Top Items:

ACORN files suit against filmmakers — ACORN filed suit today in Maryland against conservative filmmakers James O'Keefe, Hannah Giles and conservative Web site for secretly taping the organization's employees at its Baltimore office. — In the complaint, ACORN alleges …
Big Government, Sister Toldjah, Macsmind, Fausta's Blog, Gateway Pundit, The Volokh Conspiracy, On Deadline, Weekly Standard and AmSpecBlog

Sometimes it takes an outsider to show the press corps the way. — Among the many glorious things about American journalism is that no credentialing organization or regulatory body stands between an individual who wants to break a story and his public reporting of it.
The Huffington Post, New York Times, The Washington Independent, Washington Post and YID With LID

ACORN Sues Over Secret Video, Claiming Wiretapping Violation — Secret Recording in Baltimore Violated Wiretapping Law, Liberal Group Says — ACORN, the community organizing group embarrassed recently in a video sting, said Wednesday that it needs to determine whether it has major internal problems …

ACORN sues hidden-camera filmmakers — BALTIMORE (AP) - Community activist group ACORN is suing the makers of a hidden-camera video that showed employees of its Baltimore office giving tax advice to a man posing as a pimp and a woman posing as a prostitute.
NewsReal Blog, TPMMuckraker, The Sundries Shack, Wizbang, Pajamas Media and Daily Pundit

Obama takes the supplication of America to a disgusting new level — Conservative commentary on President Obama's U.N. speech has correctly taken note of the extent to which Obama once again has apologized for America. What struck me as new, though, was extent to which he begged his audience …

Bolton: ‘A Post-American Speech By Our First Post-American President’ — By: Robert Costa — Former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton tells NRO that President Obama's address to the U.N. was “a post-American speech by our first post-American president.
Firedoglake, DownWithTyranny!, Pundit & Pundette, GayPatriot, Israel Matzav, MoJo Blog Posts, Weasel Zippers, Stop The ACLU, American Power, Michelle Malkin, The Sundries Shack, Associated Press, Washington Examiner, Right Wing Nut House, Washington Post, TigerHawk, and THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS

White House: Official ‘misspoke’ on Goldstone report — WASHINGTON (JTA) — The White House says an official “misspoke” when he said the Obama administration would not allow the Goldstone report recommendations on Israel's conduct in the Gaza war to reach the International Criminal Court.

White House Denies Pushing Trigger Option, Dem Groups Concur
The Huffington Post, The Plum Line, D-Day, AMERICAblog News, TPMDC, Taylor Marsh and Open Left

White House Looking for Snowe Deal?
RedState, Detroit Free Press, Crooks and Liars, Bloomberg, Firedoglake, The Huffington Post and AMERICAblog News

Effort to replace Kennedy hits snag — The Massachusetts Legislature on Wednesday granted Gov. Deval Patrick the power to appoint a temporary replacement for the late Sen. Edward Kennedy, but with one catch: when the appointment can be made. — Lawmakers declined to allow the law …

Signs point to Kirk for interim senator — Governor Deval Patrick huddled with a small group of trusted advisers last night to finalize his choice for an interim US senator, with indications pointing to former Democratic National Committee chairman Paul G. Kirk Jr., who has the strong backing …
Taegan Goddard's …

Al Franken Reads the 4th Amendment to Justice Department Official — Just in case he wasn't familiar with it, Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) decided to read the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution to David Kris, assistant attorney general of the Justice Department's National Security Division …

Administration Won't Seek New Indefinite-Detention System
USS Neverdock

AP source: Census worker hanged with ‘fed’ on body — The FBI is investigating whether anti-government sentiment led to the hanging death of a U.S. Census worker near a Kentucky cemetery. A law enforcement official told The Associated Press the word 'fed" was scrawled on the dead man's chest.

DeMint: Obama ‘Puts Our Troops At Risk’ By Working On Health Reform — The Washington Post reported this week that Gen. Stanley McChyrstal, the top commander in Afghanistan, has recommended that more U.S. troops be sent there or the conflict will “likely result in failure.”
Washington Monthly, The Reaction, George's Bottom Line, The Note, Comments from Left Field and The Atlanticist

McChrystal Troop Request to Go to Pentagon by End of Week
The Page

Video: Children sing songs of Obama's glory — No word on where or when this was shot but it was posted to YouTube just two days before The One's speech to students, which makes me wonder if it was part of some school's festivities for the screening. I think parents' fears about their kids …

King: Same-Sex Marriage Is ‘A Purely Socialist Concept’ — In April, when the Iowa Supreme Court unanimously struck down a state law defining marriage as solely between a man and a woman, Rep. Steve King (R-IA) called it an “unconstitutional” decision and predicted that it could lead to Iowa becoming “the gay marriage Mecca.”

Brown denies ‘Obama snub’ — Gordon Brown has denied being snubbed by the US president after diplomatic sources told the BBC his team had been “frantic” to secure bilateral talks. — Mr Brown told US TV he and President Barack Obama “talk all the time” and he insisted the special relationship was …
The Page

Barack Obama rebuffs Gordon Brown as ‘special relationship’ sinks to new low
The Greenroom

Medicare Is Focus on Day Two of Negotiations on Baucus Health-Care Reform Bill — Slogging through a second day of work on legislation intended to overhaul the nation's health-care system, the Senate Finance Committee wrestled Wednesday with politically volatile proposals to squeeze money out of Medicare.

Bloomberg Has 16-Point Lead In Mayoral Race, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; Most Voters Back Mayor's Bid To Ban Butts In Parks — New York City Comptroller William Thompson, denied a bounce after his Democratic primary victory, trails Mayor Michael Bloomberg 52 - 36 percent among …
The Hill

Obama's Policies Would Redistribute Nearly $1 Trillion in Wealth Every Year — ( - By 2012, nearly $1 trillion from the top 30 percent of American families will be redistributed among the bottom 70 percent if Obama's proposals on taxes, health care, and climate change become law, according to the Tax Foundation.
Gateway Pundit

Obama's ‘Policy Presidency’ — A new publication came across my desk this week containing an essay that offers as good an insight into President Obama's approach to government as anything I have read — and is particularly useful in understanding the struggle over health-care reform.