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Behind the War Between White House and Fox — WASHINGTON — Late last month, the senior White House adviser David Axelrod and Roger Ailes, chairman and chief executive of Fox News, met in an empty Palm steakhouse before it opened for the day, neutral ground secured for a secret tête-à-tê te.
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W.H. attacks worry moderate Dems — A White House effort to undermine conservative critics is generating a backlash on Capitol Hill — and not just from Republicans. — “It's a mistake,” said Rep. Jason Altmire, a moderate Democrat from western Pennsylvania.
Firedoglake, Commentary, protein wisdom, Erick's blog, The Foundry, RedState, Clusterstock, Jules Crittenden and The Opinionator

Deeds should've listened to us, senior Obama officials say — Top Democrats seek to shield Obama in case of election loss — Sensing that victory in the race for Virginia governor is slipping away, Democrats at the national level are laying the groundwork to blame a loss in a key swing state …

Annie Leibovitz takes first family photo — Friends encourage Roger Ailes to seek GOP nom in 2012 — Geithner: ‘A big week’ — Endgame: Look for a trigger in final health bill — Annie Leibovitz takes first family photo — Friends encourage Roger Ailes to seek GOP nom in 2012 — Geithner …

Media Matters coordinates campaign against ‘lethal’ Fox — An official at a Democratic-leaning organization sends on a memo the group Media Matters is circulating today to progressive groups, calling Fox “a lethal 24/7 partisan political operation” and rallying a coalition of groups to join the White House assault on the network.

Democrat blasts White House for anonymous sniping — WASHINGTON (CNN) - A well-known Democratic strategist in Virginia is blasting the White House for placing anonymous quotes in the Washington Post in a pre-emptive effort to blame Creigh Deeds for what might be a loss in the state's upcoming gubernatorial election.

White House Tactics Go Too Far — WASHINGTON — Rahm Emanuel once sent a dead fish to a live pollster. Now he's put a horse's head in Roger Ailes' bed. — Not very subtle. And not very smart. Ailes doesn't scare easily. — The White House has declared war on Fox News.
Wall Street Journal

Pelosi lacks votes for most sweeping public option — Speaker Nancy Pelosi counted votes Thursday night and determined she could not pass a “robust public option” — the most aggressive of the three forms of a public option House Democrats have been considering as part of a national overhaul of health care.
Politics Daily, Daily Kos, TPMDC, American Spectator, Firedoglake, The Atlantic Politics Channel, Pundits Blog, Talking Points Memo, Washington Post, TalkLeft, The Hill, Ezra Klein, Think Progress, Michelle Malkin, Raw Story, Taylor Marsh, The Caucus, AMERICAblog News, The Mahablog, FiveThirtyEight, MoJo Blog Posts, Chip Hanlon Blog, The Huffington Post, The Reaction, American Tory and GayPatriot

When Asked Where the Constitution Authorizes Congress to Order Americans To Buy Health Insurance, Pelosi Says: ‘Are You Serious?’ — ( - When asked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Thursday where the Constitution authorized Congress to order Americans to buy health insurance …
Think Progress, Hot Air, YID With LID, Glenn Thrush's Blog, Gateway Pundit and Weasel Zippers

Senate Leader Takes Risk Pushing Public Insurance Plan — WASHINGTON — In pushing to include a government-run health insurance plan in the health care bill, the Senate majority leader, Harry Reid, is taking a calculated gamble that the 60 members of his caucus could support the plan if it included a way for states to opt out.

URGENT: House 12-15 Short on Medicare +5% Public Option
Blogometer, Daily Kos, Jack & Jill Politics, NOW! Blog, TPMDC, Crooks and Liars, The Politico and Riehl World View

Morning Fix: Palin Endorses Hoffman — Sarah Palin's decision to endorse the Conservative party candidate over the Republican nominee in a special House election in upstate New York is the latest example that the former Alaska governor's allegiance is to her conservative principles rather than the edicts of the party.
The Caucus, Wall Street Journal, Mediaite, THE WEEK News & Opinion, The Note, Hot Air, Riehl World View, and American Power

CNN Poll: GOP favorable rating lowest in a decade — WASHINGTON (CNN) - The Republican Party's favorable rating among Americans is at lowest level in at least a decade, according to a new national poll. — Thirty-six percent of people questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Friday …

Top employees leave financial firms ahead of pay cuts — Grass is greener where bonuses are sky-high — NEW YORK — Even before the Obama administration formally tightened executive compensation at bailed-out companies, the prospect of pay cuts had led some top employees to depart.

SUNDAY SHOW BOOKERS REFUSE TO READ POLITICAL ANIMAL.... Maybe I should start taking this personally. … For crying out loud. As of this weekend, there will have been 40 Sundays since President Obama's inauguration in January. With his 15th Sunday show appearance, McCain will have been a guest on one of the programs every 2.6 weeks.

McCain To Make His 15th Appearance On A Sunday Show This Year
Riehl World View

Soupy Sales dies at 83; slapstick comic had hit TV show in 1960s — The comedian acquired a cult-like following among adults with a show ostensibly meant for children. His signature routine, which he elevated to an art form, was pie-throwing. — Soupy Sales is embraced backstage …
The Moderate Voice, CNN, Reuters, NY Daily News, Time, Joe. My. God., Reelin' in the Years, skippy the bush kangaroo, Shakesville, Riehl World View and

Suicide bomber strikes suspected nuclear weapons site in Pakistan — ISLAMABAD — A suspected nuclear weapons site in Pakistan was hit by a suicide bomb attack, raising fears about the security of the nuclear arsenal, while two other terrorist blasts made it another bloody day in the country's struggle against extremism.

J Street's Ben-Ami On Zionism and Military Aid to Israel — Jeremy Ben-Ami of the liberal lobbying group J Street is the man of the moment: The group's upcoming conference in Washington has become a source of great controversy for many reasons. I interviewed Ben-Ami yesterday by telephone …
The Daily Dish, The Atlantic Politics Channel, JOSHUAPUNDIT, ATTACKERMAN, TPMCafe and Haaretz

Graydon AWOL as Vanity Fair cuts staff — VANITY Fair yesterday took some of the deepest staff cuts at Condé Nast, but Editor — Graydon Carterdidn't deliver the bad news himself. — Although Carter was said to have been at his restaurant, The Monkey Bar last night, he was a no-show at the office during the day.

The Chinese Disconnect — Senior monetary officials usually talk in code. So when Ben Bernanke, the Federal Reserve chairman, spoke recently about Asia, international imbalances and the financial crisis, he didn't specifically criticize China's outrageous currency policy.