Top Items:
Byron York / Washington Examiner:
The Van Jones (non) feeding frenzy — From a Nexis search a few moments ago: Total words about the Van Jones controversy in the New York Times: 0. Total words about the Van Jones controversy in the Washington Post: 0. Total words about the Van Jones controversy on NBC Nightly News: 0.
theblogprof, Gawker, Green Sheet, Pundit & Pundette, Riehl World View, Nice Deb, RedState, Sadly, No!,, Pajamas Media, Gateway Pundit and Stop The ACLU
Sources: White House drafting health care bill — WASHINGTON (CNN) — CNN has learned that the White House is quietly working to draft health care legislation after allowing Congress to work on its own for months. — Multiple sources close to the process tell CNN that while the plan is uncertain …
AMERICAblog News, D-Day, The Page,, TPMDC, American Power, Washington Monthly, Hot Air, Salon and The Hill
Washington Post:
White House Says Little About Embattled Jones — White House officials offered tepid support Friday for Van Jones, the administration's embattled energy efficiency guru, who has issued two public apologies this week, one for signing a petition that questioned whether Bush administration officials …
Mickey Kaus / Kausfiles:
Van Jones, Gone in 60 Seconds? — kf hears today is the day the MSM (not just Tapper) officially turns on Van Jones, the White House “green jobs” adviser who signed a 2004 Truther petition. ‘Gone by midnight’ is the prediction. He's on the Liverpool Care Pathway!
Obama May Need Sense of Crisis to Revive Health-Care Overhaul — Sept. 4 (Bloomberg) — President Barack Obama returns to Washington next week in search of one thing that can revive his health-care overhaul: a sense of crisis. — Facing polls showing a drop in his approval …
Lisa Lerer / The Politico:
GOP uses Jones to launch czar revolt — Republicans who have spent months criticizing the proliferation of “czars” in the Obama White House have finally landed a major punch. — Over the past few weeks, White House green jobs czar Van Jones has been accused of being a communist …
Chris Good / The Atlantic Politics Channel:
Trouble For Jones — At his daily press briefing Friday afternoon …
Trouble For Jones — At his daily press briefing Friday afternoon …
The Hill, Washington Post, Ben Smith's Blog, TBogg, Blue Crab Boulevard and The Mahablog
Kit Bond / United States Senator Kit Bond:
Bond Urges Congressional Hearing on Administration's Mr. Jones
Bond Urges Congressional Hearing on Administration's Mr. Jones
Fox News, Right Wing News, Michelle Malkin, Wonk Room, Gateway Pundit and The Corner on National …
Stunner! Obama Hack Van Jones Also a Mumia Supporter
Stunner! Obama Hack Van Jones Also a Mumia Supporter
Glenn Beck, Gateway Pundit, The Hill, Ztower, The Hill, American Power and Riehl World View
Allahpundit / Hot Air:
Oh my: White House refuses to say that Van Jones still has Obama's confidence
Oh my: White House refuses to say that Van Jones still has Obama's confidence
Norm Eisen / Blog:
Ethics Update — We have previously reported six limited waivers …
Ethics Update — We have previously reported six limited waivers …
The Project …
Fox News:
Gates Assails ‘Appalling’ Decision by AP to Release Photo of Dying Marine — The defense secretary went as far as to ask the AP to reconsider distributing the photo of Marine Lance Cpl. Joshua M. Bernard. — — Defense Secretary Robert Gates has harshly criticized the decision …
Allahpundit / Hot Air:
Protester to Mark Warner: Which part of the Constitution says you get to take over health care? — Via CNS. We've been down this road before but it's one thing to kick around arguments in the comments and another to watch a U.S. Senator be put on the spot.
Dusty Trice:
Franken Talks Down Angry Mob!!! — I got to witness something really special the other day. About a dozen tea party activists had staked out Sen. Al Franken's booth at the Minnesota State Fair and confronted him loudly when he arrived. But within minutes, he'd turned an unruly crowd into a productive conversation on health care.
Greg Mitchell / The Huffington Post:
Rare AP Photo Captures U.S. Death in Afghanistan — Going back to 2002, I have been writing about the shameful reluctance, even refusal, of U.S. media outlets to carry truly graphic images of the true cost of our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan — dead or even, in many cases, gravely wounded U.S. soldiers and Marines.
The E&P Pub, Associated Press, Power Line,, Swampland and Michelle Malkin
James Rosen / McClatchy Washington Bureau:
Key House Dem. Clyburn: ‘half a loaf’ on health care better than nothing — WASHINGTON — House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn is pushing a compromise on the most contentious part of President Barack Obama's bid to provide medical benefits to uninsured Americans.
Eric Hananoki / Media Matters Action Network:
Rep. Bachmann: Dems Want To Sabotage Me Because I Might Become President — On Mike Gallagher's radio program yesterday, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) offered a novel theory as to why Democrats want her out of office: They don't want her to become the first woman president.
Manu Raju / The Politico:
Reid may compromise on public option — SEARCHLIGHT, Nev. — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid signaled he's open to compromising on the government-run insurance option that is roiling the health care debate back in Washington. — Speaking to reporters near the home where he grew …
John Schwartz / New York Times:
Panel Rules Against Ashcroft in Detention Case — Former attorney general John Ashcroft may face personal liability for the decisions that led to the detention of an American citizen as a material witness after the Sept. 11 attacks, a federal appeals court panel ruled on Friday.
Richard B. Rafal / Wall Street Journal:
A Doctor's Plan for Legal Industry Reform — My modest proposal to rearrange how lawyers do business. — Printer — Friendly — Since we are moving toward socialism with ObamaCare, the time has come to do the same with other professions—especially lawyers.
Paul Koring / Globe and Mail:
Canada to stage mock Afghan attack in Washington — Washington — From Friday's Globe and Mail — The Taliban will attack an Afghan village set up in the heart of Washington courtesy of the Canadian Forces, who will send in a medic in a dramatic effort to save a civilian crippled by the explosion.
Myglesias / Matthew Yglesias:
Canadians to Stage Fake Attack in Washington
Canadians to Stage Fake Attack in Washington
Globe and Mail
Wall Street Journal:
Afghanistan Is Not 'Obama's War' — Republicans should never do to President Obama what many Democrats did to President Bush. — Printer — Friendly — In his column for the Washington Post on Tuesday, the influential conservative George Will provided intellectual fodder …
Ezra Klein:
What If They Had a Health-Care Reform Bill and Nobody Could Support it? — I'm firmly on the record as being willing to support all manner of compromises on health-care reform. Policy dogmatism has not, over the long history of this issue, proven a successful strategy.
The Atlantic Business Channel, Firedoglake, Kaiser Health News, Wonk Room, Swampland, TalkLeft and MoJo Blog Posts
The Huffington Post:
Dems: “Republicans Want To End Medicare” (VIDEO) — Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele penned an op-ed in the Washington Post on Monday accusing Democrats of looking to gut Medicare. — Five days later — on the eve of a three-day weekend — Democrats are hitting back.
Ezra Klein:
The Money Problem — The loudest problem in health-care reform is the public plan. But the biggest problem is finding the money to fund any plan. The House bills didn't solve the problem, as deficits explode after the first 10 years. The number $700 billion (over 10 years) …
Justin Elliott / TPMMuckraker:
Could Texas' Gingrich-Based High School History Curriculum Go National? — While Republicans are busy gnashing their teeth over President Obama's imminent indoctrination of the nation's schoolchildren, there's an education story bubbling up in Texas that could have considerably more far-reaching consequences.