Top Items:

Gibbs responds: Why is anyone still listening to Dick Cheney? — In an interview with Fox News Sunday yesterday, Vice President Cheney aggressively attacked Attorney General Eric Holder for opening preliminary investigation into CIA interrogation abuses. He called it an “outrageous political act …

Adios — Looks like the charade of including Chuck Grassley and Mike Enzi in the health care negotiations is over. It is not impossible that other Republicans who are not Senators from Maine can be located to support health care reform. But it's also entirely possible that the Republicans …

Chuck Grassley Fundraises Against Health-Care Reform — Chuck Grassley is facing a potentially difficult primary challenge in 2010. As such, he's been working hard to cover his right flank. That would all be fine except for one thing: As ranking member of the Finance Committee …
The Plum Line, Wonkette, Think Progress, Daily Kos, Ben Smith's Blog, RedState and The Washington Independent

Gibbs: Enzi's Flipped Over His Cards And Walked Away from the Health Care Table
Talking Points Memo, Ezra Klein, Wonkette, The Plum Line, The Washington Independent and Eschaton

George Will calls for pull-out — George F. Will, the elite conservative commentator, will call in his next column for U.S. ground troops to leave Afghanistan, according to publishing sources. — “[F]orces should be substantially reduced to serve a comprehensively revised policy …

Why are we still in Afghanistan? — George Will writes for Washington Post Writers Group. — YESTERDAY," reads the e-mail from Allen, a Marine in Afghanistan, “I gave blood because a Marine, while out on patrol, stepped on a [mine's] pressure plate and lost both legs.

Glenn Greenwald — Twice in the past month, my private communications have been splashed about the internet. That such a thing would happen is unfortunate, and dishonorable, but sadly inevitable, I suppose. I ignored the first case, in which a rather pathetic woman acolyte of Greenwald's published …
Balloon Juice, Michael Calderone's Blog, First Draft, Unqualified Offerings and

Who is Jennifer? Another Case of Inter-Campaign Trickery — Bob McDonnell's campaign received a call this morning from a woman who called herself “Jennifer” and claimed to be a freelance reporter from the Connection newspapers in Northern Virginia. She asked for information about McDonnell's schedule.

Governor sets date for special Senate election, presses for interim appointment — Governor Deval Patrick continued today to press for a change to state law to allow him to appoint an interim replacement for Senator Edward M. Kennedy as he announced that a special election for the seat will be held on Jan. 19.

ABC News Exclusive: National Security Adviser Says President Obama Is Having Greater Success Taking Terrorists Out of Commission Than Bush Did — Responding to criticism from former Vice President Cheney that President Obama is making the nation more vulnerable to terrorism …

There Goes the Meritocracy — What can a young woman's new job tell us about America? A lot, apparently, if the young woman is Jenna Bush Hager, the 27-year-old daughter of the most recent President Bush, and the job is “Today Show” correspondent. — Hager teaches at a charter school in Baltimore.
Power Line, Michelle Malkin, Winds of Change.NET, Crooks and Liars, The Reaction and The Swamp

A Different Kind of Liberal — Only 13 days separated the passing of Eunice Kennedy Shriver, the founder of the Special Olympics, from the death of her brother Ted last week. But amid the wall-to-wall coverage and the stream of retrospectives for the senior senator from Massachusetts …

Why Don't Markets Clear in Urban Storefronts? — Vacant storefront on 1300 block of U Street; good place for a Wendy's? (cc photo by NCinDC) — One of the enduring mysteries of urban life is the prevalence of vacant storefronts. This is understandable in a truly depressed area where the whole local economy has broken down.
Megan McArdle

Burner Helping House Liberals Hold Firm on Public Insurance Option — An organizer for liberal House Democrats says the bloc “isn't bluffing” as it prepares to take a reputation-defining stand to protect a public insurance option in the health care overhaul.

Obama Website: Critics of Obamacare Are Heirs of Bin Laden — More Hope and Change... Founding Bloggers found this at Obama Website— “Critics of Obamacare are Heirs of Bin Laden” — Click on Truncated Image to Enlarge — Via Little Green Links
Moonbattery, National Review Online, Rosita the Prole, theblogprof, GayPatriot and Founding Bloggers

EXCLUSIVE: Carrie Prejean Takes Legal Action Against Miss California USA Officials — RANCHO SANTA FE, CA - Carrie Prejean's attorney, Charles S. LiMandri announced today that the former Miss California USA is filing a complaint in the Superior Court of California against Miss California USA …

Climate Change Bill Gets Mixed Reviews — Since the flurry of activity surrounding its passage by the House in late June, little has been heard about the historic climate change bill aimed at curbing global warming. But the Senate will be tackling the controversial measure when it returns to Washington next week.
Poll Tracker

Organizing Against WorldNetDaily — This is just hideously embarrassing for the Right. … In the 1960's, William F. Buckley denounced the John Birch Society leadership for being “so far removed from common sense” and later said “We cannot allow the emblem of irresponsibility to attach to the conservative banner.”
Liberal Values, Media Matters for America, Washington Monthly, The Impolitic and Below The Beltway

Why Does Nancy Pelosi Have a Problem With Patriotic Music? — If you've ever been stuck on hold with a congressional office in the past, at least you've been able to enjoy some good patriotic music, as opposed to the lilting tones of generic smooth jazz that have been driving elevator users insane for decades.

Obama Asks Federal Workers to Sacrifice — Citing the current economic recession — and the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks eight years ago — President Obama says he will use emergency powers to cut the programmed across-the-board January increase in federal employees' pay from 2.4 percent to 2.0 percent …

Gun-Toter From Obama Event: I, Like My Pastor, Want The President To Die — The violent anti-Obama sentiment coming out of central Arizona managed to get still more toxic over the weekend. — Chris Broughton, the man who brought an AR-15 rifle and a handgun to an Arizona Obama rally earlier this month …

Sens. Boxer, Kerry delay climate bill — Sens. Barbara Boxer and John Kerry said Monday the climate bill they are writing would not be finished until later in September. — The bill was expected to be ready when lawmakers returned next week. — “Because of Senator Kennedy's recent passing …

New— Pole Dance Doll For Little Girls & Tassle Tees For Tots — It's come to this. — New for toddlers— Now your little toddler can own her first tassle T-shirt (I'm assuming it's for girls?). — Stroller Derby reported: … And after she outgrows her tassle-T she'll be old enough …

Experts see double-digit Dem losses — After an August recess marked by raucoustown halls, troubling polling data and widespread anecdotal evidence of a volatile electorate, the small universe of political analysts who closely follow House races is predicting moderate to heavy Democratic losses in 2010.
NY Daily News, Hot Air, Political Byline, Christian Science Monitor, Politics Daily, Blue Crab Boulevard, Commentary, The Caucus, Open Congress, AmSpecBlog, The TrogloPundit, NPR Blogs, Think Progress, Flopping Aces, Wake up America, Right Wing Nut House, DownWithTyranny!, Ezra Klein, Don Surber, Another Black Conservative, Sister Toldjah, The Corner on National …, Weasel Zippers, American Power, Raw Story and And So it Goes in Shreveport