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White House Disavows Report That It Disdains Gay Critics, Bloggers As “Internet Left Fringe” — The White House is strongly denying a report making the rounds that it views gay critics and bloggers as part of an “Internet left fringe,” with a senior adviser asserting to me that this sentiment …
Hullabaloo, D-Day, Taylor Marsh, techPresident, Open Left, AMERICAblog News, Michael Calderone's Blog, The Jawa Report, Salon, The Caucus, GayPatriot, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Impolitic, The Bilerico Project, Ben Smith's Blog, American Prospect, Wonkette, Raw Story, Riehl World View, Pam's House Blend, MyDD and Box Turtle Bulletin

What's with all the @#%! language? — President Barack Obama called rap star Kanye West “a jackass.” Vice President Joe Biden told a senator to “Gimme a f—ing break!” Economic adviser Christina Romer declared that Americans had yet to have their “holy s—” moment over the economy.

Harwood Confirms: Comment Came from “Obama Advisor” — In response to the comment about White House disdain for the “liberal fringe” reported by NBC's John Harwood last night, some are suggesting that the word “adviser” could mean this is coming from someone outside the White House. — Steve Benen:

Bloggers Furious At White House For Anonymous Ridicule — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — Progressive bloggers were in an uproar Sunday night after a White House “adviser,” speaking on condition of anonymity, urged them to “take off their pajamas” and get serious about politics.

White House Escalates War of Words With Fox News — Anita Dunn, White House communications director, calls Fox News a “wing of the Republican Party,” after the White House began using its government blog to criticize “Fox lies.” — — Calling Fox News “a wing of the Republican Party …

White House Contempt for Bloggers and “Left of the Left” is a Pattern
Hot Air, Emptywheel, Outside The Beltway, The Daily Dish, La Shawn Barber's Corner, No More Mister Nice Blog, TalkLeft, NO QUARTER and Redhot

Heckuva Job, Barack — This was Barack Obama's chance. — Here was an opportunity to cut himself free, in a stroke, from the baggage that's weighed his presidency down — the implausible expectations, the utopian dreams, the messianic hoo-ha. — Here was a place to draw …

Obama fails to win Nobel prize in economics — Commentary: Michael Moore, Timothy Geithner also passed over — LONDON (MarketWatch) — In a decision as shocking as Friday's surprise peace prize win, President Obama failed to win the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences Monday.

Obama Job Approval at 56% After Nobel Win — PRINCETON, NJ — Barack Obama appears to have gotten a slight bounce in support after he was announced as the Nobel Peace Prize winner on Friday. His 56% job approval rating for the last two Gallup Daily tracking updates is up from a term-low 50% …

Two Americans Are Awarded Nobel in Economics — In a departure from prevailing economic theory, the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science was awarded Monday to two social scientists for their work in demonstrating that business people — co-workers as well as competitors …

NOBEL SURPRISE — If President Obama really had to get a gift postmarked Scandinavia this month, he would probably, on the whole, have preferred the Olympics. At least at the Olympics the judges wait till after the race to give you the gold medal. They don't force it on you while you're still waiting …
Prairie Weather

The Insurance Industry's Deceptive Report — In the hallowed tradition of the tobacco and energy industries, the health insurance industry has commissioned a report (pdf) projecting doom and despair for those who seek to reform its business practices. The report was farmed …
The Atlantic Politics Channel, Daily Kos, Hit & Run, The New Republic, The Huffington Post, TPMDC and Burnt Orange Report

Is the Insurance Industry Declaring War? — Over the weekend, America's Health Insurance Plans circulated a study it commissioned from PriceWaterhouseCoopers. In a memo to AHIP members, reproduced here, president Karen Ignani explained its significance: — The report makes clear …

Insurance Industry Report Promises To Increase Premiums By 111% Under Health Reform
Stand Up for Health Care

Insurance Group Says Health Bill Will Mean Higher Premiums
Discussion:, The Moderate Voice, USA Today, Salon, TPMDC, The New Republic, The Foundry, The Huffington Post, Firedoglake, New York Times, Hullabaloo, Hot Air, Crooks and Liars, TPM LiveWire, Fox News, Associated Press, The Politico, NO QUARTER, NOW! Blog, The Fix, The Hill, The Page, Matthew Yglesias, Wonkette, Don Surber, RedState, Wizbang, The Hill, Left in the West, Washington Monthly, Brave New Films blog, Shakesville, MoJo Blog Posts, CBS News, The Caucus, J. Bradford DeLong's … and Prime Buzz

It's a Fork, It's a Spoon, It's a ... Weapon? — NEWARK, Del. — Finding character witnesses when you are 6 years old is not easy. But there was Zachary Christie last week at a school disciplinary committee hearing with his karate instructor and his mother's fiancé by his side to vouch for him.
Fox News, protein wisdom, Gates of Vienna, Salon, Hit & Run, Below The Beltway, QandO, Opinion L.A. and Boing Boing

Hillary Clinton says she won't run for president again — WASHINGTON (CNN) - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Monday she would not run for president again, and brushed off suggestions that she is being marginalized in the Obama White House. — Clinton, who lost the Democratic …

Rethinking Institutional Analysis: Interviews with Vincent and Elinor Ostrom — Entrepreneurship, Institutional Analysis, Social Change Project, Mercatus — On November 7th, 2003, the Fund for the Study of Spontaneous Orders, the Atlas Economic Research Foundation, the Mercatus Center …

More on Ostrom and Williamson, and decentralized coordination

WaPo Page A1 breaking news: Conservatives are horrible ogres, Part 99,999 — The Sunday edition of the Washington Post featured a massive, front-page article by Ann Gerhart decrying the “incivility” of conservatives. “The nation's political discourse seems sour, angry, even dangerous,” Gerhart frets.
AmSpecBlog, The Corner on National …, Jezebel, Harry's Place, GayPatriot, The Other McCain and Pajamas Media

Sharpton to NFL: Block Limbaugh — Rev. Al Sharpton pleaded with the National Football League on Monday to deny conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh the opportunity to buy the St. Louis Rams franchise. — In a letter sent to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, Sharpton wrote that he was …

Nevada Senate Moved to Toss-Up — With recent polls continuing to show Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D) trailing potential GOP challengers in next year's midterm election, Reid's hold on his Nevada Senate seat looks increasingly questionable. We are moving the seat from Narrow Advantage for Incumbent Party to Toss-Up.