Top Items:

Abortion Fight Complicates Debate on Health Care — WASHINGTON — As if it were not complicated enough, the debate over health care in Congress is becoming a battlefield in the fight over abortion. — Abortion opponents in both the House and the Senate are seeking to block the millions …

Public option may have new life — The public option limped out of August, battered and left to die in the Senate. — But its supporters are working hard this week to bring it back, against the odds, with a series of high-profile votes in the Senate Finance Committee on Tuesday.
The Hill, Think Progress, Los Angeles Times, Politics Daily, The Foundry, Washington Post, TPMDC and The Plum Line

More Americans Believe In UFOs Than Oppose A Public Option

Hollywood Unites to Defend Polanski — Pleading guilty to unlawful sex with an underage girl — the drugging, raping and sodomizing of a 13 year-old — isn't stopping Hollywood from ginning up an indignation campaign over the possibility of fugitive director Roman Polanski being held accountable for his crimes.

Anne Applebaum: I Had Absolutely No Way to Know That My Husband Was Helping Polanski — That Is, Other Than by Reading a Story Which I Myself Linked — As I mentioned earlier this evening, Anne Applebaum today defended her decision not to disclose her Polish politician husband's official efforts …

Roman Polanski arrest: Hollywood unites in his defence
Top of the Ticket, The Big Picture, The Reaction, YID With LID, JOSHUAPUNDIT and NewsReal Blog

Let Polanski Go — But First Let Me At Him — It's alright …
Althouse, Don Surber, beliefnet, culturekitchen, ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES, J. Bradford DeLong's …, The Opinionator, Guardian and TBogg

Time for Obama to Act Like a President — Sooner or later it is going to occur to Barack Obama that he is the president of the United States. As of yet, though, he does not act that way, appearing promiscuously on television and granting interviews like the presidential candidate he no longer is.
Commentary, Washington Monthly, JustOneMinute,, The Mahablog, Wake up America, USS Neverdock and Cato @ Liberty

The Case of the Plummeting Supreme Court Docket — In the early 1980s, the Supreme Court decided more than 150 cases a year. These days, it decides about half that many. — A couple of weeks ago, the Supreme Court advocacy clinic at Yale Law School held a conference to explore the mystery of the court's shrinking docket.

High Court to Consider Church-State Implications of Mojave Cross
Sweetness & Light

SHOCK DISCOVERY: COMMUNITY ORGANIZERS ‘PRAY’ TO PRESIDENT-ELECT OBAMA — “Hear our cry Obama!” — The Gamaliel Foundation is the community organizing group that helped sponsor Barack Obama's initial work in Chicago.
Hot Air, Atlas Shrugs, The Sundries Shack, RedState, HotAirPundit, Moe Lane, Gateway Pundit and sara in italy

Nelson wants health reform in 2 parts — SCOTTSBLUFF - Sen. Ben Nelson said Monday he'd prefer a health care reform package that centers on cost savings this year, leaving extended insurance coverage for a later date. — Such a scenario would give 2010 voters an opportunity to weigh in on …

Andy Williams accuses Barack Obama of following Marxist theory — Andy Williams, the veteran pop singer, has accused Barack Obama of “following Marxist theory” and “wanting the country to fail”. — Williams, a lifelong Republican whose hits include Moon River and Music To Watch Girls By …

What They're Telling Us — By: Mark Steyn — This piece by Lloyd Marcus, a black conservative, is called “Stop Allowing the Left to Set The Rules,” and deals with the alleged racism of the anti-Obama opposition. As Mr. Marcus notes: … True. Nobody minds liberal commentators expressing …

French Atomic Pique — Sarkozy unloads on Obama's ‘virtual’ disarmament reality. — Printer — Friendly — President Obama wants a unified front against Iran, and to that end he stood together with Nicolas Sarkozy and Gordon Brown in Pittsburgh on Friday morning to reveal the news …

In Bad Times for Capitalism, Socialists in Europe Suffer — PARIS — A specter is haunting Europe — the specter of Socialism's slow collapse. — Even in the midst of one of the greatest challenges to capitalism in 75 years, involving a breakdown of the financial system due to …
Matthew Yglesias, Wake up America, Pajamas Media, Prairie Weather, The Corner on National … and

Start making your case. — Use the entry form to send us a short opinion essay (400 words or less) pegged to a topic in the news and an additional paragraph (100 words or less) on yourself and why you should win. Entries will be judged on the basis of style, intelligence and freshness of argument …
Michelle Malkin, Michael Calderone's Blog, Matthew Yglesias, Wonkette, Gawker, Reason, PostPartisan and FishBowlDC

EXCLUSIVE: Porn surfing rampant at U.S. science foundation — Number of cases overwhelms watchdog, costs taxpayers — Employee misconduct investigations, often involving workers accessing pornography from their government computers, grew sixfold last year inside the taxpayer-funded foundation …

Former Bill Clinton aide claims ex-president got touchy-feely with her — A book due out in January by Stacy Parker Aab alleges Steven Spielberg's wife greeted then-President Clinton in a bathing suit. Above, Clinton gives a speech on energy efficiency. — Monica Lewinsky may not always …

Did ACORN Elect Al Franken? — Robert Samuelson scorns the egomaniacal “quest for glory” of Congressional Democrats who are trying to pass health care reform. But of course the quest for glory may be the only reason a worthwhile reform could still pass. It ain't going to pass it because it's popular!

Right-wing icon Schlafly: Feminism is ‘the most dangerous, destructive force in our society today.’ — Phyllis Schlafly, the anti-Equal Rights Amendment activist who heads the Eagle Forum, hosted the right-wing conference How To Take Back America last weekend.
Alan Colmes' Liberaland

Empire State Building turns red-yellow for China's 60th — NEW YORK — New York's iconic Empire State Building will light up red and yellow Wednesday in honor of the 60th anniversary of communist China. — The Chinese consul, Peng Keyu, and other officials will take part in the lighting ceremony …