Top Items:
Ayers Dreams of Obama — By: Jonah Goldberg — I am not sure what to make of the story that Ayers has now admitted to writing Obama's autobiography. If it pans out, that is to my mind a very big story. Stay tuned. But I do think I should revise my earlier pooh-poohing of Jack Cashill's effort to prove the Ayers-Obama connection.
The Washington Independent
Bill Ayers admits writing ‘Dreams’ to conservative blogger — Last Friday we posted an article on these pages asserting Bill Ayers' authorship of President Barack Obama's ‘Dreams From My Father,’ based on claims made by Obama biographer Christopher Andersen.
Ayers: I wrote Obama's book! — Ever since the heat of the 2008 campaign, a handful of conspiracy theorists have circulated the rumor that Bill Ayers ghostwrote Barack Obama's first book, “Dreams from my Father.” — Now Ayers is coming forward to confirm the rumor, and he's demanding royalties!
The Corner on National …, Washington Monthly, The Washington Independent and American Thinker
Bill Ayers No Dream — There I was, sitting in Reagan National Monday morning, sipping a Starbucks by the United counter before going through security. I had a little time, so I was browsing through the news. Some military guys had borrowed a chair from my table.
Power Line, Pajamas Media, Althouse, American Thinker, Salon, JustOneMinute, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Gawker, Liberal Values, Ben Smith's Blog, The Caucus, TBogg, The Confluence, theblogprof, Left Coast Rebel, Blogs and Stories, Sadly, No!, Hot Air, And So it Goes in Shreveport, Serr8d's Cutting Edge and Pundit & Pundette
Franken Wins Bipartisan Support For Legislation Reining In KBR's Treatment Of Rape — In 2005, Jamie Leigh Jones was gang-raped by her co-workers while she was working for Halliburton/KBR in Baghdad. She was detained in a shipping container for at least 24 hours without food, water …
‘Code Pink’ rethinks its call for Afghanistan pullout — In Afghanistan, the US women's activist group finds that their Afghan counterparts want US troop presence - as well as more reconstruction. — KABUL, AFGHANISTAN - — When Medea Benjamin stood up in a Kabul meeting hall this weekend …
Discussion:, Raw Story, Top of the Ticket, RedState,, Blog entry, The Confluence and Sweetness & Light
Obama Rules Out Large Reduction in Afghan Force — WASHINGTON — President Obama told Congressional leaders on Tuesday that he would not substantially reduce American forces in Afghanistan or shift the mission to just hunting terrorists there, but he indicated that he remained undecided …
Salon, Commentary, CNN, Weekly Standard, Los Angeles Times, McClatchy Washington Bureau, TPMDC, Hot Air, The New Republic, The Nation, Taylor Marsh, Enduring America, Mudville Gazette, Politics Daily, FiveThirtyEight, Think Progress, First Draft, Wonk Room, Riehl World View, Christian Science Monitor, Jules Crittenden, Wake up America, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Faster Times, The Huffington Post, Ben Smith's Blog, The Politico, Hullabaloo, Outside The Beltway, QandO, American Power, DownWithTyranny!, JustOneMinute, marbury, Washington Post and Foreign Policy Watch
Preliminary Analysis of the Senate Finance Committee Chairman's Mark As Amended — CBO and the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) have just issued a preliminary analysis of the Senate Finance Committee Chairman's mark for the America's Healthy Future Act of 2009 …
Washington Monthly, The Atlantic Business Channel, TPMDC, Hit & Run, The Washington Independent and On Deadline
A new mommy tax — When Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max …
Moe Lane
Deep Denial — Toughened by their frontier ethos, steeled by serial wars, Israelis are not prone to flattery. Most, in fact, eschew using the closest equivalent to the Hebrew word for flattery—chanupa— in favor of the derisive Yiddish-derivative, firgun.
Israeli Ambassador Says Richard Goldstone is Worse than Ahmadenijad
This, Apparently, Is Not a Joke — By: Kathryn Jean Lopez — Barack Obama has this hanging in the White House: — It proves a gift to Nick Schulz.
Michelle Malkin
Carter Joins New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, USA Today, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Buffalo News, Minneapolis Star-Tribune in Calling for Chairman to Step Down — (WASHINGTON, DC) - House Members Wednesday will have to cast a recorded vote on whether it is acceptable …
Washington Post, The Caucus,, PostPartisan, Politics Nation and Michelle Malkin
Rep. Waters: ‘Many members’ suffer from disclosure problems like Rep. Rangel — “Many members” of Congress suffer from the same disclosure issues as the embattled Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.), one of his congressional allies suggested Wednesday. — Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) …
McCaughey And Me — I said my piece about this on this blog a while back. I do not think it's professional to air the specifics of internal battles after the fact, and I take full responsibility for being the editor of the magazine that published the piece. I accepted an award for it.
MoJo Blog Posts, The Atlantic Politics Channel, TalkLeft, Ezra Klein, Eschaton and J. Bradford DeLong's …
TIME FOR A WAKE-UP CALL, NOT FOR PANIC.... A new Gallup poll shows Democrats losing their edge on the generic-ballot question. Asked which party's congressional candidate they'd support if the election were held today, 46% preferred the Democratic candidate, while 44% sided with Republicans.
Gun Show Undercover — Ever wonder how criminals are able to get guns so easily? It's depressingly simple. On any given weekend, at dozens of gun shows held in states across the country — criminals can buy guns from “private sellers” who are not required to perform background checks.
Exclusive: Gun show dealers caught on video selling to people …
New plan might allow Dems to slip public option through Senate — Senate Democrats desperate to find a way to pass a health care bill that includes a federal insurance plan may have come up with a way to do it without putting moderate members who oppose it in political jeopardy.
THE CARPER COMPROMISE.... The Wall Street Journal reports today …
Wall Street Journal, PERRspectives, Wonk Room, Capitol Briefing, Politics Daily and TalkLeft
Tom Shales: I'm Shocked to Be Told I Minimized Polanski's Crime!! Here, Let Me Do It Again! — From a Washington Post chat with Tom Shales today (thanks to several readers): … I'm sure it was you, Tom Shales. Evidently you need the citation, so here it is, from a column of yours dated June 9, 2008:
Survivors in Afghanistan Need Immediate Help - 56 Soldiers Lost EVERYTHING — UPDATE as of 7 OCT 1430 hrs — We do NOT need fleece blankets, wash clothes or towels. Still need everything else on the list below — UPDATE as of 7 OCT 09 1300 hrs — STILL NEED
Feds strip Arpaio of immigration authority — The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has stripped Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio of his authority to arrest suspected illegal immigrants based solely on their immigration status. — But Arpaio said Tuesday he plans to continue his controversial …
Latest Internal Whip Count: Nearly Three-Fourths Of House Dems Support Robust Public Option — Still more grounds for cautious optimism about the public option: — I've got the latest internal whip count numbers from Dem Rep. Raul Grijalva, the co-chair of the Congressional Progressional Caucus …
Reid ‘Likely’ to Make Entire Health Bill an Amendment to Unrelated Tax Bill That House Passed in March — ( — A senior aide to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) told that it is “likely” that Reid will use H.R. 1586—a bill passed by the House in March to impose …
Did the First Dog Leave a Number Two on Air Force One? — Elizabeth Williamson reports on the White House. — The mystery begins in a Pittsburgh bar where several high-flying airline types met last month. — The group swapped stories over drinks when three people present let loose with a good tale.
The Supreme Court mauls the law banning animal-cruelty videos. — Witness the American deputy solicitor general in his natural habitat—the Supreme Court. As Neal Katyal roams softly across the cool marble chamber, he has no idea what awaits him. He is here to protect his tribe …
Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, SCOTUSblog, NPR and The Huffington Post
Rep. Louie Gohmert: Hate crimes bill will lead to Nazism, legalization of necrophilia, pedophilia, and bestiality. — Led by Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-PA) last night, lawmakers convened for a special session of floor speeches urging a repeal of Don't Act Don't Tell.
Q&A: Tom DeLay Schools Us on Birthers, ‘Dancing,’ and the Texas Corrections System — Tom DeLay's final dance Monday night—a samba. — Tom DeLay was the first politician on Dancing With the Stars, and now his campaign is over. The former Republican House majority leader had to drop …
The Hill
From Guns to Butter — How a Second Amendment case can help restore economic liberty — In the 1856 case Dred Scott v. Sandford, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected the idea that Africans and their descendants in the United States could be “entitled to the privileges and immunities of citizens.”