Year of Crisis — By the standards of recent decades, the economic environment at the time of this symposium one year ago was quite challenging. A year after the onset of the current crisis in August 2007, financial markets remained stressed, the economy was slowing …

You won't win the healthcare debate by calling people stupid racists — The folks listening to them are mostly just scared — A man speaks at a town hall held by Democratic Reps. Vic Snyder and Mike Ross at Arkansas Children's Hospital in Little Rock on Aug, 5.

No Maine Miracle Cure — Another state ‘public option’ that failed. — Printer — Friendly — Want a preview of ObamaCare in action? Sneak a look at what has happened in Maine. In 2003, the state to great fanfare enacted its own version of universal health care.
Betsy's Page

Bloggers, Take a $300,000 Victory Lap — We just crossed the $300,000 mark in our effort to thank the progressive members of Congress who signed the August 19 letter, pledging to vote against any health care bill that does not have a public plan. — I just want to take a moment to thank …

GOP Chief Steele Dares Democrats to Pass Health Overhaul On Their Own — Michael Steele told reporters that he thinks if Democratic senators think they have the votes, they should try a tactic that would allow them to get around a bill-killing filibuster without the 60 votes usually needed

Anger at Lockerbie bomber welcome — Megrahi was welcomed by well-wishers on his arrival in Tripoli — The jubilant welcome in Libya for the man convicted of the bombing of a US plane over Lockerbie has been strongly condemned by Britain and the US. — British Foreign Secretary David …

Who do the birthers love? — We decided to break down the birthers by their opinions of Barack Obama and the various leading 2012 contenders. Here's what we found: —Not surprisingly only 16% of them approve of Obama's job performance while 75% disapprove.

Democrat Deeds Struggling in N.Va., a Must-Win in Governor's Race — Conservatism, Low Visibility Hinder Democrat on What Should Be Friendly Turf — Democratic gubernatorial candidate R. Creigh Deeds is running behind his Republican opponent in a recent Washington Post poll in large part …
Moe_Lane's blog