Top Items:

Preliminary Analysis of the Senate Finance Committee Chairman's Mark As Amended — CBO and the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) have just issued a preliminary analysis of the Senate Finance Committee Chairman's mark for the America's Healthy Future Act of 2009 …

CBO: New Baucus Deficit Neutral Bill Costs $829B, Will Reduce Deficit By $81 Billion Over Next Decade — The Congressional Budget Office has estimated that the new version of the Senate Finance Committee's health bill “will result in a net reduction in federal budget deficits of $81 billion over the 2010-2019 period.”
Megan McArdle, Matthew Yglesias, The Politico, Ezra Klein, Daily Kos, Open Left and NOW! Blog

CBO: Baucus bill costs $829 billion, reduces deficit by $81 billion — The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) issued a cost estimate of the healthcare reform bill under consideration by the Senate Finance Committee, concluding it would increase federal spending by $829 billion over 10 years …
The Note, Ben Smith's Blog, Hot Air, The Politico, The Swamp, Blue Crab Boulevard, and George's Bottom Line

Meet the New Health-Care System, Not That Different From the Old Health-Care System — You probably can't see that table particularly well. Click on it, and it'll enlarge. It comes from one of the final pages of the Congressional Budget Office's score (pdf) of the Senate Finance Committee's bill …
Democratic Strategist

A new mommy tax — When Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max …
Moe Lane

CBO Says Senate Health Bill Would Expand Coverage, Reduce Deficit

Bob Dole outs naysayer Mitch McConnell — Bob Dole supports health care reform. — “This is one of the most important measures members of Congress will vote on in their lifetimes,” the former Republican Senate majority leader and presidential candidate told an audience in Kansas City today.

BREAKING: Senate GOP Folding Over Health Care Reform — I am told quite reliably that in a meeting today on Capitol Hill, Republican Senators began to rapidly move toward concessions on health care because they are afraid they cannot hold their members. Some Republicans are now thinking of supporting a government program.

Dems Discussing Public Option With Opt-Out Clause: The Silver Bullet? — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — Senate Democrats have begun discussions on a compromise approach to health care reform that would establish a robust, national public option for insurance coverage but give individual states the right to opt out of the program.

Dole: Health care reform coming late this year or next; “you lost” when Clinton-era reform failed — Former Kansas Sen. Bob Dole says “there will be a signing ceremony” for a health care reform bill either late this year or early next. — But the former presidential candidate says he isn't sure what the bill will say.

Reid ‘Likely’ to Make Entire Health Bill an Amendment to Unrelated Tax Bill That House Passed in March — ( — A senior aide to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) told that it is “likely” that Reid will use H.R. 1586—a bill passed by the House in March to impose …

Franken Wins Bipartisan Support For Legislation Reining In KBR's Treatment Of Rape — In 2005, Jamie Leigh Jones was gang-raped by her co-workers while she was working for Halliburton/KBR in Baghdad. She was detained in a shipping container for at least 24 hours without food, water …

This, Apparently, Is Not a Joke — By: Kathryn Jean Lopez — Barack Obama has this hanging in the White House: — It proves a gift to Nick Schulz.
The TrogloPundit

Ayers Dreams of Obama — By: Jonah Goldberg — I am not sure what to make of the story that Ayers has now admitted to writing Obama's autobiography. If it pans out, that is to my mind a very big story. Stay tuned. But I do think I should revise my earlier pooh-poohing of Jack Cashill's effort to prove the Ayers-Obama connection.
The Washington Independent, Left Coast Rebel, The TrogloPundit, Dennis Byrne's Barbershop and Hot Air

McCaughey And Me — I said my piece about this on this blog a while back. I do not think it's professional to air the specifics of internal battles after the fact, and I take full responsibility for being the editor of the magazine that published the piece. I accepted an award for it.
MoJo Blog Posts, TalkLeft, The Atlantic Politics Channel, J. Bradford DeLong's …, Ezra Klein and Balloon Juice

Rep. Waters: ‘Many members’ suffer from disclosure problems like Rep. Rangel — “Many members” of Congress suffer from the same disclosure issues as the embattled Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.), one of his congressional allies suggested Wednesday. — Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) …
The Politico, Michelle Malkin, The Sundries Shack, Weekly Standard, RedState, Gothamist and TPMMuckraker

Deep Denial — Toughened by their frontier ethos, steeled by serial wars, Israelis are not prone to flattery. Most, in fact, eschew using the closest equivalent to the Hebrew word for flattery—chanupa— in favor of the derisive Yiddish-derivative, firgun.
Matthew Yglesias, Haaretz, TPMCafe, Commentary, Ezra Klein, and The Majlis

TIME FOR A WAKE-UP CALL, NOT FOR PANIC.... A new Gallup poll shows Democrats losing their edge on the generic-ballot question. Asked which party's congressional candidate they'd support if the election were held today, 46% preferred the Democratic candidate, while 44% sided with Republicans.

Tom Shales: I'm Shocked to Be Told I Minimized Polanski's Crime!! Here, Let Me Do It Again! — From a Washington Post chat with Tom Shales today (thanks to several readers): … I'm sure it was you, Tom Shales. Evidently you need the citation, so here it is, from a column of yours dated June 9, 2008:

Gun Show Undercover — Ever wonder how criminals are able to get guns so easily? It's depressingly simple. On any given weekend, at dozens of gun shows held in states across the country — criminals can buy guns from “private sellers” who are not required to perform background checks.

Survivors in Afghanistan Need Immediate Help - 56 Soldiers Lost EVERYTHING — UPDATE as of 7 OCT 1430 hrs — We do NOT need fleece blankets, wash clothes or towels. Still need everything else on the list below — UPDATE as of 7 OCT 09 1300 hrs — STILL NEED

Election 2010: Louisiana Senate — Louisiana Senate: GOP Candidates Lead by Double Digits — Senator David Vitter holds a 10-percentage-point lead over Democrat Charlie Melancon in an early look at Louisiana's 2010 General Election. The first Rasmussen Reports Election 2010 survey …