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Iran Said to Have Covert Nuclear Facility — PITTSBURGH — President Obama and the leaders of Britain and France accused Iran on Friday of building a secret underground plant to manufacture nuclear fuel, saying the country has hidden the covert operation from international weapons inspectors for years.
The Daily Dish,, ArmsControlWonk, Associated Press, CNN, Weekly Standard, Pajamas Media, PostPartisan, The Washington Independent, BBC, The Nation, Reuters, Guardian, Danger Room, And So it Goes in Shreveport, Israel Matzav, FP Passport, Washington Post, The New Republic, Informed Comment, QandO,, Atlas Shrugs, ATTACKERMAN, Below The Beltway, Newsweek Blogs, Mediaite, D-Day, Think Progress, Matthew Yglesias, The Caucus, Washington Monthly, Wonkette, Sweetness & Light, TPM LiveWire, Stop The ACLU, The Page, Flopping Aces, Commentary, Taylor Marsh, TalkLeft, Shakesville, The Confluence and

Iran Reveals Existence of Second Uranium Enrichment Plant — President Obama and the leaders of France and Britain blasted Iran's construction of a previously unacknowledged uranium enrichment facility and demanded Friday that Tehran immediately fulfill its obligations under international law …
Times of London,, Time, Shadow Government, The Strata-Sphere, The Greenroom, JOSHUAPUNDIT, Outside The Beltway, Wake up America, Political Punch, Sister Toldjah, PoliBlog, Pajamas Media, Media Blog on National …, National Review Online, GOP 12, Capital J | JTA and MoJo Blog Posts

Ahmadinejad Rejects Obama's Nuke Warning, and His Stance May Succeed — Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has warned President Barack Obama against pressing Tehran about new revelations that Iran has been constructing a secret uranium-enrichment plant. “If I were Obama's adviser …

Experts weigh in on Iran revelations (UPDATED)
Weekly Standard, ArmsControlWonk, Commentary, The New Republic and The Washington Independent

Kyl: 'I Don't Need Maternity Care.' Stabenow: ‘Your Mom Probably Did’ — Just before the Senate Finance Committee wrapped up for the long weekend, members debated one of Sen. Jon Kyl's (R-AZ) amendments, which would strike language defining which benefits employers are required to cover.

STABENOW 1, KYL 0.... As a rule, if a senator is pushing back against a colleague's rhetoric, and references the other senator's mother, it would be a fairly dramatic breach of protocol. But that's not always the case. — Igor Volsky reports today that Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) …

Democrats Are Jarred by Drop In Fundraising — Complacency, Absence of Big Donors Cited — Democratic political committees have seen a decline in their fundraising fortunes this year, a result of complacency among their rank-and-file donors and a de facto boycott by many of their wealthiest givers …

Where's the GOP health care alternative? — House Democrats are marking today as the 100-day anniversary of House Republicans promising to produce their own alternative health reform bill as part of their larger effort to shed the Party of No label. — “I guarantee you we will provide you with a bill …

Drudge's Easy Libel of the Military — Earlier today I noted that Drudge's link to the use of LRADs as “acoustic weapons” was over the top, which he would have easily recognized on his own if he had simply applied logic to the very video he linked. Put simply, if an LRAD is being used as a weapon …

Terror Case Is Called One of the Most Serious in Years — WASHINGTON — Since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, senior government officials have announced dozens of terrorism cases that on closer examination seemed to diminish as legitimate threats. The accumulating evidence …

CBO: A Strong Public Plan Saves Lots of Money — According to Congress Daily, the CBO says attaching the public plan to Medicare rates will save even more money than originally thought: … In other words, the conservatives want to spend $85 billion more than the liberals do.
The Plum Line, Washington Monthly, The Huffington Post, MoJo Blog Posts, Brave New Films blog, Daily Kos and TalkLeft

Election 2010: California Senate — 2010 California Senate: Boxer Beats Fiorina, DeVore — So far, so good for incumbent Democrat Barbara Boxer in match-ups against her two best-known Republican opponents to date in California's 2010 race for the U.S. Senate.

So Off Message — From the new Times/CBS poll out this evening ... “Would you favor or oppose the government offering everyone a government administered health insurance plan — something like the Medicare coverage that people 65 and older get — that would compete with private health insurance plans?”

It's Easy Being Green — So, have you enjoyed the debate over health care reform? Have you been impressed by the civility of the discussion and the intellectual honesty of reform opponents? — If so, you'll love the next big debate: the fight over climate change.

Judge rejects GOP bid to block Senate appointment — A Suffolk Superior Court judge today rejected a request by the state Republican Party to block the appointment of Paul G. Kirk Jr. as interim US senator, clearing the way for the Democrat to take the oath of office this afternoon in Washington.

Americans Tilt Against Sending More Troops to Afghanistan — Most who oppose also advocate that the U.S. begin to withdraw troops — PRINCETON, NJ — Americans are more likely to say they would oppose (50%) rather than favor (41%) a possible decision by President Barack Obama to send more U.S. troops to Afghanistan.

MoveOn To Call On Obama To Develop Exit Strategy For Afghanistan
The Huffington Post, Weekly Standard, Ben Smith's Blog,, Salon and

Translator collapsed during Khadafy's rambling diatribe — After struggling to turn Khadafy's insane ramblings at the UN into English for 75 minutes, the Libyan dictator's personal interpreter got lost in translation. — “I just can't take it any more,” Khadafy's interpreter shouted into the live microphone - in Arabic.

Pakistan discovers ‘village’ of white German alQaeda insurgents — Investigators have discovered a “Jihadi village” of white German al-Qaeda insurgents, including Muslim converts, in Pakistan's tribal areas close to the Afghan border. — By Dean Nelson in New Delhi and Allan Hall in Berlin

Strategic Vision Polls Exhibit Unusual Patterns, Possibly Indicating Fraud — One of the things I learned while exploring the statistical proprieties of the Iranian election, the results of which were probably forged, is that human beings are really bad at randomization.

Sources: Emanuel wanted Claypool to be placeholder — Plan to keep House seat warm may have included Cabinet consideration — It has long been claimed that Rahm Emanuel wanted to find someone to keep his congressional seat warm while he served as President Obama's chief of staff.

The Afghan Imperative — Always there is the illusion of the easy path. Always there is the illusion, which gripped Donald Rumsfeld and now grips many Democrats, that you can fight a counterinsurgency war with a light footprint, with cruise missiles, with special forces operations and unmanned drones.
The Daily Dish, Cato @ Liberty, Salon, JustOneMinute, Jeffrey Goldberg, Commentary, and marbury

Banish the Cyber-Bigots — The transformation of Germany in the 1920s and '30s from the nation of Goethe to the nation of Goebbels is a specter that haunts, or should haunt, every nation. — The triumph of Nazi propaganda in this period is the subject of a remarkable exhibit …
Ezra Klein

ACORN Funded Political, For-Profit Efforts, Data Show — Documents released by a Senate Republican on Thursday show that leaders of the ACORN community organizing network transferred several million dollars in charitable and government money meant for the poor to arms of the group …

New Analysis Brings Dire Global Warming Prediction — By Juliet Eilperin, Page A04 — Climate researchers now predict the planet will warm by 6.3 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the century even if the world's leaders fulfill their most ambitious climate pledges, a much faster and broader scale …

Orszagism or Nothing — Stupidest question on the latest CBS/NYT poll:** … Unless you want to be a heartless Republican (2) you have to buy not only the basic Orszagist argument the health care reform is the key to solving the deficit problem but the broader argument that it's the key to fixing the entire economy?
Daily Pundit

Elementary School Students Taught to Sing Praises of President Obama — Nearly 20 young children are captured in an online video as they sing songs that overflow with campaign slogans and praise for “Barack Hussein Obama,” as they repeatedly chant the president's name and celebrate his accomplishments.