Top Items:
Dem: House GOP is “80 percent male, 100 percent white” — The National Republican Congressional Committee is urging Gen. Stanley McChrystal to put House Speaker Nancy Pelosi “in her place” for weighing in on Afghanistan — prompting one female Pelosi ally to blast the House GOP as …
Pelosi Rips McChrystal For Publicly Airing His Views On Afghanistan — This one should stir up Nancy Pelosi's critics on the right: Towards the end of an interview with Charlie Rose that ran late last night, Pelosi took a surprisingly hard shot at General Stanley McChrystal for publicly airing …
Congressional GOP Fundraising Committee On Pelosi: It's Time To ‘Put Her In Her Place’ — The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) has a press release today, hitting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) for having the temerity to express doubts that Democratic members of Congress …
General Pelosi Knows Better, Slams McChrystal — Pelosi Backpedals on Afghanistan After Making It a Campaign Centerpiece — Washington- General Stanley A. McChrystal, the top American commander in Afghanistan rejected a call to scale down troops last week and reasserted the need for a strategy …
Pelosi says new tax is ‘on the table’
Wizbang, Hot Air, Fausta's Blog, The Jawa Report, Adrienne's Catholic Corner, Sweetness & Light and Wake up America
The Cup of Coffee: White House's David Axelrod Meets With Fox News' Roger Ailes — On a recent visit to New York, White House adviser David Axelrod met over coffee with Roger Ailes, the president of the Fox News network, which President Obama has described as a “television station …
Axelrod meets with Ailes — At a time of tension between their organizations, White House senior adviser David Axelrod met with Fox News chairman and chief executive officer Roger Ailes two weeks ago, sources tell POLITICO. — The two met privately in Manhattan during the president's visit to the United Nations.
Tom DeLay to Quit Dancing with the Stars — It's the end of the road for Tom DeLay. — Sources tell PEOPLE that the former Republican House Majority Leader will withdraw from Dancing with the Stars on Tuesday's live results show due to stress fractures in both of his feet.
Top of the Ticket,, The Moderate Voice, ArtsBeat,, Washington Wire, Newsweek Blogs and The Political Carnival
Sen. Webb calls McChrystal's public statements ‘odd’ — It has been “odd” for Gen. Stanley McChrystal to speak out so publicly about his opinions on strategy for Afghanistan, Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.) said Tuesday. — Webb, a veteran and former secretary of the Navy in the Reagan administration …
Is the Bible too liberal? — Conservapedia's attempt to weed out “liberal bias” from modern Bible translations — BEST OPINION: TIME, NEWSBUSTERS, BELIEFNET, SOUTHERN APPEAL ... “And you thought liberal bias was limited to the evil mainstream media,” said Amy Sullivan in Time.
Conservative Bible Project Cuts Out Liberal Passages
PoliBlog, Lean Left, Raw Story, Liberal Values, Prairie Weather, Hoffmania!, Georgia Liberal, Swampland, and The Daily Dish
The criticism that Ralph Lauren doesn't want you to see! — Last month, Xeni blogged about the photoshop disaster that is this Ralph Lauren advertisement, in which a model's proportions appear to have been altered to give her an impossibly skinny body ("Dude, her head's bigger than her pelvis").
How Health Care Reform Won — The biggest story in health care reform this year has not been the town hall meetings, or President Obama's big speech on health care. It's that the Senate Democrats have decided they're going to pass a bill. You just haven't heard much about this story …
Feingold's Statement on ‘Czars’ — Following are the prepared remarks by Senator Russ Feingold, Democrat of Wisconsin, on the use of “czars” in the executive branch, as released by the senator's office on Tuesday. — “I think it is fair to acknowledge that there has been a lot of discussion …
Obama kills funding for Iranian human-rights watch agency — The Iran Human Rights Watch Documentation Center can be excused for thinking that this year might make them more indispensable than ever. After all, the Iranian mullahcracy rigged a presidential election and brutally suppressed widespread protests …
US funds dry up for Iran rights watchdog
Spectator, National Review, Betsy's Page, Gateway Pundit, The New Republic and The Majlis
Bill Ayers No Dream — There I was, sitting in Reagan National Monday morning, sipping a Starbucks by the United counter before going through security. I had a little time, so I was browsing through the news. Some military guys had borrowed a chair from my table.
Two Fish, One Barrel: Deconstructing Andrew Sullivan's ‘The Breitbart Standard,’ Demolishing Conor Friedersdorf's 'The Right's Lesser Media' — To which I respond to my unofficial biographer Conor Friedersdorf's Daily Beast criticism of your's truly and bigger fish Andrew Sullivan's two-thumbs-up to it:
The Daily Dish, The Other McCain, Confederate Yankee, Pajamas Media and Riehl World View
ACORN: Congress can't hurt us — Any successful efforts by Congress to cut off federal funding to scandal-plagued ACORN would have little effect on the community organizing group's overall operations, its chief executive officer said on Tuesday. — “We didn't have government funding for years,” said ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis.
In defense of Glenn Beck — The left detests him, and some conservatives say he's undermining the cause. The truth is, he must be doing something right. — For a self-described rodeo clown who frequently admits he isn't that bright, Glenn Beck must be doing something right.
Fox News's Shepard Smith Goes After Sen. John Barrasso On Public Option — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — Earlier this afternoon, Fox News's Shepard Smith demonstrated some of that trademarked independent thinking that so often gets him in dutch with the cable network's most dedicated viewers …
Michael Moore's Problems Are Our Fault — Michael Moore arrives at an LA premiere of his latest film, ‘Capitalism: A Love Story’ in September 2009 (Kevin Winters/Getty Images for Overture) … The reaction to Michael Moore's new movie, Capitalism: A Love Story, reinforces a suspicion …
Senate moderates echo GOP call for 72-hour disclosure — As the health care reform bill moves to the Senate floor, a key bloc of moderate Senate Democrats and an independent called on Senate Majority Leader Reid to increase the process' transparency. — Specifically, the senators called …
D.C. to Introduce Same-Sex Marriage Bill — Measure Is Expected to Pass Congress, but Its Viability May Depend on Tilt of Future Chambers — Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill said it appears unlikely that Congress will block a bill to be introduced Tuesday that would allow same-sex marriages in the District.
Let's Remember That Letterman's a Clown, Not a Cleric or Congressman — One of many sad things about recent stanzas in the ballad of David Letterman is that now, in all media, Dave will be lumped in with other sexually misbehaving celebrities, even though he stands head and heart above most of them.
Discussion:, Greg's Opinion, THE WEEK News & Opinion, The Moderate Voice and New York Post
French gay soccer team snubbed by Muslim team — PARIS (AP) - A French gay soccer team says its members were victims of homophobia when a team of Muslim players refused to play a match against them. — The Paris Foot Gay team says Tuesday it received an e-mail from the Creteil Bebel club canceling a match scheduled for last Sunday.
Cantor: Obama Still Deliberating Whether We Need to Defeat Taliban — Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.) just wrapped up a conference call with reporters following a meeting he attended with other members of Congress, the president and his advisers at the White House this afternoon.
Jihad Watch
Video: CNN helps Obama out by ... fact-checking SNL's skit — Via Greg Hengler. Heaven forbid that the average half-drunk late-night Saturday TV viewer be “misinformed” about our savior by a comedy show reminding them that health care's “not done” (which it isn't) and that Afghanistan's gotten worse this year (which it has).
MSNBC's Ratigan battles McCaughey — Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy — Anthony Weiner and Betsy McCaughey brought their act to MSNBC this morning, where Weiner — unlike last night — was a relatively mellow presence while host Dylan Ratigan tangled bitterly with McCaughey.
The Obama Snap-Back — EDITOR'S NOTE: This column is available exclusively through King Features Syndicate. For permission to reprint or excerpt this copyrighted material, please contact:, or phone 800-708-7311, ext. 246. — A buzz-generating Saturday Night Live skit mocked …
Does Obama Get It? — The big question on the domestic front right now is whether President Obama understands the gravity of the employment crisis facing the country. Does he get it? The signals coming out of the White House have not been encouraging. — The Beltway crowd and the Einsteins …
Firedoglake, No More Mister Nice Blog, PostPartisan, D-Day, Prairie Weather, Wake up America and The Note