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9:45 PM ET, October 8, 2009


 Top Items: 
Michael Scherer / Time:
Calling 'Em Out: The White House Takes on the Press  —  There was never a single moment when White House staff decided the major media outlets were falling down on the job.  There were instead several such moments.  —  For press secretary Robert Gibbs, the realization came in early September …
Michelle Malkin:
Do the Watusi: Art, imitation, and the Obamas  —  Yesterday, we chuckled over the indecision-themed “word art” that the Obamas chose to hang in the White House.  —  Today, a Free Republic poster notices another of the Obamas' curious art choices: “Watusi (Hard Edge),” by Alma Thomas …
Discussion: Althouse
Beelzebubba /
NYT Touts White House Artworks, Misses Obvious Copy, Apparent Fraud (Freeper Breaks the Story)  —  Yesterday, the NYT ran a story about the White House acquiring art.  It included a slide show of a dozen artworks.  —  This Freeper took a look and found one abstract work he admired:
Discussion: Scared Monkeys
Brian C. Ledbetter / Snapped Shot:
Fraudulent Art in the White House?  —  An enterprising art-enthusiast FReeper has discovered a fraudulent painting amongst Barack Obama's new White House collection.  While Beelzebubba didn't post both images together, I managed to throw together the following animation …
Discussion: Gateway Pundit
Christopher Hayes / The Nation:   Tuesdays With Rahm  —  If you've spent time in progressive circles …
The Huffington Post:
Dean: If I Were A Senator I'd Vote For Opt-Out Public Option  —  WHAT'S YOUR REACTION?  —  One of the most respected progressive voices on health care reform said on Thursday that he could live with and even support a compromise to the public plan that would grant states the right to reject the option entirely.
Jason Rosenbaum / Firedoglake:
BREAKING: 30 Senate Democrats Stand Up for a Public Option  —  30 Senate Democrats today signed a letter to Majority Leader Reid ($), urging him to include a “robust, Medicare-like public option” in the bill he brings to the floor of the Senate: … A full half of the Democratic Caucus …
Discussion: DownWithTyranny!
Jeffrey Young / The Hill:
Harkin: Health bill will have public option
Kent Garber / US News:
Dean: Public Option Will Hurt Democrats in 2010 Elections
Steve Benen / Washington Monthly:
Discussion: Salon, Slate and The Political Carnival
Tim Reid / Times of London:
Barack Obama: Taleban can be involved in Afghanistan future  —  President Obama is prepared to accept some Taleban involvement in Afghanistan's political future and is unlikely to favour a large influx of new American troops being demanded by his ground commander, a senior official said last night.
Ann Scott Tyson / Washington Post:
Army Officers Criticize Rebuke of Gen. McChrystal
Discussion: SWJ Blog and Commentary
Quinnipiac University:
American Voters Oppose Obama Health Care Plan, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; GOP Gets Lowest Grades Since Obama Elected  —  American voters oppose 47 - 40 percent President Barack Obama's health care reform plan, and don't want an overhaul that only gets Democratic votes …
Chris Ariens / TVNewser:
Rep. Michele Bachmann Says MSNBC Hosts Are ‘Stalkers,’ One of them Responds  —  On “The O'Reilly Factor” last night, Minnesota GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann talked about having “personal stalkers” eluding to certain, though unnamed, MSNBC anchors.  —  O'Reilly: “Does it bother you that NBC News …
Zaid Jilani / Think Progress:
O'Reilly to Bachmann: You ‘drive the far-left crazy’ because you're ‘good looking.’  —  Last night, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) and Fox News' Bill O'Reilly discussed why she is “second to Sarah Palin in far-left angst,” setting off a conversation between the two about why Bachmann faces …
Washington Post:
McDonnell Widens Lead in Virginia Governor's Race  —  Republican Withstands Rival's Attacks on Conservative Social Views  —  Republican Robert F. McDonnell has taken a commanding lead over R. Creigh Deeds in the race for governor of Virginia, as momentum the Democrat had built with an attack …
Matt Osborne / The Huffington Post:
Treason and Sedition  —  Article III of the Constitution defines treason against the United States in three ways: levying war against the country, adhering to the country's enemies, or giving aid or comfort to enemies.  The punishment for treason is death, but the article requires a high burden of proof.
Lee Fang / Think Progress:   REPORT: ‘We Will Overthrow The Government’ …
Kenneth P. Vogel / The Politico:
ROMAN POLANSKI BACKERS GAVE $34K TO BARACK OBAMA, DNC  —  Movie industry types calling for the release of director Roman Polanski last year gave $34,000 to Obama's presidential campaign and the Democratic Party, FEC records show.  —  Polanski's arrest late last month by Swiss authorities …
Eric Boehlert / Media Matters for America:
Politico aims low, tries to link Obama to Polanski
Discussion: The Impolitic
Rachel Slajda / TPM LiveWire:
Broun: Pelosi A ‘Domestic Enemy Of The Constitution’  —  At a town hall in Commerce, Ga., last week, Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA) called House Speaker Nancy Pelosi a “domestic enem[y] of the Constitution.”  —  “When I was sworn into the Marine Corps, I was sworn to uphold the Constitution against every enemy, foreign and domestic,” he said.
Stephen Ohlemacher / Associated Press:
Proposals to create jobs add up to second stimulus
Discussion: Flopping Aces and Gateway Pundit
French minister in ‘boy sex’ row  —  France's Culture Minister Frederic Mitterrand is facing intense pressure over a book he wrote that described paying for “young boys” in Thailand.  —  The book was written four years ago, before he joined the government, but is back in the headlines following …
David M. Halbfinger / New York Times:
Corzine Points a Spotlight at His Rival's Waistline  —  It is about as subtle as a playground taunt: a television ad for Gov. Jon S. Corzine shows his challenger, Christopher J. Christie, stepping out of an S.U.V. in extreme slow motion, his extra girth moving, just as slowly, in several different directions at once.
Vince Lattanzio / NBC Philadelphia:
Little Soldier Girl “Didn't Want to Let Go”  —  Four-year old Paige didn't want to say goodbye to her daddy before he was shipped off to Iraq  —  A family photo that shows a little girl beside her father and his fellow soldiers in uniform as they prepare to go to war has resonated well beyond the tight knit Bennethum clan.
New York Times:
In First Lady's Roots, a Complex Path From Slavery  —  WASHINGTON — In 1850, the elderly master of a South Carolina estate took pen in hand and painstakingly divided up his possessions.  Among the spinning wheels, scythes, tablecloths and cattle that he bequeathed to his far-flung heirs …
Barack Obama adviser says Sharia Law is misunderstood  —  President Barack Obama's adviser on Muslim affairs, Dalia Mogahed, has provoked controversy by appearing on a British television show hosted by a member of an extremist group to talk about Sharia Law.
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 More Items: 
Jason Horowitz / Washington Post:
Cheney's Daughter Starts Firm Of Her Own
Ben Smith / Ben Smith's Blog:
Joe Wilson's tally since ‘You Lie’ rises to $2.7 million
Discussion: Hot Air and The Daily Dish
Jason Salzman / The Huffington Post:
Do the Rockies Discriminate Against Non-Religious Players?
Eamon Javers / The Politico:
Whodunit? Sneak attack on U.S. dollar
Discussion: Wall Street Journal
 Earlier Items: 
US News:
Scientist: Carbon Dioxide Doesn't Cause Global Warming
Discussion: and Dean's World

From Mediagazer:

Tim Marchman / Wired:
Quora-owned AI chatbot platform Poe is providing users with downloadable HTML files of paywalled articles from outlets including NYT, Forbes, and The Atlantic

Michael Schneider / Variety:
Nielsen: the Biden-Trump debate drew an average audience of 51.3M viewers across 17 networks in the US, down from 2020's first debate, with nearly 73.1M

Hanaa' Tameez / Nieman Lab:
Spain's El País launched a digital edition to cover the US in Spanish in May with 11 bilingual correspondents; as of April, the outlet had ~366K subscribers

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