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Thousands Rally in Capital to Protest Big Government — WASHINGTON — Tens of thousands of protesters from around the country marched to the Capitol on Saturday to demonstrate against the White House and Congress for what they say is an ever-expanding intrusion of government.
Celebrating the 9/12 rallies; Update: Turnout estimated at 2 million — Twitpic via Brooks Bayne — Twitpic via Prisminc — I can't make it to Washington DC today for the national 9/12 march, but I'm with all the marchers in spirit. — It's been an unprecedented year for limited government activism.
They Will Be Heard [UPDATED PRETTY CONSTANTLY] — I'M BEGGING YOU — PLAYING IT DOWN — Here's the WaPo lede: … Tens of thousands? Technically accurate, but... CABBING IT HOME — Calling from a taxi on the way back home, Stacy McCain said:
American Power, Nice Deb, GayPatriot, The Sundries Shack, The Rhetorican, Weasel Zippers, The Other McCain and Instapundit
Anti-Government Protests Draws Tens of Thousands to D.C. — Tens of thousands of conservative protesters crowded outside the U.S. Capitol on Saturday, a massive demonstration aimed at stopping what organizers called the over-expansion of the federal government under the Obama administration.
Mary Katharine Ham emails this pic from the Newseum balcony in DC. — And Stephen Green is posting reports from the ground.
Pajamas Media
Conservatives Gather in Capital — Critics of Obama Policies, Energized by Town-Hall Meetings, Will March Saturday — Conservative activists from around the country are gathering in Washington on Saturday, seeking to continue their momentum in shaping the national debate on everything from health care to White House staffing.
The GOP Corporate Push Behind The 9/12 Teabaggers — Stay Classy, Teabaggers! — Dick Army's group FreedomWorks, which organized last spring's tea parties, is behind Saturday's events as well. They claim to model themselves on, except that actually is a grassroots group …
A march today, but is it a movement? — Joe Wilson brought a taste of the summer's contentious health care town halls to the floor of Congress Wednesday night, and on Saturday thousands of fired-up conservatives are planning to bring some of that anger to the streets outside the Capitol.
Bomb Threat Forces Evacuation of DC TEA Party Planners
Hot Air, Atlas Shrugs, Fox News, Sadly, No!, Wake up America, Gateway Pundit, The Note, Verum Serum, Scared Monkeys and Confederate Yankee
Seen on 9/12: ‘Bury Obamacare with Kennedy’ — A passer-by forwards this image of a printed sign being distributed at the conservative rally at 13th and Pennsylvania in Washington today. — post comment | … Reader Comments (Page 1 of 1) — One thing you never mistake the birthers for is classy...
Matthew Yglesias
Sign at 9/12 march: ‘Bury Obamacare with Kennedy.’ — Thousands of right-wing protesters are in DC for the 9/12 Project march today, inspired by Glenn Beck and organized by Republican lobbyists. One rally attendee caught a particularly tasteless sign being distributed to protesters:
Heckler's Behavior May Bring Action in House — WASHINGTON — House Democrats intend to pursue a formal resolution admonishing Representative Joe Wilson for his outburst against President Obama during the president's speech to Congress on Wednesday night unless he apologizes on the floor.
Is the Right's attack on Obama's legitimacy new or unprecedented? — Several people objected in comments, emails and other places to my argument yesterday that what Rep. Joe Wilson did — though dumb and juvenile — was hardly some grave threat to the Republic or even a substantial deviation from standard right-wing political behavior.
U.S. to Accept Iran's Proposal to Hold Face-to-Face Talks — WASHINGTON — The Obama administration said Friday that the United States would accept Iran's offer to meet, fulfilling President Obama's pledge to hold unconditional talks despite the Iranian government's insistence …
A Conservative Shemale, ProPublica, ‘Just World News’ …, and Christian Science Monitor
U.S. Accepts Iran's Offer of Broad Talks on Security Issues
War in Context, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, Hot Air, The New Republic, BBC, The Huffington Post and ProPublica
U.S. to Impose Tariff on Tires From China — In one of his first major decisions on trade policy, President Obama opted Friday to impose a tariff on tires from China, a move that fulfills his campaign promise to “crack down” on imports that unfairly undermine American workers but risks angering …
Crooks and Liars, Conservative Dallas, Capital Gains and Games blogs, New York Times, Cafe Hayek and Blog entry
47% Now Favor Health Care Reform Plan, 49% Oppose — Americans are now closely divided over the proposed health care reform plan following President Obama's speech to Congress Wednesday night, although a plurality of voters are still opposed. All of the gains have come from Democrats …
Don't Tell Me What 9/12 Means, Glenn Beck — Today, you are already aware, is the eighth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Tomorrow, you may or may not be aware, is the date of Glenn Beck's 9/12 Project, which the Fox News host will be marking with a live-TV event in Washington, and which he announced in March in an effort to
American Power, Washington Monthly, Glenn Thrush's Blog, Salon, The Plum Line and Hot Air
WH ON HEALTH CARE, ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS — From NBC's Mike Viqueira — The White House tonight is providing the below clarification on what the president's health-care proposals would mean when it comes to the issue of illegal immigrants. — The question, as we all know, arises from the Wilson …
Illegal Immigrants Could Not Buy Insurance on New ‘Exchange,’ White House Says