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White House's botched ‘op’ — WASHINGTON — President Obama yesterday rolled out the red carpet — and handed out doctors' white coats as well, just so nobody missed his hard-sell health-care message. — In a heavy-handed attempt at reviving support for health-care reform …
Michelle Malkin, Hot Air, theblogprof, At-Largely, The Rhetorican,, Wake up America, Another Black Conservative, The Strata-Sphere,, Althouse, Pundit & Pundette, JammieWearingFool, Prescriptions, Moe Lane,, Washington Post, Scared Monkeys, Gateway Pundit, Riehl World View and Fox News
Obama Reaches Past Congress for Health Care Support — WASHINGTON — Opening a new front in the effort to promote its plans for an overhaul of the nation's health care system, the Obama administration is courting support from Republicans and independents some distance from Capitol Hill, and aggressively publicizing the results.
The Politico, The Note, Ezra Klein, Los Angeles Times, MoJo Blog Posts and Political Punch
The demise of the dollar — In a graphic illustration of the new world order, Arab states have launched secret moves with China, Russia and France to stop using the US currency for oil trading — In the most profound financial change in recent Middle East history, Gulf Arabs are planning …
Fox News, Conservative Dallas, Guardian, The Foundry, Another Black Conservative, Left Coast Rebel, Pajamas Media, The Majlis,, ParaPundit, QandO, The Moderate Voice, Mish's Global Economic …, Credit Writedowns, naked capitalism, Prairie Weather, YID With LID, Raw Story, RedState, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, The Jawa Report,, The Corner on National … and Blog
Castle running for the Senate — Rep. Mike Castle (R-Del.) will be running for Vice President Joe Biden's old Senate seat in Delaware, according to two GOP sources connected to the congressman, instantly giving Republicans the opportunity to flip a traditionally-Democratic seat in their column.
Weekly Standard, RedState, D-Day, Taegan Goddard's …, Swing State Project, AmSpecBlog and The Washington Independent
Delaware Senate Moved to Lean Takeover
Top of the Ticket
The Obamas' Ego Trip to Copenhagen — In the Niagara of words spoken and written about the Obamas' trip to Copenhagen, too few have been devoted to the words they spoke there. Their separate speeches to the International Olympic Committee were so dreadful, and in such a characteristic way …
GEORGE WILL FOLLOWS THE RIGHT'S CHOSEN MEME.... Periodically, conservatives latch onto a new line of attack against President Obama. Apparently, the new one is “narcissism.” Marty Peretz talked it up yesterday in a bizarre piece, and George Will endorsed the argument in his column today.
Gen. McChrystal Has a Right to Speak Up on Afghanistan — Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the U.S. commander in Afghanistan, has come under fire for making public comments about the war. While answering questions after an Oct. 1 speech — in which he avoided taking sides in the policy debate …
Critics Don't See the Nuance in McChrystal's Comments on War
The Note, Weekly Standard, New York Times, Jules Crittenden, The Jawa Report and Commentary
Afghanistan and Leadership — Gen. McChrystal needs more troops …
Sotomayor Takes Active Role on Court's First Day — The Supreme Court began its new term Monday with an inquisitive new justice and a case from Maryland about how long police must honor a suspect's request for an attorney. — Justice Sonia Sotomayor displayed no reticence …
McClatchy Washington Bureau, New York Times, Think Progress, USA Today, SCOTUSblog, CNN, Shakesville, Althouse, The Huffington Post, The BLT and Balkinization
Why is Betsy McCaughey on MSNBC? — Yesterday, I noted that the problem with Betsy McCaughey isn't that she's a liar — it's that the media gives her a platform to lie. — Let's be clear about this: it isn't just FOX News and the New York Post that are guilty of promoting someone whose claim …
J. Bradford DeLong's …
As Job Loss Rises, Obama Aides Act to Fix Safety Net — WASHINGTON — With unemployment expected to rise well into next year even as the economy slowly recovers, the Obama administration and Democratic leaders in Congress are discussing extending several safety net programs as well as proposing …
Conservative Bible Project Cuts Out Liberal Passages — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — Lo and behold, the Bible has gotten too liberal, according to a group of conservatives. And it needs a little editing. — That's the inspiration behind the Conservative Bible Project …
Burden of Proof on Obama's Origins — A dentist and lawyer, Orly Taitz has plenty to keep her busy. But a side passion is what consumes her these days: challenging Barack Obama's eligibility to be president. — RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA, Calif. — The dental office of Orly Taitz, DDS …
AMA Endorses Largest Denier of Health Care Claims — What appears to be the official blog of President Obama's administration is all aflutter because the President will welcome, “doctors from across the United States to the White House to share their unique perspective on the struggles …
Marco Rubio raises nearly $1 million — Charlie Crist ought to start worrying. The Marco Rubio campaign says the underdog Republican candidate for U.S. Senate raised nearly $1 million in the last fundraising quarter — a giant improvement over his last quarter and a number sure to help eliminate doubts about his viability.
ARE YOU “THE UNKNOWN LIBERAL”? Pick me, pick me! — Jerry Falwell's offspring of Liberty University, the Liberty Counsel has a wonderful new idea! … How does it work, you ask? … I nominate myself as “The “Unknown Liberal. No, really, that's a choice. You can't make this crap up.
Does Obama Get It? — The big question on the domestic front right now is whether President Obama understands the gravity of the employment crisis facing the country. Does he get it? The signals coming out of the White House have not been encouraging. — The Beltway crowd and the Einsteins …
How Israel Was Disarmed — News analysis from the near-future. — Printer — Friendly — Jan. 20, 2010 — NEW YORK—When American diplomats sat down for the first in a series of face-to-face talks with their Iranian counterparts last October in Geneva, few would have predicted …
Pay Czar Targets Salary Cuts — Top Earners at Firms Getting Aid Would See Compensation Shift From Cash to Stock — WASHINGTON — The Obama administration's pay czar is planning to clamp down on compensation at firms receiving large sums of government aid by cutting annual cash salaries …
The Atlantic Business Channel, Politics Daily, The New Republic, DailyFinance, The Jawa Report, Blog entry and Cafe Hayek
Obama Team Says Zazi Case Illustrates Balanced Approach to Terror Threat — President Obama will make his first visit to the National Counterterrorism Center in McLean on Tuesday morning, telling intelligence officials that their recent successes have proved how effectively multiple agencies can perform when they work in concert.
Salon, Emptywheel, Denver Post, SWJ Blog,, The Foundry, The Enterprise Blog, Mudville Gazette and The Hill
Labor Department comes clean about fake jobs — FINALLY, a confession! — I've been writing in this column for years that the way the Labor Department calculates the number of jobs in this country is deceptive. — In 11 of the 12 months, the government adds massive numbers of jobs …
Another Prestigious Error from The Atlantic — It's Only a Draft: The prestigious Atlantic's Chris Good—perhaps as exhausted by the magazine's time-consuming Corporate Lobbyist Moneysuck as prestigious Atlantic columnist Andrew Sullivan after a “marathon twelve-hour session of passion” …
Morning Fix: Landscape Sparks Republicans Recruiting — The decline in President Obama's poll numbers — and those of his party — over the first eight months of his administration has led to a bumper crop of Republican recruits in the House as GOP candidates who sat on the sidelines …
Memo to Kevin Jennings: Your reputation is on the line — [Note: Kevin Jennings is the current “Safe Schools Czar” for the Obama administration.] — Mr. Jennings — Please read my plea. Your shining career may soon be tarnished. You're about to be blindsided. And I'd like to help you save your reputation.
Video: CNN helps Obama out by ... fact-checking SNL's skit — Via Greg Hengler. Heaven forbid that the average half-drunk late-night Saturday TV viewer be “misinformed” about our savior by a comedy show reminding them that health care's “not done” (which it isn't) and that Afghanistan's gotten worse this year (which it has).
The Sundries Shack, Mediaite, theblogprof,, Flopping Aces, The Greenroom, Gateway Pundit, and No Sheeples Here
Obama's Gitmo blame game — Greg Craig, the top in-house lawyer for President Barack Obama, is getting the blame for botching the strategy to shut down Guantanamo Bay prison by January — so much so that he's expected to leave the White House in short order.