Top Items:

Baucus and the Threshold — So Senator Max Baucus, the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, has released his “mark” on proposed legislation — which would normally be the basis for the bill that eventually emerges from his committee. And serious supporters of health care reform will soon face their long-dreaded moment of truth.

What's Wrong With the Finance Bill? An Interview With Sen. Jay Rockefeller. — Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) chairs the Finance Committee's Health Care Subcommittee. His support will be crucial — maybe even decisive - in getting health-care reform out of the Finance Committee.
The Hill, The League of Ordinary …, TalkLeft, TPMDC, The Plum Line, TPMCafe, Bob Cesca's Awesome Blog! and The Page

Snowe: I Haven't Changed, My Party Has — It would be easy to over-interpret this statement from Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME), but it would be a mistake to dismiss it. — “I've always been a Republican for the traditional principles that have been associated with the Republican party since …

Senior Democrat turns healthcare debate into fight over illegal immigration — Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) is putting Democrats in a bind by seeking to let illegal immigrants benefit from the healthcare overhaul. — Menendez, the only Hispanic senator, has considerable leverage …

REFUSING TO TAKE ‘YES’ FOR AN ANSWER.... As months of negotiations …

Amid Large Protests, Iran Leader Calls Holocaust a Lie — BEIRUT, Lebanon — Tens of thousands of green-clad protesters chanted and carried banners through the heart of Tehran and other Iranian cities on Friday, defying tear gas and truncheons as they turned large swaths …

Obama: Legalize illegals to get them health care — Republicans see a backdoor move toward ‘amnesty’ — President Obama said this week that his health care plan won't cover illegal immigrants, but argued that's all the more reason to legalize them and ensure they eventually do get coverage.

ACORN to sue O'Keefe, Giles, Breitbart; fired workers to file criminal complaint in MD today? — Update: Just some clarification since there's a bit of confusion in the blogosphere about what actually is going on. ACORN as an organization is the one said to be suing the filmmakers and Breitbart to stop distribution of the video.

Duo in ACORN Videos Say Effort Was Independent — Duo in Sting Video Say Their Effort Was Independent — The proposition was outrageous, outlandish, and right up James E. O'Keefe III's alley. Hannah Giles was on the phone from the District, and she was asking him to dress like her pimp …
National Review Online, Big Hollywood, Prairie Weather, Don Surber, Reason and Pundit & Pundette

Bankers Face Sweeping Curbs on Pay — Fed Plans to Limit How Lenders Can Structure Compensation for Executives, Traders, Loan Officers; 5,000 Firms Affected — Policies that set the pay for tens of thousands of bank employees nationwide would require approval from the Federal Reserve …

Miss California Wows Conservatives — ABC News' Teddy Davis and Brittany Crockett Report: — The Value Voters Summit heard from potential Republican presidential candidates and GOP congressional leaders on Friday morning. — But it was Carrie Prejean—former Miss California—who stole the show.
The Politico

No, It's Not About Race — You wouldn't know it to look at me, but I go running several times a week. My favorite route, because it's so flat, is from the Lincoln Memorial to the U.S. Capitol and back. I was there last Saturday and found myself plodding through tens of thousands of anti-government “tea party” protesters.

Washington Sketch: Michelle Obama Gets Her Farmers Market — Let's say you're preparing dinner and you realize with dismay that you don't have any certified organic Tuscan kale. What to do? — Here's how Michelle Obama handled this very predicament Thursday afternoon:
Fausta's Blog, Politics Daily, Pundit & Pundette, JustOneMinute, JammieWearingFool and Reason

Irving Kristol, 1920-2009 — Irving Kristol, writer, editor, and social philosopher, has died in Washington at the age of 89. His wisdom, wit, good humor, and generosity of spirit made him a friend and mentor to several generations of thinkers and public servants. —The Editors

OBAMA '07 REVELATION: HEALTH CARE REFORM REQUIRES TAX HIKES — SAVINGS JUST A THEORY — “I've pushed people on the idea of paying higher taxes in order to implement the system.”

Mandatory Insurance Is Unconstitutional — Why an individual mandate could be struck down by the courts. — Printer — Friendly — Federal legislation requiring that every American have health insurance is part of all the major health-care reform plans now being considered in Washington.

Conservatives use liberal playbook — Conservatives are coming for the Democrats on their blind side — the left. — The evidence is everywhere. — At tea parties and town halls, conservative demonstrators oppose health care reform with signs bearing the abortion-rights slogan …

DNC promises ‘rain of hellfire’ — The increasingly aggressive Democratic National Committee on Friday launched a new “Call 'Em Out” website targeting prominent Republicans for statements they have made about President Barack Obama's health reform plans. — “Help debunk the outrageous lies …

Pawlenty takes a right turn

Former CIA Directors Urge Torture Prosecution Reversal — The Justice Department investigation into CIA torture allegations may have already jeopardized American intelligence capabilities, seven former CIA directors told President Obama have claimed. In a letter, the spy chiefs urge …

Sixty-Five Views of HC Reform, One Big Trend — The trend in opinion on health care reform has been a bit tricky of late. After a long and substantial rise of opposition, and an equally long but less sizable decline in support, we came to August, the month for the strange in politics.

My Mistake — How a factual error in Slate ended up in a White House speech. — In his Sept. 9 health care speech to Congress, President Obama said: … Both clauses in this last sentence were untrue, the Wall Street Journal reported Sept. 17. The insurance of the man in question …

Analysis: ‘Racist’ claims defuse word's power — With the word being used so often, it's harder to define its meaning — Everybody's racist, it seems. — Republican Rep. Joe Wilson? Racist, because he shouted “You lie!” at the first black president. Health care protesters, affirmative action supporters?

Sources: Transit hub likely target of terror plot — (CNN) — A terror plot that came to light this week following raids in New York may have been targeting a major transportation center, sources close to the investigation told CNN on Thursday. — There was planning and preparation for an attack …

A REGIONAL PARTY.... I was looking over the new results from the weekly Research 2000 poll conducted for Daily Kos. Most of the results are about what we've come to expect — President Obama's ratings are more favorable than unfavorable (55% to 38%); neither congressional caucus is popular …
MoJo Blog Posts

Pagan ‘King’ Has Council GOP Nod — Dan Halloran, the Republican candidate for City Council facing primary winner Kevin Kim in the 19th District, already has a leadership role in a vast community that very few people know about - or understand. — Halloran is the “First Atheling,” or King …