Top Items:

ACORN Prostitution Scandal: California Here We Come! — **This is a Part I of the ACORN San Bernardino exposé. Updates to follow... [There is a video that cannot be displayed in this feed. Visit the blog entry to see the video.]

“THE WHOLE THING IS COMING UNDONE. BRACE YOURSELVES” — Glenn Beck just wrapped up what had to be the most compelling radio I've heard... and lately, most of his shows have been pretty compelling. — Whew, where to start? Well, how about this: you should make it a point to do two things today …

Great moments in gatekeeping — Don Wade and Roma at Chicago's WLS-AM ask outgoing ABC News anchor Charlie Gibson about why most media outlets have failed to cover the ACORN story — and they get a better answer than they must have expected. Instead of a discourse over editorial policy …

ACORN Organizer: “I killed him . . . I shot him.” — The fourth installment of James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles's undercover report on ACORN is supposed to drop within the hour at and will be aired on Glenn Beck at 5:00 p.m. This time the duo took their sting operation to California …

Exclusive: ACORN Illegally Operating in Maryland — Last week, we saw some pretty disturbing activities revealed in the undercover footage from ACORN Housing's Baltimore office. By any measure of conduct, the actions of ACORN's employees should never have happened.

Obama Calls Kanye a ‘Jackass’ — The Audio — TMZ has obtained the audiotape of President Barack Obama calling Kanye West a “jackass” for hijacking Taylor Swift's acceptance speech during the VMAs. — The audio was recorded just before Obama went on camera to do an interview with CNBC.
Ben Smith's Blog, Reason, Politics Daily, Los Angeles Times, Michael Calderone's Blog, Fox News, The Huffington Post, Salon, NewsReal Blog, Mediaite,, Newsweek Blogs, New York Times, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, GOP 12, Swampland, sara in italy, Weasel Zippers, Outside The Beltway, The Political Carnival and Top of the Ticket

Tape shows beating on bus of Belleville West student — This video frame grab shows one student attacking another while on a bus ride to school at Belleville West High School on Monday. Editor's note: The underage victim's face has been blurred to protect his identity.

A teachable moment: Racial thuggery in St. Louis; Updated — This is absolutely horrifying for any parent to watch. reports that police say the black-on-white student beating was completely unprovoked and racially motivated. Watch as many students cheer the attack — and the bus driver is nowhere to be seen:

Congressman Suggests People Will Don ‘White Hoods’ If Wilson Not Rebuked — In an obvious reference to the Ku Klux Klan, Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Ga., says that people will put on “white hoods and ride through the countryside” if emerging racist attitudes, which he says were subtly supported by Rep. Joe Wilson, are not rebuked.
Conservative Dallas, theblogprof, No More Mister Nice Blog, QandO, The New Editor and JammieWearingFool

Resolution of disapproval passed
The Hill, The Swamp, Gateway Pundit, Hot Air, RBO, Sister Toldjah, The Note and Daily Kos

House Votes to Rebuke Wilson for Shouting at Obama
Michelle Malkin, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Christian Science Monitor, Below The Beltway and Truthdig

Questions about Bush's conservative principles — How many times during the last eight years did you hear that George W. Bush was a dangerous right-wing extremist? Probably too many to count. — What you heard less often were expressions of the deep reservations some conservatives felt about Bush's governing philosophy.

Former Speechwriter Says Bush Slammed Obama, Predicted Palin Debacle
Don Surber

Bush's Speechwriter Dishes
The Huffington Post, NY Daily News, Firedoglake, GOP 12, Alan Colmes' Liberaland and The Political Carnival

UPDATED: Rockefeller Says “No Way” on Baucus Framework — Senator Jay Rockefeller, speaking Tuesday afternoon on a conference call co-sponsored with the Campaign for America's Future: — I have sat besides Max Baucus for 22 years on the Finance Committee. ... I'm probably one of his best friend among Democrats.

Wilson's wife: “I said 'Joe, who's the nut who hollered out, “You lie”?'” — The latest entry in Rep. Joe Wilson's energetic online efforts to reclaim control of his narrative, and raise a bundle off his new high profile, is an unusually entertaining testimonial from his wife.

The Paranoid Center — On June 10, 2009, an elderly man entered the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, raised a rifle, and opened fire, killing a security guard named Stephen Tyrone Johns. Two other guards shot back, wounding the gunman before he could end any more lives.

Suicide of Fund-Raiser for Blagojevich Is Reported — COUNTRY CLUB HILLS, Ill. — The death of Christopher Kelly, once a top fund-raiser for Rod R. Blagojevich, the indicted former governor of Illinois, was an apparent suicide, the police chief in this Chicago suburb said on Tuesday.
The New Republic

Election 2010: Nevada Senate Race — Harry Reid Trails Republican Challengers in 2010 Election — In what is currently a difficult political climate for Democrats, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid trails two potential Republican challengers seeking to unseat him as he faces reelection next year in Nevada.
Hot Air, Moderate in the Middle, Eye on 2010, The Hill, YID With LID, Senate Guru, Real Clear Politics and TPMDC

The media divided — The right-wing media's single-minded focus on a handful of targets over the past months and its success in pushing those stories into the mainstream have underscored the sharp divide between traditional news organizations and the bloggers and talk show hosts aggressively pursuing …
Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog

Post Magazine Killed ‘Depressing’ Story — On one point, there is no dispute: Katharine Weymouth did not like the subject of a Washington Post Magazine story that was headed toward publication and the piece wound up being killed. — Weymouth, publisher of The Post, told the story's author …

Devices “Useful Primarily for the Stimulation of Human Genital Organs" Going to the Supreme Court? Friday, the Alabama Supreme Court upheld (by a 7-2 vote, in 1568 Montgomery Highway, Inc. v. City of Hoover) a state statute that criminalizes, among other things, “knowingly distribut[ing] …

Obama Gets 56% Job Approval Amid Deficit Concerns, Poll Shows — Sept. 16 (Bloomberg) — President Barack Obama earns high marks for his performance even as Americans express anxiety about his domestic policies. One possible reason: Republicans aren't offering an alternative.

Pete Stark won't pee on your leg — Rep. Pete Stark (D-Calif), was getting the tea party treatment at a meeting with seniors in Fremont when a 65-plus guy in the audience launched into a diatribe about the public option. — The man, to the hoots and hollers of his compatriots in the crowd …
Lean Left

Media Malpractice: Tom Brokaw's World Implodes — Tom Brokaw. — With the passing of Walter Cronkite, Mr. Brokaw is considered perhaps the new “dean” of journalism. As such the former NBC News anchor is periodically summoned forth to assess the current world, an occasion …

So far, Obama's failing miserably — When he ran for president, George W. Bush promised to be a modest reformer at home and a humble representative of the United States on the world stage. The Al Qaeda-organized-and-funded terrorist attacks of eight years ago changed all that.

House guidelines for Presidential put-downs — House Rules Committee Chairwoman Louise Slaughter (D-NY) has released a helpful, updated primer for members regarding their conduct on the floor and in committees. — Especially useful: The section on how to properly insult the executive branch in the in the chamber.