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ACORN Prostitution Scandal: California Here We Come! — **This is a Part I of the ACORN San Bernardino exposé. Updates to follow... [There is a video that cannot be displayed in this feed. Visit the blog entry to see the video.]
The Anonymous Liberal, Pajamas Media, Sadly, No!, Moonbattery, RBO, The Sundries Shack, Confederate Yankee, Scared Monkeys, Nice Deb, NO QUARTER,, Right Pundits, theblogprof, Betsy's Page, Gateway Pundit, The American Scene, Maggie's Farm, sara in italy, Blue Crab Boulevard and Another Black Conservative

Conservatives Draw Blood From Acorn, Favored Foe — WASHINGTON — For months during last year's presidential race, conservatives sought to tar the Obama campaign with accusations of voter fraud and other transgressions by the national community organizing group Acorn, which had done some work for the campaign.

ACORN organizer rips video — SAN BERNARDINO - The head organizer for California ACORN says a new video that appears to show a staffer at the organization's San Bernardino office is fake journalism. — The video, which was posted shortly before 2 p.m. Tuesday on a Web site called Big …
Ruby Slippers,, protein wisdom, Riehl World View and Weasel Zippers

Acorn Runs Off the Rails — 'We're just community organizers, just like the president used to be.' — On Monday, the U.S. Senate voted 83-7 to strip Acorn, the premier community organizing group on the left, of more than $1.6 million in federal housing money meant to assist low-income people obtain loans and prepare tax forms.

“THE WHOLE THING IS COMING UNDONE. BRACE YOURSELVES” — Glenn Beck just wrapped up what had to be the most compelling radio I've heard... and lately, most of his shows have been pretty compelling. — Whew, where to start? Well, how about this: you should make it a point to do two things today …

What's missing from the New York Times coverage of ACORN
Founding Bloggers

Snowe falls away, leaving Senate Dems without GOP health support — Senate Democrats are going to have to move forward on healthcare without a single Republican supporter after Sen. Olympia Snowe said Tuesday she could not back the Finance Committee's bill.

Senate Health Bill Draws Fire on Both Sides — WASHINGTON — The top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee said Tuesday that he could not support sweeping health care legislation drafted in more than three months of bipartisan negotiations by the chairman of the panel …

Young Adults May Pay Big Share of Health-Care Reform's Cost

Sen. Jay Rockefeller Dumps on Baucus' Bill and No Snowe Yet

Obama Calls Kanye a ‘Jackass’ — The Audio — TMZ has obtained the audiotape of President Barack Obama calling Kanye West a “jackass” for hijacking Taylor Swift's acceptance speech during the VMAs. — The audio was recorded just before Obama went on camera to do an interview with CNBC.

House Rebukes Wilson for Shouting ‘You Lie’ — WASHINGTON — Representative Joe Wilson was formally rebuked by the House on Tuesday for his outburst during President Obama's health care address. The vote came after a Congressional clash over civility that showcased the deep partisan divisions in the House.

Congressman Suggests People Will Don ‘White Hoods’ If Wilson Not Rebuked
Conservative Dallas, Cassy Fiano, Hot Air, theblogprof, QandO, JammieWearingFool, No More Mister Nice Blog, The New Editor and Paco Enterprises

Resolution of disapproval passed
The Hill, The Moderate Voice, RBO,, The Swamp, TPMDC, Sister Toldjah, Hot Air, The Note, The Page, The Hill and Daily Kos

Simple Arithmetic — This week we put out our annual benchmark survey of employer health coverage and costs. Two numbers jumped off the pages. — The first number was the average cost of a family health insurance policy in 2009: $13,375. To put that number in context, if you are an employer …

Carter Claims There Is “Racist” Tone Against Obama — In an interview with NBC's Brian Williams, former President Jimmy Carter said he has been extremely bothered by the heightened climate of racial and other hate speech since the election of President Barack Obama.
Pajamas Media,, Don Surber, GayPatriot,, Jules Crittenden, The Jawa Report and Weasel Zippers

Conservatives score string of scoops — The right-wing media's single-minded focus on a handful of targets over the past months and its success in pushing those stories into the mainstream have underscored the sharp divide between traditional news organizations and the bloggers …

Democrats Push to Repeal Federal Marriage Law — The Respect for Marriage Act, unveiled by Reps. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., and Jared Polis, D-Colo, has the support of more than 90 lawmakers. — — A group of House Democrats introduced legislation Tuesday …
Moe Lane

Fight Looming on Tax Break to Buy Houses — DALLAS — When Congress passed an $8,000 tax credit for first-time home buyers last winter, it was intended as a dose of shock therapy during a crisis. Now the question is becoming whether the housing market can function without it.

Acorn Faces More Funding Pressure — WASHINGTON — Federal and local authorities are considering pulling back on funding Acorn, a leading community organizing group, after videos showed employees at a number of Acorn offices allegedly advising a filmmaker how to evade taxes in operating a brothel.

Bygones not bye-bye for Bill Clinton in California Democratic gov race — In case you think ex-President Clinton forgets political slights, even after nearly two decades, think again. Here's a fascinating California political item, slightly edited for non-Californians, from our blog buddies over at L.A. Now:

ACORN Co-Founder Defends Group's Integrity, Blasts ‘Unfair’ Critics — ACORN is an institution of integrity that is getting an unfair rap from news outlets unwilling to look at the group's 38-year history of advocacy work, its co-founder says. — Wade Rathke, ACORN's co-founder and former chief organizer …
Big Government

Dan Riehl: Licking his chops (or is it soiling his pants?) for a race war — It's only going to get funnier and more terrifying, my friends. Let's roll the tape: … Oh, this is delightful! Riehl demonstrates how tough and rugged he and his 9/12 compadres are by bragging …

If Jay Leno Wants Better Reviews He Can Start By Removing the Lapel Flag — Critics love David Letterman. They love him because he's mean and liberal and does everything they demand: further the leftist agenda through the brutal use of humiliation to target any public figure (or their child) who might derail Leftist causes.
Pop & Hiss

45% Of Doctors Would Consider Quitting If Congress Passes Health Care Overhaul — Two of every three practicing physicians oppose the medical overhaul plan under consideration in Washington, and hundreds of thousands would think about shutting down their practices or retiring early if it were adopted, a new IBD/TIPP Poll has found.